ITT: things only white people eat
ITT: things only white people eat
ur mums pussy
What does that shit actually taste like ?
salty bubbles.
Only people with shitty tastes don't like foie gras.
I used to love string cheese it's fucking delicious when you peel it juuust right.
Anything cooked by dad
Anything above the $10 price tag.
>> This
I just bite it. I don waste time playing with my food.
Only white people eat food.
I'd like to see literally any minority show the initiative necessary to afford actual food. It'll never happen.
Rare-medium steak.
Black people only eat well done, and make fun of whitey for liking "raw" meat.
Nevermind that some African tribes drink straight up blood, freshy drained from living cows.
>Black people only eat well done, and make fun of whitey for liking "raw" meat.
what the fuck do you know about black people
i bet you haven't stepped 5 seconds out of your little gated community
It's funny. The only people I know who eat these/put them in soup are Asian girls. It's actually pretty decent. Look for pepper jackish ones.
White guy here. White chocolate is shit. It's not even real chocolate.
Are you implying thats Indians are white?
salted salt
All this stuff is good. I'd even say I eat all these foods often. Hell, I have a rare steak a few times a month. Yes, I'm your local niggy nigg nigger nog.
Those are delicious
He's right, too: dishes like Vindaloo & Phaal are as authenticate as Iron Eyes Cody, and brown people don't eat them.
I love these
haha look at this faggot
It's true Tyrone doesn't go down
You have that backwards. It's the fags that have never encountered niggers that defend them all the time. It's why the Southern whites hate niggers, because the South has the highest concentration of niggers in the US
As a child I just assumed they called it string cheese because it's sort of shaped like a big string. Had no idea I wasn't supposed to be chomping it down
>canned meat
>canned meals
Of course this applies mostly to boomers and fly-ovas
>ywn be this stupid.
Fish eggs? Goose liver? Where's the fish?! Where's the goose?!
>"mouth-scalding gristle for macho foreign idiots"
Flyover Zone aka Jew-Free Zone.
He's absolutely right though.
Southern Whites hate black people because their idiots that grew up with that ideal and are surrounded by it everyday. Stop making shit up.
white person here
yeah these are good
never had it
nor this
not a fan, i'm a dark chocolate kind of whitey
good as long as i have a glass of lassi
listen i worked at a zoo and everybody went crazy for the fucking dippin dots. they didn't give shit one about the animals. they just wanted the dippin dots. whites, mexicans, blacks. all of them.
why even fucking bother they're always so wet and nasty
what is this? i'd probably eat it
They're surrounded by blacks doing the things blacks do, thus making them racist.
Yeah I guess the little rock nine were doing "nigger" things too.
>because their idiots
Everyone makes mistakes
>inb4 like your mom?
I'm speaking of modern day blacks.
Pre hip-hop/gang blacks were more unjustly persecuted. There is plenty of reason to be prejudiced towards modern blacks though, those become evident when you live among them.
Pull that trigger, nigger
This is correct.
Chik Fil A, oddly enough.
Or you know there are good black people and bad black people like every other race. No need to be insecure.
>ITT: things only americans eat
Definitely, just a higher percentage of black people are bad as evidenced by crime statistics or a trip to a black neighborhood. Modern black culture is cancer. Decent blacks will even agree with that.
The Jews made gangster rap to ruin black culture so that they would take the attention away from their jewery. Blacks, having lower IQs on average, were especially susceptible to this manipulation.
Baked beans with burgers.
It's weird as a spic to eat beans without rice
Tastes off
I made some frijoles charros today and have been eating that shit alone. First time I do it, It is kind of odd. I'm puertorican.
>The Jews made gangster rap to ruin black culture so that they would take the attention away from their jewery. Blacks, having lower IQs on average, were especially susceptible to this manipulation.
What did Raimi mean by this?
I make the best burnt end BBQ baked beans you'll ever have.
Goes great as a side with a nice, juicy cheeseburger that was charcoal grilled.
I had a black football teammate who ate these with the spray-on cheese. died of dieabeetus at 19.
>what is this? i'd probably eat it
Fish and chips with curry sauce.
>curry sauce
>british food
this is like watching an old asian woman driver get in a car accident.
Something you'd completely expect?
