ITT: Food weaknesses

ITT: Food weaknesses

We do not judge here

Tabasco on fritos. its just so good.

its like you get the corn and then the spicy vinegar. So good.

Also pineapple pizza with jalapenos. you get the sweet the savory and the spicy.

I've discovered drinking cocoa lightly dusted over sharp lemon yogurt. I have no idea why it works but it does.

I love canned corn more than a fresh cob or frozen any day of the week

GOAT pizza topping combo coming through

it looks like there's a little dude in the jar from the thumbnail

replace the pepperoni with sardines

>implying pineapples and blue cheese isn't the superior combo

fuck I want to try this

When I was working at a pizza place I would make a pizza where I'd replace the tomato sauce with BBQ sauce and then top it with pineapple, ham, jalapenos, and some bacon. Also we made the dough fresh. I hand tossed it for mine and put garlic and butter on the crust.


I put this on way too many foods it wasn't intended for.

You know you want one now.


Oh fuck. Put it on chunky pic related and consume. Would be so tasty. Good for you user.

First sip of the day

so insane it might actually work

Pickled herring. I've never been around it and not had at least 4 or 5 slices of that shit. And the fucking onions with it. Fuck it's so good.

Those look like some delicious pickled okra.

Had to stop drinking sauerkraut juice and eating sauerkraut twice a day because it was too much for my digestive system to handle.

Don't know if it was the brand but cooked sauerkraut doesn't affect me this way but raw does.

Chocolate and citrus can be a beautiful thing.

...god damn you

>calcium silicate
>literally bone sand salt

Pizza hut introduced me to the best combo

Red Onions
Pretzel crust

holy fuck its a paradise in grease heaven

kit kat bars

I like to get regular wheat bread and slather on nutella, bananas and marshmallow fluff and set it in the panini press till crisp. It goes well with a beer, coke or a nice tea or sweet tea

Back street Chinese curry

Fuck every weekend I just can't help but take a 5min walk to grab some of it.



I used to eat camembert with feta on the side

I used to eat meatfloaf with ketchup

I eat tuna out of the can

The entire can in one sitting.

don't have a pic, but when I lived in Canada they had amazing Buffalo chicken ranch blue cheese frozen pizzas. Shit was amazing. The "Canadian" pizza is also a pepperoni with mushrooms and bacon. I dunno what it was but those 3 ingredients complimented each other perfectly.

>Fuckin love me some pickles.

My favorite thing when I worked at Dominos (and now Pizza Slut) is a modified Fiery Hawaiin from Dominos.

>any dough, but I feel it works best on thin crust
>replace sauce with a light layer of ranch, as in thin enough to almost see through
>canadian bacon
>double jalapenos

Bake a minute or so longer than normal, then drizzle with buffalo sauce. I blow out my asshole everytime but I can never help myself when I make one, spicy food doesn't bother me but for some reason this exact pizza destroys my intestines, within an hour I'm on the toilet begging for death.

>I'll still go back for leftovers the next day

Slav? This shit with vodka and boiled potatoes makes my mouth water

Oh god now I have to go get some.

you guys every have this?

great snack for vodka shots, though a good tartare may be even better

Anything that'll trigger my gallbladder to shit itself, which I will proceed to eat anyway and will make me feel like killing myself.

>so insane
my god you are retarded

Dried figs.
I can eat 400 grams of them in a day if I'm not careful.

i'll do all of these, and i'll eat cold spaghetti-o's out of the can

Fuck yes.

My body cant handle it for some reason, despite being fine with any amount of cheese or ice cream or other dairy product.
But fucking milk makes me squirt out my ass within an hour of drinking it. Doesn't stop me from drinking a gallon of the shit in a day if I buy it.

>tfw case of pickled okra from gf's grandparents in Oklahoma.
>tfw gf hates pickled okra.
It's all mine, boys.

that's the only reason i clicked on it

peanut butter and syrup on waffles

Only good way to eat waffles if you ask me

These. I grab them by the handful.
Add pistachios to that too.

pickled? ( theyre mildly acidic but come in oil ) & cheese filled banana peppers

It just literally made my mouth water, it's so fucking great with shot of cold vodka. I'm a slav, just in case

Raw sauerkraut has living bacteria in it, if you don't eat it regularly it'll take a while for your system to adjust. If you eat it fairly regularly, eventually your digestive systems adjusts and gets stronger, and you'll be able to eat it like any other food with no problem. Same thing with beans, if you eat them regularly you won't get gas anymore.

