Why does everyone hate pepper jack? What did it ever do to anyone?

Why does everyone hate pepper jack? What did it ever do to anyone?

It's fine.

It's a fine thing indeed.

Who hates pepper jack?

No, really, who the fuck hates pepper jack? It's not the best for all situations, but it's a perfectly respectable cheese and you can find it almost anywhere.

I kinda do.

Pepper jack is great though

I just like my cheddar.

I'll fuck you up nigga

Pepper Jack is GOAT on burgers

I don't think anyone hates it.
I only use a slice or two on sandwiches though, I don't melt it in omelettes or anything else.

Pepper jack is the kind of cheese that I like to eat just by itself, especially the hotter varieties

exist. because it was a beautiful creation all other cheese enthusiasts, especially the blue and brie variants, loathed its existence.

good on turkey sammiches

Nobody except

i prefer harder aged cheeses. but i dont hate pepperjack, but if i have to choose between pepperjack and something like feta, or brie on my sandwich or burger i would choose feta, or brie.

>disgusting texture
>inferior peppers
>no flavor worth mentioning besides the capsicum in the fat of the cheese
just use a real cheese and some seperate peppers if you insist on a spicy mexiburger

its an american made """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""cheese"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" so its litterally just semi edible plastic and chemical flavoring

Literally who?

Do you have to do this in every thread?

It's an affordable cheese that doesn't taste as bad as "american" or "cheese product" so naturally fart sniffers who don't want poor-fags to enjoy cheese will find reasons to hate it. It's the Frank's Red Hot of cheese

>/v/ here
Because its synonymous with wider audience food.
Its just a regular cheese but it has some green shit sprinkled on it so now its supposedly better?
Learn to recognise a jew when you see it faggots.

Eat a dick.

It's all I have.

>le plastic meme
Why don't you just fucking outright say that you understand nothing about chemistry

>"regular cheese"

First time on Veeky Forums?

meme cheese that normies like

food hipsters enjoy roquefort instead or something

>Pepper Jack is GOAT on burgers
And PBJ.

>/v/ here
Why would you tell us that?

Cooking is 90% memes my dude