Did you know that there are people who don't crave meat?

Did you know that there are people who don't crave meat?

There are also people who crave sweets.

What's wrong with these people?

for reference, I always crave meat. I've never craved sugar.

I honestly can't understand what it'd feel like to not like meat, or to crave sugar. But apparently, it's extremely common (especially the latter)

Not being able to anything but your own life circumstances is a huge sign of autism

I don't crave meat and do crave sweets. It's probably cause I'm a faggot and/or an addict.

i crave both

how do i taper off sugar?

Not being able to type coherent sentences is a sign that you have ADHD and/or autism and/or a double digit IQ


Holy shit different people are different?

3 times a year I get a hankering for sweets
usually milk and cookies
other than that even when I was a child never liked candy at all. jerky was my treat at the store.
no pies. or cakes. or doughnuts. or really any baked sweets.
kinda like cheesecake but its so rich it takes me forever to eat it.
liked diet coke and mountain dew.
but really anything too sweet or too sugary is really unappetizing to me.

You like cheesecake because it's full of cream cheese, not because of the sugar. You probably enjoy chocolate mousse cake too, and detest marzipan.

You also don't care that much for milk or eggs, but you love meat and fish.

Am I correct?

>there are people living on this earth that would choose sweet over salty
I just don't get it
I'm a saltaholic

this motherfucker has my number. good job.

I know man, mind=blown

ITT: alcoholics and their alcoholism problems

Try burning more calories, I promise you dessert will taste amazing after a 50 mile bike ride

I'm an alcoholic that runs 20km every other weekend, and still sugary treats are not my thing

>sit around doing nothing for 14 days in a row
>run for just long enough to chase away the hangover
>return to sofa
>see? I got exercise!

yeah that's just my cardio training. The rest of the week I'm on 2suns 5/3/1

>run for just long enough to chase away the hangover
I see you have no fucking idea what running 20km actually means so I just defy you to try it once and see by yourself how much of an idiot you are

I'm not big on meat or sweets. For me it's all about bitter, sour and hot flavors. Coffee, licorice, vinegar chips, olives, ginger candy--things like that.

Settle down, sieg

Why are so many people who exercise so goddamn touchy whenever somebody doesnt agree with them?
>Y-you couldn't possible be that way!

>I'm not mad! you're the one that's mad!

Post more nudes, that will show him

>Post more nudes
Do you really want to see a fat hairy italian body?

incredible response user

I crave meat and sweets. And anything that tastes good and is high in energy, really. Its a pain.

>thc tattoo
lmao, try-hard faggot

as I am actually a biochemist who has actually worked on THC, yes why thank you I actually try hard to like what I do