I'm about to turn 21 and I've never eaten a burger. I've decided to branch out from tendies...

I'm about to turn 21 and I've never eaten a burger. I've decided to branch out from tendies. What fast food place should I get my first burger from?

Five Guys/Whattaburger/In N Out if available
Wendys otherwise


This. Your first American burger needs to be McDonald's.

Which burger would you recommend from McDonald's?


Double Cheeseburger. Keep in mind it's the worst fast food burger in America. But its American as fuck.


do not eat fucking mcdonalds
worst burger on the planet
go with the first reply
that post had good recommendations

Unfortunately, I live nowhere near any of the patrician fast food places. Maybe I'll do Wendy's.


Get yourself a Big Mac

>five guys is good
>mcdonalds is bad

Hey OP, ignore this fucking idiot

agreed, five guys fries gives me the fucking hives
absolutely disgusting
and their burgers are nothing to write home about
the only thing i can taste is the money im burning away by eating there

What's Macca's?

make it worth it, get a krabby patty

mc donalds is shittiest
five guys is shit
whattaburger i have never had
i am just recommending the best of the shit
make a burger at home if you want the best, or go to a real restaurant

Calm down doubleswee

google it you literal piece of shit

I only have Bing

Wendy's Dave Double without question.

How in the fuck are you 21 in the US and have never had a burger?

I was too busy being a retarded faggot to ever experience life.

tfw nearest McDonalds is 7,5hours drive from where I live, 15hours+ if I don't leave my own country
and that I'm glad for :^)

I'm glad for living in america, living in Nyc to be exact where that bullshit wouldn't fucking fly. I don't have to drive 7hours for fucking anything in the world.

Except to be in a decent city

I live in a rural town in Kazakhstan... I have never had a burger either. I have only ever seen pictures of it on the internet.

Does it taste good?

It is America's national dish, and the best food ever invented by Americans for Americans in America. It tastes like freedom.

Only the kind you make at home.

>I don't have to drive 7hours for fucking anything in the world.
Yea, I neither have to do that, it's just that we don't have McDonalds here
I quite enjoy living here

I just never wanted to eat one before.

Over here (netherlands) the special offer burger "big tasty with bacon" had such a popular run that they decided to put it on the menu permanently.

from what I remember, most mcdonalds burgers the patty is just a flat pancake with almost no fat and tastes like a shoe sole. The big tasty (and maybe the quarter pounder) is the only one that strays from this formula, thus its success.

Burger king has ok-ish stuff my only complaint is that over here the burger diameter was way too low last time I went (3 years ago), I would feel like I had giant hands eating barbie's burger. I never looked back. Nobody else sells curly fries with spice mix tho so that's something they're good for at least

All other burger joints are independent enterprises that range from thawing mass produced frozen burgers that you can literally find in supermarket, to something where they take burgers waay to seriously, but at least they taste good.

Do you not have a variant of two pieces of bread with shaved doner and vegetables?

basically the same except the bread used in burgers is usually shit.