If you can't crack an egg with one hand, you don't know shit about cooking

If you can't crack an egg with one hand, you don't know shit about cooking.

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does it count if I have to hit it against the edge of my pan?

It takes like 1 carton of eggs max to aquire this "skill"

You still don't know shit about cooking if you think cracking an egg is all that

I can crack four at a time, two in each hand, intact yolks, no shell shards.

Working breakfast backline at McDonald's when you were a kid has it's perks.

Well perk I guess, that's about it.

Was that a long time ago, I didnt think they started from scratch with actual eggs

Only with the McMuffin
Everything else uses those liquid egg patties

lmao if you haven't worked a busy service where you have to break a couple hundred eggs in an impossibly short amount of time you don't know shit about cooking

watching a youtube video of a private chef explaining exactly how he cracks an egg with one hand (only one egg, not two, which is standard practice) doesn't make you a good cook.

separating eggs quickly, efficiently and without getting any shell in it is a much more appropriate skill if you're going to gatekeep like this, you gigantic faggot, and even that's easy

Yeah, anytime you get something for breakfast there ask to substitute in the muffin eggs.

Two egg types at McD

1. Folded eggs. aka box eggs, mix eggs, square eggs
Pre whipped eggs in a carton shaken and poured into long rectangular frames and folded into thirds when almost done crooking.

2. Muffin eggs. Aka real eggs, fresh eggs, ring eggs, circle eggs
Fresh cracked egg dropped into a ring mold, yolk popped, hot butter on top, covered with a heated steel plate to cook them from both sides at once.

The will sub in ring eggs on anything, do it. So much better.

Also when I was there we had a bunch of old people who came in for breakfast every day, I made their eggs however they wanted. Over easy, sunny side up, scrambled, omelets, etc...

Forgot to answer your actual question.

Yeah it was a long time ago I guess... mid 90's

They still use fresh eggs for the ring eggs though. We get them swapped in on stuff all the time.

The folded eggs are not bad, they are real eggs, they are just pre blended to get the whites and yolks consistently mixed and to make storage and handling easier.

you slam the egg on the flat of the pan user u retard

This, crack on flat or gentle curve surface. Cracking on an edge, lip, or corner is how you end up with shell bits in your egg.

y so muche haet

If you can't seperate an egg with one hand you don't know shit about cooking.

big deal.


Unautistic retard, your logic is bad. You have to flip implication when applying negation.

(If you can't crak an egg with one hand, you don't know shit about cooking) = (if you know shit about cooking you can crack an egg with one hand)

Skill and knowledge, though loosely correlated, are not one and the same. OP is a faggot

I'm really bad at cracking eggs, I normally do it over the kitchen sink incase shit goes wrong.

i did it once
i was surprised when i did it first try
never attempted again
am i a chef now?

I've been cooking since I was eight and I've never gotten shell in my eggs

Christ, George Boole, did you get lost on your way to the early 19th century?

i can't do it

An egg is one item. You cannot "separate" one item. I think the term you're looking for is "split".

I would crack them consistently, but I'm left handed and most eggs are shaped for right handed people.

at mcdicks in australia we got scrambled eggs and round eggs, all made using proper eggs


I don't think so.

>if the extent of your cooking skills doesn't include my prefered yet obscure method of fracturing a cell membrane then you don't know shit about cooking.

Jokes on you asshole i can crack an egg with one hand AND i dont know shit about cooking.


but what if there is already fried rice in the pan?

If Ron "Pornstar" Jeremy can crack an egg with one hand I don't see how anyone could call themselves a cook that couldn't do the same.

>just neckbeard things

Can someone link me to 90000000 I wanna check it