Read up on a method or recipe

>read up on a method or recipe
>article implies that the writer is not a trained professional cook that works or has worked in a restaurant
>instantly stop reading
if you don't do this you are retarded.

>thigh gap
best type

>You will never experience holding her
why even live


But she's nice. I just can't figure out how I google more images like this.

dfc and thigh gap isn't that hard to find, the problem is finding it with long legs, a cute face, and no disgusting tattoos

why ck recently is so full of trolls?

how is that trolling?

This, they get stupid fucking tats all the time

>thigh gap
>good legs
>cute face
>cool personality
>chin-length hair
Guaranteed impossible to find

If you ever do she will Chad or Tyrone your ass right out, manlet.

Says the Virgin. Man I've had more than one and you don't want it. You think you do but you don't.

I've had two, the last one was years ago, and I still think about them while masturbating to this day

Maybe you just have shit taste, I bet you're one of those retards who posts "bone are for dogs" garbage in fat acceptance threads

>read up on a method or recipe
>writer is a trained professional cook that works or has worked in a restaurant
>ingredient list is a mile long with tons of bumfuckistani herbs and spices no one ever buys
>instantly stop reading

I wanna sniff her fingers

have you ever been to east asia?

>thinking that the gap between "skilled amateur" and "professional cook" is notable

this is gatekeeping at it's saddest level. It's like saying "oh you're not a professional tic-tac-toe player? get out of here you pleb"

I'm a professional cook that works in a restaurant and I can guarantee you that the recipes of any of those amateurs are 100x better than my own

he said "cute face" you weeb

as a professional cook all you have to do is follow the instructions of the chef. unless you have experience working as a chef, you will most likely only have experience as a recipe slave. skilled amateurs that create their own recipes easily have better recipes than line cooks.

how dare you. japanese women have horrible faces 99% of the time
korean and chinese women are the way to go

Delicious flat chest is what I got bud.

The amount of incorrect knowledge being perpetuated in the culinary world is insane, it's not that amateur cooks can't be perfectly proficient, it's about protecting yourself from the immense retardery going on out there.

Line cooks either
1. steal recipes from their chefs
2. don't post their recipes online
3. are at least as invested in recipe making as the amateurs, as they also felt the need to post their recipes online, plus they work with food every day getting their technique down, and likely went to culinary school where you actually do get taught how to make new foods.

What's his name?

>instantly stop reading
This I fucking retarded. Alton Brown, for instance, is a better cook than any professional chef in the world. Ignore his advice and recipes at the peril of your own taste buds.

How about you just try shit and see if you like it instead of being a pretentious dickbag?

I bet you spend time on fat hate threads to distract yourself from the fact that you are currently incapable of meaningful interaction with the opposite sex and have to resort to jacking off to the memory of women who don't even care that you exist.

>Alton Brown, for instance, is a better cook than any professional chef in the world

That's ridiculous, his recipes are intentionally bland.
He does so both to placate the broken American palate that is scared of flavor and to encourage curious cooks to experiment and alter the recipes.

>I can follow his recipes and he gives reasons for the steps and the food is better than what I could make so he is the best chef in the world

America's Test Kitchen produces a similar level of quality in every episode.

Serious Eats tends to be better because he isn't afraid to require steps or ingredients that aren't always in the white people supermarket

>Alton Brown, for instance, is a better cook than any professional chef in the world.
Holy shit ACTUALLY kill yourself

Anyone who has cooked enough to consider themselves professional wouldn't even have this bias.
Unless it's baking(and even then not always), recipes are only guidelines.

You don't dismiss a literal who's panna cotta recipe over a renowned chef's because an untrained monkey can make panna cotta. And unless you're emerging from a household where your mother cooked for you every day and she's half senile and every meal was boiled pork with boiled potatoes, most people understand flavour combinations to select or dismiss or adapt most recipes to their needs.

gooks aren't attractive, the end result of mutilating their faces and covering it with enough product to make an upper class western high school girl cringe.
Korea has the problem far worse and have the worse base faces to work off, but the Chinks are pretty similar at the end of the day, they get more of a pass out of population density working occasional miracles at higher frequency than elsewhere in Asia.

Nope. I just usually end up with crazy ones and was warning you.

I want to do horrible things to her.

The truth hurts. The people that say Alton isn't a Chef are right. He is soooo much more than that.

Why do people showcase so much hurt feelings about that guy?

Ever since Good Eats there've been multiple warring factions:
i) Alton Brown is the second coming of Christ Jesus and all other celebrity cooks must kneel and pay tribute
ii) Alton Brown is a hyperactive sperg who single-handedly rent the TV cooking industry asunder, making it completely unwatchable. Also he's not even a chef!
iii) people pretending to be one or more of the above to kick up shit

Professional cooks also spew meme-tier kitchen folk-knowledge and myths.

depends on where I'm working
I've worked for some chefs who I pay enough attention to in order to make sure I can get the effect on the food that they want, then pretty much ignore everything else they're telling me to do because I know they are making shit up as they go and that it would be impossible or ridiculous to replicate on the line the process they are demonstrating. I've worked for others who worked the very lines they are now administering instructions for and are not bullshitting that they know the best ways to get acceptable results while not busting my balls just for laughs, but will fucking destroy me if I don't catch on quickly.

t.triggered fatty

People that don't like him are faggots.

I have no strong opinions on him one way or another. Never had his cooking so I couldn't say if he's a good cook or not.

I guess he has a nice taste in guns though.

>article implies that the writer is not a trained professional cook that works or has worked in a restaurant

It's okay, user. You can bring the secrets of the world's finest chefs home with Knorr.