Nigger BTFO
Yous a muthafuckin lie
>put them in soup
wtf I've never heard of this
I don't eat those straight but I do bread and deep fry them.
Y-you do know you can do that, right user?
found the white guy
fishy and salty. not bad on toast or with some pancakes but the price is kinda bullshit
I use these when making poutine since you cant buy cheese curds where i am.
>not Irn-bru,dandelion and burdock, vimto or tizer
It's a Discworld reference ya dum-dum.
ITT: Shitskins trying to overcompensate for the fact that their people have never made anything as great and universally loved as pizza.
Shut the fuck up you italian shit skin. You're not white.
whites are degenerates, look at the situation in your so beloved ex white country
you mad future mestizo boi
Italians invented western civilisation you snownigger.
there's probably an eternally butthurt finn behind this
Slavs aren't white.
What's the story behind the Finno-Korean hyper war stuff? I find it hilarious in concept, but it perplexes me.
>Pre hip-hop/gang blacks were more unjustly persecuted.
Don't you think that would have some effect on modern black people though? You can't just expect them to immediately get over everything that happened. I'm not trying to take away personal responsibility from them, and you should still be able to criticize people for their mistakes, but you also need to be able to put things into context.
i dont know, found it somewhere and looked like a funny delusion
>why the Southern whites hate niggers
Oh. I thought its because they're responsible for 56% of murders, 33% of rapes, and 40% of property crime, despite black men being 6% of the US population.
Amazingly, the rate is the same regardless of adoption, wealth, or education.
>You can't just expect them to immediately get over everything that happened.
Actually, yes you can. Chinese coolies who have died by the thousands at the hands of whites have "dealt with it" and pulled ourselves up by showing & proving to white faggots we're equals.
Japanese indentured servants don't bring up internment camp bullshit every time one of their Children fails math class...
We won't "Get over it", but we will absolutely use it as motivation to prove to the world, and white faggots, that we are equals or better.
Most Niggers have never, ever EARNED their equality because they want it to be handed to them without any hard work.
>Oh. I thought its because they're responsible for 56% of murders, 33% of rapes, and 40% of property crime, despite black men being 6% of the US population.
I'm asian and have traveled most of the world.
No matter what country, what continent, what culture, the local Blacks will always be the most Violent, most Racist, most Biggoted, and Mysogynistic people...
No matter where you go...
Why do you white people think that is? what's the excuse for Chinese & Japanese born niggers to behave the way they do? Slavery? lol
Italy is especially bad.
I went for a month, toured the whole country, and did not see a single black person that was actually employed. Every single one, from Florence to Rome was either a con-man, thief, or street peddler.
Chinese and Japanese people are famous for treating outsiders well and accepting them into their society, treating them like equals.
>56% of murders, 33% of rapes, and 40% of property crime, despite black men being 6% of the US population
Stupid to frame it this way. Most crime is commited by men anyway, referring only to black men rather than blacks as a whole makes the overrepresentation appear larger than it really is.
Breaking News for SNOWFLAKES:
Most countries treat foreigners like shit... especially if you have a history of committing crimes...
When moving to a foreign land and living off of other people's resources, it's the Niggers job & duty to prove that he can integrate and be a productive member of society. If doesn't want to, he can fuck off back to Africa or be an outcast. his choice.
Asians don't suffer criminals & niggers... & that political correct bullshit
No one taught me that I could get my steak or meat a certain way. I just heard well done off the tellie and that was that.
No no I'm sorry but you must be mistaken. Only white people can be racist, so your insinuation can't possibly be true.
It's good in kimchi-based soups. Also, your idea sounds like it needs some jalapeno involved.
are those vietnamese drinks?
i.e all brown people and yanks
I'm living in a non-white country and I can tell you that decent cheese is a bitch to find
had to go to some specialty store in a major mall just to find a small overpriced block of Gouda
selection isn't great either and I never see anyone eat cheese here
back home I could get a big wheel for cheap of practically any cheese I like with many great local varieties
wine is expensive here too and hard to find good stuff, local wine is shit mostly
No it doesn't.
The majority of those murders and 98% of rapes are committed by men.
Women, however, do commit a fair amount of property crime.
When you have 6% of the population committing 56% of the murders, regardless of upbringing, wealth, or education, you have to do something.
whoa buddy cool it with the racism against Asians