Favorite cut of steak? Also your marinade and preferred method of cooking?

Favorite cut of steak? Also your marinade and preferred method of cooking?

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Rib eye or bust. Anything less is shoe leather.
I also refuse to eat steak at a restaurant as I make a better one hands down.

>Buy steak, never freeze it
>coat both sides with smidge of olive oil, garlic sea salt
>let it cure for at least 2 hours
>throw on grill, never pan fry
>sear both sides on high flame
>lower flame, close grill, heat evenly

Perfection every time.


Sirloin, no marinade, seared and grilled, served with A1 Bold Tabasco

>refuse to eat steak at a restaurant as I make a better one hands down.

It's not hard to make a better steak than your average restaurant can.


New York strip
Steak spice
Sous vide 130 for 1.5 hours
Have a flat top that goes on my bbq
Flat top about a minute per side at max heat till golden brown

>I also refuse to eat steak at a restaurant as I make a better one hands down.
I can pretty much guarantee you don't have an oven hot enough to give a good sear that a proper steak house would give.

I can't help you if you think a proper steak house is outback.

Dry-aged Ribeye

Good steak doesn't need a marinade. That's the whole fucking point of paying a premium for a nice piece of meat. Save the marinade for cheap cuts of meat that need help in the flavor/tenderness department.

If it's bone-in, grilled. If it's boneless (inferior), pan-seared and finished in the oven.

You don't sear in the oven, fuckwit. You sear in a thick heavy pan. The oven only comes into play after the sear is already done.

Rib or ribeye, reverse sear to 125. Put on 700 degree grill to 135. Obviously salt and pepper before. Let it rest.

At home sure.

Not at a fucking real steakhouse with an 1800f infrared broiler.

I know it's a meme, but I fucking love filet/tenderloin. No marinade, just garlic salt and pepper with some butter on the pan or griddle.

Marinade is for shit like a $4 sirloin.

>cooked on a charcoal grill
>S&P and maybe some Worcestershire while grilling
>mid rare-medium

enjoy with some grilled corn on the cob and mashed potatoes or some shit. IT DON'T GET NO BETTER

>1800f infrared broiler.

Like the one in most ovens?

if you think your oven's broiler hits 1800f you're fucking retarded.

anything less than prime dry aged rib eye is not that great, prime grade being the absolute minimum. whereas a choice fillet will be pretty decent. still prefer a high quality ribeye over a high quality fillet though.

also your steak method is trash

Most steak house broilers I've seen get around 800-1000f. My solid cast iron grill will get about that hot with enough lump charcoal. Once I get a stone one I won't be losing as much heat as the cast iron one.

That temperature would turn steak into coal anyways.

All broilers do. You see that red glowy color of the heating element? That's about 1800 degrees.

I think you meant to discuss the power output rather than the temperature but you're too stupid to know the difference. In that case you would be correct; a home broiler has nowhere near the power output of a commercial one.

Rib Eye

Salt, Pepper, Garlic or Cajun Seasoning

>Most steak house broilers I've seen get around 800-1000f.

I've worked in 2 steakhosues in my area and they both had southbend broilers that were 1400-1650f.
>All broilers do. You see that red glowy color of the heating element? That's about 1800 degrees.

Fuck wit, your house broiler is around 700f at best.


Your houses broiler will not give you anywhere close to what a steakhouse will. Sorry, but you're wrong.

>medium rare
>no marinade
>salt and pepper
>charcoal grill

No it wouldn't. youtube.com/watch?v=VtS74AasQA4

A typical home broiler will be far closer to 500F...

>Favorite cut of steak?
whatever is cheap this week
black vinegar i buy at the asian store, soy sauce, garlic and ginger
>preferred method of cooking?

>favorite cut
overnight salt
Sear in a thick cladded steel pan (flip and baste) then move to oven on a sheetpan. Use the pan to make caramelized shallot topping. Serve with frites.

>A typical home broiler will be far closer to 500F...

It glows red. That, by definition, is around 1800F.

You're doing what the above retard did and are confusing temperature with heat output.

>Fuck wit, your house broiler is around 700f at best.

There you go focusing on temperature again. Get that out of your head. You keep saying "temperature" but what you really mean is "power".