>spicy food doesn't bother me but for some reason this exact pizza destroys my intestines
Probably just too much fat. You have cheese, ranch dressing, bacon, and then buffalo sauce which usually has butter or oil in it too. That's the kind of food that you really have to limit your portions or it'll wreck your stomach.

I really like fried okra, but what's the texture like when it's pickled? Is it slimy still?

family eats this for christmas. curry, dill, etc. so delicious. ikea sells plastic jars of pickled herring but its nowhere near the quality my grandmother buys from a danish specialty shop. my mouth is now watering as well

I've tried that, but it's so dry unless you add a ton of syrup. I usually only like a small amount of syrup so it doesn't work for me. I want to try mixing the peanut butter with a bit of milk or cream first next time.

Got a jar in my pantry right now.

>Canadian pizza
Woah, that's interesting. Here in Quebec we call that exact combo a Quebecois.
But let's be honest, in terms of Canadian pizzas, all-dressed > Canadian/Quebecois.

Cashews and pistachios are literally the only nuts worth eating.

>ignoring walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts
cashews are too soft and don't sit well in my stomach

on hot day in summer

I was a vegetarian in a redneck southern family, so barbeques were no fun. One day I made a sandwich with American cheese, lays chips, and miracle whip. The mere thought of it makes me happy.

It's been hot lately and I've been making more cold dishes, haven't had that for a while. Never tried it with egg before, might do that this time.

>mfw my mother makes borscht any time she visits
>mfw nothing I will eat will ever compare to her borscht

I do this with French toast too. Good af

If done right they are nice and crispy and not slimy at all.

I've had it on pancakes. Delicious. I'd eat it

I.. I didn't know pickled Okra was a thing. I have so many questions.

I've never had it. Looks awesome. I would definitely try it

I enjoy it most it's dry or very fresh

sounds like a personal problem

yeah but walnuts are still good

How would you describe the taste of this? I'm looking at trying new seafood but I doubt this is widely available where I live (UK)

Rollmops, you fucking nebbish. It's because of twats like you that we have fish fingers now.

>Not enjoying a fish finger butty every now and again.

Also I meant the taste of pickled herring in general.

>Not wishing we had the clearly superior herring savoury

If you want to know what pickled herring tastes like, go to your local Tescos (or Sainsbury's, I'm not judging) and buy some pickled herring.

It's not brain surgery (you find that in next to the sausages)

Fuck off you twat, I shop exclusively at Aldi

>I want to try a new seafood, but it has to be available from my local discount food store.

Fucking pleb.

FuCkInG pLeB

Whenever I drive by a Little Caesars, it takes all my will power to not stop by for some Crazy Bread or a hot n ready pizza.

how did you save that picture and then hit send you fucking 12 year old. This isn't Trump's comment section, fuck off

fresh is best. I find it goes stale quickly, and it's nowhere near as good when stale

like herring, except pickled so pretty vinegary
herring in oil's pretty good too, but salty and oily instead of vinegary
herring in cream is nice as well

that's why I let dry properly, sometimes I even prefer dry over fresh

Just at this whole bag last night because I'm a slob

I could eat a family sized bag of this in one sitting. I like eating them chip by chip putting a drop on each one

you just described the Hot Hawiian BBQ pizza from Me N Eds
it is my favorite pizza I've ever had

also as long as we are on this topic

>not the honey mustard and onion flavor
Ya done goofed

Try this - recipe from a breakfast restaurant I used to work at, it's fucking amazing, addictive shit, all the employees used to dirty up all the spoons stealing bites of this shit

>whip 2 cup heavy cream until stiff
>mix together 1 cup peanut butter and 1 cup marshmallow fluff
>fold fluff mixture into whipped cream

We served it on giant waffles with banana slices and bacon and called it "The Elvis."

I remember back when MGSV dropped I got some pepsi, this, and holled up in my room for a week.

I've never tried this combo. Is it actually good?

sweet potato chips with whipped cream cheese and red pepper jelly on top. friend of mine got me into it.

fuck you

add banana peps, peps, and stuffed crust and you're there senpai

I swear when I have a sip of Sparkling Ice I gotta have the whole bottle if not two bottles, especially this shit. It sells out fast here but goddamn is it worth looking out for.

I used to live in central California and Me N Ed's pizza is one of the things I miss the most

Different user but kids are better with technology than you give them credit for. I'm guessing you're at an age where your tech skills have almost peaked while a kid's tech skills are still developing.

The cheese flavour ones will be the death of my cholesterol

Borsch and kompot in summer is the best combo