thread dedicated to food/drinks that provide 0 caloric intake.
>coke zero >>>>>> bebsi max

Step aside.


Never had one of these but I hate their fucking commercials.

pruples best flavor. i-i swear im not black

It's really lame that I have to hide advertisements like this. What is there even to talk about on this topic? Yes my brand loyalty for this sugared shit liquid is far greater than your sugared shit liquid. The internet has jumped the shark.


I'm a coke boy all day, but when it comes to diet, bepis is the better product

using sucrose instead of aspartame makes all the difference in flavor

If they provide no nutritional value, why eat them?
Why don't you just drink water?

>no sugar
>sugared liquid


ok replace sugar with sweetener. Congrats you are autistic.


Tall glass of milk and a 10 mile run

Stop consuming aspartame, it's making your life shittier

I just won this thread.

Nothing tops it energy drink wise.

You cannot refute this.

I actually really like this. Best store brand diet soda imo.

I'm willing to bet everyone who posted a drink ITT is a fatty.


>consuming industrial chemicals

Fuck all this shit.

Sparkling water is the only way to go lads

>Sparkling water is the only way to go lads
You had one job, you massive faggot.

They used to have a carbonated version of this but I can't find it in my grocery store anymore
I miss it since I like carbonated drinks



sugar/corn lobbyists pls leave.

This. I went from drinking 1-2 sodas a day to 0 a few weeks ago. Haven't had any cravings for them either.

I gave up soda over a year ago and just have unsweetened tea and water now but I still get cravings for soda every once in a while

>everything else in the entire world which does not contain aspartame >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coke zero >>>>>> bebsi max

Aspartame is shit and tastes like shit.

This. I started keeping the soda in the garage, and a door shelf of my indoor fridge dedicated solely to water. After a week, I stopped drinking soda outside meals. After 3 months, I was able to drink and enjoy water with meals. Now all I drink is water.

It just makes sense, if you think about it. Drinking is meant for hydration, biologically speaking. It's not meant for sustenance in any way, that's what food is for. There's no reason for anything you drink to include anything but water.

>that first sip of the day


You know Coke Zero doesn't actually contain zero calories, it's just a stupid FDA rule which allows companies to write off 5 grams of sugar per serving. For all we fucking know, Coca Cola could contain 12 grams of mercury and we'd all be dead.