Even a lowly cigarette lighter or candle flame can hit well over 1800F. That's why talking about temperature in this context is retarded. You need to talk about power, not temperature.

amerifats don't understand physics, give up talking to the dumbass

Who gives a fuck about the temperature of the hottest part (either flame or electric element)

The fucking point is the heat output of a professional broiler is well beyond anything you'll see in a home kitchen, it really doesn't matter what unit you want to use to quantify it.

If I have a high temp broiler? Ribeye or Porterhouse
Skillet? Flank
Grill? Strip

Fuck fillet in its lean ass

>Who gives a fuck about the temperature of the hottest part (either flame or electric element)
Ask the retards who keep talking about temperature.

>The fucking point is the heat output of a professional broiler is well beyond anything you'll see in a home kitchen,

>it really doesn't matter what unit you want to use to quantify it.
Of course it does. As we've just established talking about "temperature" is useless. Power is what matters, not temperature.

>Of course it does. As we've just established talking about "temperature" is useless. Power is what matters, not temperature.

Except when someone says the temperature, they aren't talking about the hottest single point in the broiler, they're talking about the OVERALL broiler temp. Just because it has a flame that has a 2000F temp doesn't mean the broiler itself will get anywhere near that hot.

>they're talking about the OVERALL broiler temp

There's no such thing. A broiler is a radiant heating device. The whole concept of "temperature" is silly. What matters is the total power output (i.e. watts per square meter) You dumbasses just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper, don't you? Have you ever taken a fucking physics class in your entire life?

>amerifats don't understand physics, give up talking to the dumbass

WTF do you expect from 'merican education?

Give every nigger an Affirmative Action degree just so they can feel good about themselves and you end up with > 'Merica 2017

bunch of Affrimative action niggers walking around thinking they have real degrees.

Jesus you're fucking retarded, we aren't writing a fucking dissertation here, if you can't understand a laymen's use of the word temperature, just fuck off and kill yourself you pedantic sack of shit. The whole reason you choose to use a basket weaving forum to do your autistic ranting is because you're too fucking retarded to function in normal society.

>amerifats don't understand physics


Most American high schools are now thinking of removing Physics class entirely because the 'difficulty' of the subject is unfair for disadvantaged African Americans.

I wish I was kidding... you can google the NYT for this Idiocray we're living in now.

Wait, so it's my fault that you're too stupid to use the term "power" instead of "temperature"?


I'm partial to sirloin, and generally I coat it with olive oil, salt, (preferably something coarse like sea salt) and black pepper, and sear it in the pan with some minced garlic. After that I toss it in the oven for a few minutes and voila! Steak.

It's your fault for thinking a laymen in an average conversation needs to make the distinction when everyone fucking knows what is meant if they aren't a retard. Context clues are an amazing part of language that you should try and learn sense you seem to be lacking this critical skill.

Wouldn't it be easier if you just used the proper term in the first place?

By the way, you never answered my earlier question: have you ever taken a physics course? I'm trying to figure out if you're ignorant or stupid.

Kek, you really are just a pedantic autist.

Keep thinking you've somehow "beat' me on the internet, dumbass.

t. BTFO and attempting misdirecting as damage control.

How am I BTFO?

You literally said I was correct you just got pedantic about word usage.

Favorite cut: Blade steak

Marinade: Clubhouse beef marinade

Cooking method: Grill

Scotch fillet


>method of cooking
High heat, short duration in a frying pan.
Time it for anywhere from blue to rare.
Either cook it in butter and add a bit of cracked pepper while cooking (better towards rare),
or cook it in beef fat and sprinkle on some sea salt flakes while resting (better towards blue).

Forgot to say: have to leave it sitting out (covered) for an hour or two so that the inside isn't cold.

Doesn't really affect the flavour but it always makes me a bit sad when the steak looks great, tastes great, but the middle is cold.

I know I could chuck it in the sous vide, but this tends to make it a bit slimy, and makes it easy to overcook when browning.

>Forgot to say: have to leave it sitting out (covered) for an hour or two so that the inside isn't cold.

I've always thought this was a meme.

The only time my steak has actually reached room temperature is when I left it out for like six hours. Leaving it out for an hour or two does nothing, except in the middle of the day in the middle of summer.

Nah, sometimes I've been in a rush and had to cook it straight out of the fridge, and it always stays cold on the inside. It's either that or overdone.

How much do you cook your steak? If you take it medium-rare you mightn't notice.

the cheapest thin sizzle steak cooked 20 seconds a side with garlic.

Or if im feeling like a treat. eye fillet.

