Can I sue Wendys? I went to get ketchup and the pump thing exploded and got all over my 200+ Signed Hockey jersey...

Can I sue Wendys? I went to get ketchup and the pump thing exploded and got all over my 200+ Signed Hockey jersey. It won't able to be replaced either.

What team?

Nothing of value was lost, so no

Penguins vintage jersey

I'll allow it. Sue away sir.

That's your own fault faggot

How so it exploded you moron

Why were you pumping ketchup onto your framed memorabilia in the first place?

I was pumping it onto my fries and then it exploded.

Fuck you the Preds are winning it this time.

It's your fault for wearing it, you cuck.

Why were you using your framed memorabilia as a serving tray?

keep cracking wise you fucking pussy, we'll see who has the last laugh when I sue and win.

I mean, I don't doubt that there are any number of unscrupulous lawyers who could win such a petty case, but I do doubt that you can afford any of them.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Wouldn't you be suing the manufacturer of the pumping device? I'm sure Wendy's didn't make it, they'll waive accountability and direct you to the company responsible. At which point they'll say it was contractually Wendy's obligation to maintain said units.

Enjoy your legal purgatory, Kevin Smith.

You can literally file suit for anything. Will you win? LMAO.

you could just ask the restaurant to compensate you, lawsuit might be a waste of time and money to be h

>unironically wearing a jacket with a bunch of squiggly lines imprinted by mongoloids and getting assblasted when a shitty condiment splashed on it.

LMAO. What kind of human wears that and who do you think you're impressing?

Hahaha LOL! That's what you get for being such a disgrace. First of all, what autistic moron still wears signed hockey jerseys nowadays? Are you mentally ill? I laughed so hard reading your post i accidently punched my dog. If i were standing besides you when the ketchup sprayed over you, i would laugh so hard you would drop in emberassment. I would fucking punch you in the face and rip that stupid pathetic shirt of your fat muscle lacking body. Then I would burn it in front of your eyes while jacking off to the expression of pure terror on your retarded face.

I could try that first. But it will be a price they wont like

>i find the defendent not guilty as he did not make the gun he used to commit murder

OP, did you talk to the manager at the time ofbthe incident?

No, the gm wasn't in only some shift manager so she couldnt solve my issue

Is this the kind of post that Reddit upvotes these days?

>Enjoy your legal purgatory, Kevin Smith

You deserved it

Wait... You didnt try that first? Are you fucking retarded? Did you at least take pictures? Is there any proof that it even happened at that location?

Haven't seen this in awhile.

Yes pictures and video

Post pics

>Premeditated act
>Negligent act
Gee, why would there be a difference?

I can't jelly my dick up your ass

not going to harm my case by doing that sorry.

You could if you were a real man, dad.

You can probably find a lawyer who will take the case. It's a pretty nice case of negligence on the part of either the franchisee or the manager. Only problem is some jurisdictions don't allow negligence cases for pure economic loss (that is, loss that is entirely monetary with no physical or emotional injury), so do your research before you lawyer up.

Thanks !

Actually I take back what I said about the economic loss. You said it was damage to your property so yeah, the franchisee owed you a duty to not damage your property with his ketchup dispenser and breached it. The breach caused you damage. If the jersey has significant value, you can file a small claim against the franchisee and probably get him to settle out of court for a tidy sum of a couple thousand, maybe.

But again, do some research online.

Good. Fuck the Penguins. I hope Crosby gets his head bashed in.

>Hockey jersey
Are you Kevin Smith

My point is that it was their property and theirs to maintain. If they wanted to sue the manufacturer after paying off their customer thats their problem. You dont get to put faulty equipment in your place of business and denybany responsability.



You're terrible at law.

This isn't bird law Charlie

Duty breached damage caused is legitimately the test for negligence.

They did you a favor, too bad it didn't catch fire.

>pens fan being too retarded to operate a ketchup pump

>admits to eating fast food

you got what you deserved you fucking bandwagoning cuck faggot

No. You may have a case against the manufacturer of those ketchup devices though.

>Wearing a signed jersey to a Wendy's
You deserved it, you faggot.

