How do I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

I forgot the steps and ingredients. How do i make this fine American dish.

Take two pieces of white bread.

Smooth peanut butter on the top side of both pieces.

Jelly in between to taste.

Put the peanut butter side on the peanut butter and jelly side and squeeze lightly.

From top to bottom your sandwich should be

>peanut butter
>peanut butter

Now you're going to wanna go heavy on the ingredients but I find the key is a light hand. Remember, you can always make another!

fucking google it sheesh

>Smooth peanut butter on the top side of both pieces.
>not chunky

I don't want a trail mix sandwich

Correction: you want a sandwich with no texture. No mouthfeel. No substance.

I bet you use ultra processed jelly too so there's no chunks of fruit in it.

No, I use jam. I just don't want Nothing crunchy. There is a thing called too much contrast

Take a black and smuch it together with to whites

I got marked off for not stating which direction you twist the cap to open the jars.

After you do these steps, mix it in batter and deep fry that bitch.
Pic related

There are people ITT right now who apply the jelly before they apply the peanut butter.

I refuse to believe you

lawful good : white bread, smooth layers no thicker than 2 mm
true neutral : doesnt necessarily use grape flavored jelly
chaotic evil : both spreads are from squeeze bottles

well, there's 2 options.
either you grow up and make a real sandwich or you skip the peanutbutter and jelly and use real ingredients

Grape jelly is absolutely disgusting. Raspberry is GOAT. Strawberry is acceptable, but only for dessert.

what if you're all 3?

>you must be at least 6 to post on this site

Slam bread slices wildly around jar of peanut butter and jelly. Combine both pieces of bread in palms and extrude through fingers. Consume with butter knife.

But I know how to make a jam sandwich...


When do you add the anchovies and capers?

>not mixing your peanut butter and jelly prior to spreading on your bread
this is the only correct way to have a PB&J



>buying two different cans for one sandwich

Just eat the damned sandwich

Apply jelly to first slice, allowing you to much more easily clean the knife off on the other slice, meaning optimal/clean use in the peanut butter, which you apply to the 2nd slice. Combine slices and cut diagonally unless you're a fuckin idiot. Jelly before peanut butter is superior in every way.

Yall like apple jelly?

Blackberry or get out REEEEEEEEEEE

>tfw you accidentally put jelly on the top bread and peanut butter on the bottom bread

I ruined another peebjah