I recently tried rare blade steak and was a fan. its all about how you cook it.

Also, the steak itself doesn't have to be at room temperature since it is going to be put on the heat and that does penetrate through, during cooking and resting. But there's only so much that can get done in a couple of minutes on the stove and a few more afterwards, so the warmer it is (provided it's not being pre-cooked like witj the sous vide) the better, in my view.

Usually by the time I am eating, the outside will still be hot and the middle will be just above room temperature.

I take it the same as you actually, on the rarer side.

But I like mine Pittsburgh Rare, and a steak that's a little cool on the inside is the norm for me.

If it's getting a char it's probably at a higher heat than I use, so that might well explain it.

>Oh you bought $40 steak?
>i know what to do

ribeye cap
marinated in worcestershire, balsamic vinegar, soy, olive oil, garlic, pepper and lime
cooked with butter on cast iron hot as fuck not moved around too much so the steak is black on the outside and rare inside
covered in melted butter afterwards

That's probably it.

God does it smoke up the fucking house though. I need a grill.

>I also refuse to eat steak at a restaurant as I make a better one hands down.

He could also just live in an area that doesn't have a good restaurant that does steaks . Where I live there is maybe two places that actually have a good steak, there is also a place that has you cook your steak on a huge community grill and has higher quality cuts than the place across the street that charges 35 dollars for a 6oz ribeye and another 10 for a side of asparagus and the 3 times I've gone they overcooked.

Chuck steaks.

They do it on purpose. Too many retard customers order rare or medium-rare and then cry that it's under-done when it comes out exactly as they asked for it. You just have to either order a degree down or be really clear that you actually want it how you ordered it.

Oh I know about that had to deal with those idiots myself "oh this brisket is undercooked" and then pointing at the smoke ring and refusing to listen to the guy that smoked it for 8 hours, but this isn't one of those cases. It's just a "fancy" restaurant with shitty cooks and staff. Ordered rare and got medium to medium well and its happened 3 times and I'm unfortunately stuck going there at least once a month now. The last time I told the waitress who's my wifes friend that I wanted my steak to be actually rare and to tell the chef that and still got medium. Don't know if the guys fucking drunk in there or what. But every place in town is like that except the 2 french restaurants we have, so I really wouldn't put it past someone to say they cook a better steak than any of the places in their town unless they live in a major city.

That's retarded though, you can always cook it again, you can't un cook it.

Hey ck I need some help.

I have some lamb curry I made yesterday. My roommate bought some lamb to add to it but I suspect it's gone off. It's slimy on the surface, with a little gone-off smell, and when I cook and try a little piece the meat's a little sticky on the teeth when I chew. He's insisting I add it to the curry, so here I am.

I already marinated it in red wine, and I'm cooking it in a pressure cooker with peppercorns and onions first to remove the smell.

Will it kill me if I eat this? Anyone done this before? Will it ruin the taste of the curry?

>Go to California
>See steak on menu
"Oh, yes user the beef is from Hearst ranch. Very prestigious, it's to die for!"
>Order medium rare like a good Christian
>Looks incredible
>Has no flavor
>Like eating bleach in meat form

>Go to Amarillo, Texas
>The big tourist steak place is closed for repairs
>Just settle for a little diner
>Order the steak
>Medium rare, once again I'm a good Christian
>It's the second most delicious steak I've ever had
>The first was also in Amarillo

Californians can I ask you something? Like legitimately why don't you kill yourselves? Sushi is literally the only good thing I've had in your state.

>believing anything that comes from a Hearst estate is good

sounds like you're the one who fucked-up

Yes it will. It's only a myth that spices cover up the taste of rotting or bad meat. All you will get in the end is curry+rotting meat i.e. nothing that's edible. If you're still unconvinced add a little of the curry to the meat in a separate pot.

Look at it this way: You're making trully authentic indian curry.

>the power output rather than the temperature but you're too stupid to know the difference

holy shit nigger heat is a power output

I squared R losses are a thing famo

I tried a simple grainy mustard & honey rub earlier this week, super delicious.

I like tenderloin
I use a mix of various spices usually always use some sort of cinnamon sticks and prickly ash in honey and lime juice for the marinade.