It was gameday fag

How else is he going to impress the Wendy's chef?

Same. Was pleasantly surprised and made me chuckle.

Put it in the washer, you dumbass.

Was this a home jersey?
if yes RIP

Yeah, well...You suck!!!


were you just going to wear a dirty rag indefinitely then, assuming the catsup catastrophe never happened?


Can I sue ISIS? I went to the Ariana Grande concert and the muslim thing exploded and got all over my 200+ Signed Victorious shirt. It won't able to be replaced either.

It will ruin it moron

Yeah dude the washing machine might explode and get ketchup all over it

it will ruin the stitching and autograph jerk off

Take it to a reputable dry cleaner. They will clean it off without fucking your jersey up.

No it won't

>Internet lawyer : the post

So you never ever washed it before? Do you also never shower?

It never touches my skin I always wear a long sleeve under armour shirt under it moron

If you have something that's valuable as a collectible or is special to you then why the fuck would you wear it and risk it getting damaged?

Do you also put in on your dakimakura when you cry yourself to sleep?

>I went to get ketchup and the pump thing exploded and got all over my 200+ Signed Hockey jersey
Small claims court doesn't need a lawyer. But, really, did you exhaust the normal way to complain? If you go to a manager and show them what happened, they'll probably be happy to pay for your dry cleaning. And then if and when that doesn't work, you take them the receipt for a new jersey, and if they don't refer you to corporate or regional manager, then you go to court.

It's also been my immediate experience that corporate people really will act to your interest when you put your complaint up on facebook with really nice photos, naming names of the people who didn't care so callously for that jersey when you tried to be so reasonable.

Wendy will just roast this retard on twitter if he tries using social media against htem

Why would anyone wear their fanciest most expensive clothes to a fast food burger joint?

Thats what you get for trying to flaunt how much money you have at Wendys

It was gameday, I wanted to wear my jersey

>penguins fan

Into the trash it goes

Back in the Cup finals, up 1-0 suck it

I'm gonna wear my brand new white Predators jersey out for barbecue ribs game 2

because of refpuck
>1 shot in 37 minutes

The muslim thing was meant to explode, tho, so as far as ISIS is concerned it was working as intended. You should just stay away from muslim countries in the future if you don't want to risk getting various people on your clothes.

Thankfully fabric is non-porous and does not allow for soak-through

Pic of jersey?

How would that harm your case?

that would be good too

Nah, the girl running their social media quit.

black jersey with the words Pittsburgh down the front signed by #66 himself


How old are you? Why the fuck are you casually wearing sports jerseys to place? And no, you can't sue them you fucking idiot. It was you choice to wear your dumbass jersey.

OP has the right to wear whatever he wants and not get cheap condiments blown on him. OP ignore everyone because I guarantee you there are multiple lawyers who will happily take your case
t. genius

A $300(value of jersey +inconvenience cost) payout would be reasonable, but lawyers have a way of convincing people like OP that they're suffering from PTSD and need a million dollar settlement.

Lol. He'll be lucky if they pay to clean it.

>casually wearing sports jerseys


the retard was wearing a signed one, you know instead of framing it or something, lets wear it so the signature can get fucked by the elements and ketchup

What kind of a fucking faggot not only roots for the Pens, but also goes so far as to buy a jersey, and then has it signed by that faggot ass team, and ascribes a huge amount of value, and then goes to fucking Wendy's of all places, and then decides to eat IN the restaurant, and then uses a ketchup pump like a retard and sprays ketchup all over said jersey, and then has the fuckin AUDACITY to seek money from the restaurant that had the decency to assume an adult could manage to fill a paper cup with ketchup without fucking his or her shit up?

Why are you so triggered?

>$200 jersey
>a tidy sum of a couple thousand

>Clap Clap

LMAO look at that fukken monkey

This has to be bait

You do a contingency fee.

You probably won't get much money, your best bet is claiming emotional distress and depending on the jury I could see you getting anywhere from $100 to $10,000

You think they have a jury for bullshit like this?

In my district you get a jury trial for claims over a certain amount. It doesn't matter if your claim is actually worth that amount as long as you aver that it is.