What in the world!?

ribeye, dry aged, pan roasted with salt and garlic and thyme and butter

It's okay user I'm in the same boat

That steak was cut way too soon ... all the juices are coming out. wait about 4-5 minutes then cut it.
otherwise FINE steak. Perfect grill marks.
It's a little more rare than not... But I love a rare steak. It's not BLUE rare so it's fine!

If I can get one I like getting a Filet Mignon, using my special espresso and basil marinade and using a stove top. Medium rare. I'd use a grill but it's a pain in the ass to get the same result unless I use a wood grill with no lighter fluid which would be a pain in the ass with a great result but often too much of a pain to fuck with.

A nice sirloin cooked well done with a side of ketchup for dipping.

chateaubriand my nigga, i want fluffy beef clouds in my mouth

Filet no contest. Ameritards GTFO

>whatever is cheapest
>throw in pan and fry until done with black peppet to season
Fuck people who act like steak is some high-eats dish to be savored and enjoyed like it's a fucking $100 fancy ass fucking dish.

But it actually is. People pay hundreds for filet steak from specialty restaurants. It makes no sense but there it is. Filets aren't cheap either. Paid $28 for four steaks in Texas the other day. 1/4 the price of a family restaurant, I guess.

Tenderloin and rib eye at medium/medium-rare for me.

Nigga you only ate 1 steak from California you can't base your opinion off of that.

Skirt steak. Lime, worcestershire, gralic, s&p. Seared and then finished off in the oven. Alternatively slow braised in a tomato based sauce with a buncha spices and shredded.

What the fuck are you talking about nigger, a broiler in your standard oven doesn't get close to 1800 degrees. Are you brain damaged?

>it's 25 million degrees outside
>>what the fuck? thermometer says 85
>no that's the temperature on Earth, it's actually 25 million degrees on the surface of the sun

that's you, dumbass

Why don't you just eat dogfood then, if it's all indistinguishable? You do understand that a lot of high quality meat literally costs more than $100 per steak, right? Just for the meat alone.


Actually I've been living here for about 4 years now. I regret my decision everyday.

Texas and California are both in the Top 5 states for cattle production in the US. So both states will have good beef, the question is how much are you willing to spend to prepare it? In California the cost of living is significantly higher in most areas (LA, SF, etc) so you'll be spending $50-80 for a steak you could spend $20-30 on in texas.

Has nothing to do about the availability of a decent steak and everything to do with your wallet not being big enough for Cali.

Making too many assumptions duder and you're embarrassing yourself by being wrong. Fleming's, Larsens, independent steakhouses, I've had what people keep telling me is the best and I can drop a motherfucking dime on a steak. Your steak is shit but by extension your people are too as evidenced by your post. With all due seriousness, get Lou Gehrig's disease.

So then you just prefer cheap steaks. Fine.

Either that or you're so autistic you let your mental state determine how something tastes to you.

I don't like california, this steak is bad because I dont like california, etc, etc.

Or I'm back in texas, FUCK YEA, this steak is AMAZING, everything in texas is AMAZING.

It's just your own mental bullshit retard.
if you 100% honestly believe that you can get a better steak in texas than California you're mentally ill.

>believe that you can get a better steak in texas than California you're mentally ill.

Well, he is from texas. What did you expect?

From Oregon actually.

Went to the local butcher for the first time, got a 16oz delmonico and 8oz filet. Normally I season and grill on propane.

Pics if I use your suggestion

I like it rare so just take a raw steak and cook the outside with my dab torch

I prefer a hearty rump roast or a butt steak if you will, medium with a lot of garlic and onions, wash it down with some mashed taters and a ice cold beer.

>takes one physics course
>learns everything there is to know about broilers and cooking steak in that physics class
have you ever taken a physics class?


its harris ranch you cunt
next time just order some tri tip

Okay, the way you retards cook steak pisses me off.


If you marinate your steak, you are an absolute retard who should kill himself in the most painful way. Not only does it do nothing for the steak in terms of flavor, it ruins the steak. Your marinade will not penetrate more than 1/8th of an inch into the meat.

All you need is salt and pepper. Don't buy shitty "steak" seasoning from the market.

Grilling steaks is for retards. Your sear will be shit. Cast iron is infinitely superior.

You're ruining a good steak by putting sauce. A1 is for retards who can't cook.

Lastly, the only way to eat steak is rare. That's how you get to enjoy the most flavor. Anything more than that and you're wasting the steak by being a retard. Medium rare is acceptable if you're a woman or child.

But is it a real fact? You got a source for that, buddy?