Why are fat people so dumb? It's so easy to lose weight - yet they still manage to fuck everything up...

Why are fat people so dumb? It's so easy to lose weight - yet they still manage to fuck everything up. Have they no concept of calories? I just caught my resident fat fuck chowing down on pic related - a "healthy snack"

Seriously, how stupid are they?

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Most people are pretty ignorant but corn is healthier than potato chips at least.

It's not even that bad for them user. At least they are trying even though you are being such a bastard about it

Enjoy your carcinogenic glyphosphate byproducts from Roundup. Your oncologist will love you for it.

Dude it's literally artificially sweetened corn. It's pure cancer. He might as well eat ice cream.

>he's afraid of Roundup
Are you one of those moms that shitpost against Monsanto on Facebook too?

Have you tried helping them? user not everyone knows everything about health like you apparently do.

They don't listen. I found a small bottle of mr. pibb they were drinking in their room. 65g of sugar

These people are literally

Why do you care so much and why are you so upset?

The most concerning thing about that is the 300mg of sodium, yikkies!

They miss that crucial piece of information
>Servings: 3.5
They look at the rest and think the whole can is 80 calories


It's sugar, idiot.

What's wrong with ice cream?

I've heard ice cream's just about the worst thing you can eat, if you could give me a brief run down that would be nice

Salt isn't dangerous unless you actually have blood pressure problems

252 calories is not an absurd amount

If health hyperbolics were an olympic sport, you guys would take it

Are fruits high in natural sugars like Dates bad?

It isn't a matter of not knowing how many calories they're eating, you autistic robot. Everyone knows a cheeseburger is full of fat and sodium. It's whether or not they prefer the immediate, short-term pleasure of eating something delicious more than the distant, long-term pleasure of feeling healthy. You don't feel or look any better after only making one or two healthy food choices, and you're probably going to eat garbage the next day anyway so why bother this time?

Have you ever had to spend time around a fat person? They can't walk. They have sleep apnea. They can't fit in cars. They don't fit in clothes. They can't breathe correctly. They give themselves diabetes. The whole thing is just disgusting.

>Why are fat people so dumb?
>posts sideways picture

Fructose is the most dangerous sugar in isolation. It's processed entirely in the liver, contributing to liver disease, and more readily stored as fat than sucrose.

Fiber in fruit will slow the digestion and help to limit this damage. Fructose in corn syrup in all american soda, however, is effectively deadly.

Yes, I have. I'm sure they don't spend that much time fixating about your presence. Go talk to a professional about this. You'll be okay.

Eating pic related whole brings more joy than being fit.

Eat whatever the fuck I want in whatever volumes, treating my body like trash and I still have light skeletor body.

Feels good enough man.

It's not that fat people are dumb. It's that dumb people are often fat: because they are dumb.

>Are fruits high in natural sugars like Dates bad?

Fruits are perfectly fine. For various reasons, the body doesn't react the same way to the sugar it gets from a piece of fruit in the same way it does to refined sugar. Fiber plays a part like said but there have also been studies of crazy vegan types who eat nothing but fruit, like on the level of 300-400g sugar a day, and their blood sugar levels were within normal ranges, something that would be completely impossible if you were feeding someone 400g of refined sugar a day.

Even fruit juices don't have the same effect on the body as refined sugar because they still contains various phytonutrients that inhibit the transportation of sugars through the intestinal wall into our bloodstream. You can actually take foods that would cause a insulin spike, like a big chunk of white bread, and if you eat it with a bunch of fruit then despite adding more sugar, the fruit still helps to blunt the insulin spike you would otherwise get.

Basically, eat all the fruit you want, it's 100% good for you.

>Industrial, not fruit fructose intake is associated with the severity of liver fibrosis in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C patients.

>Berries reduce postprandial insulin responses to wheat and rye breads in healthy women.

>he thinks fat people don't obsess over skinny people

on one hand I Agree with you, but I'm getting in shape so I can be fit and then eat something like that.
and so it's a triple win because not only do I look good, and feel good, but I'm also enraging all the fatties looking on complaining about "how can he eat all that and be so thin but I have one slice and I'm a house!"

gotta put in the work niggas

but its not just the hidden sugars. its also portion size. a heathly snack isnt heathy if you go back for seconds...

>corn is basically sugar with a little vitamin C
Why do people eat what is basically candy?

How the fuck do you snack on a drink

You could say the same for fruit. It's better than eating straight refined sugar.

Fruit is basically sugary vitamin water.
Dark leafy greens and protein powder or sardines are all one needs.

having a food addiction really sucks, I'll tell ya that.

I've been food free for over five years now.
Believe in yourself, user.

Spinach and feta cheese is my go to snack.

I do put strawberries and bananas in my oats though.

>I do put strawberries and bananas in my oats though.
That's a lot of diabetes.


Death doesn't kill.


I'm not black or 400lbs so I'm good.

With a diet like that you will be soon.

>100 calories of strawberries and bananas a day is bad



I'll take my diabetes and you can have your heart attack. We'll meet in hell.

k im 330 pounds and im 6 foot tall is it ok if i starve myself for 1 month to lose weight?

canned corn is pretty sad though
I'd rather get things that stay good after canning, like beans or peas

At least get some protons, neutrons, and water.

People like you are literally not mental strong enough to handle 1 week waterfast and you Talk bout 4 weeks?
damn thats hilarious

Why do you and every other keto cuck get so butthurt at someone eating a single carb? If you run a mile or 2 3-4 times a week, it doesnt even matter what you eat. And it barely even batters to people who dont exercise, unless they eat tons of bags of chips or tons of mexican/italian carb heavy food

Fuck off

oh no im actually mentally strong lad the only problem is my mother, the last time i tried to do this she pretty much forced me to eat. right now im convincing her that its ok if i do this.

>It's okay to eat diabetes because I exercise sometimes

Ahahah what the fuck do they put in your food in America? Ice cream is one of the best light meal options here, do you deep fry that too?

Look bud if you want to get down to it

Everything is bad for you, everything will fucking kill you or fuck your shit up. Carbs arent the best, but neither is downing only fat and cholesterol. The point is that anything can be enjoyed in moderation and with exercise

>98% of my potential is good enough for me

>a bowl of oatmeal with some fruit and cinnamon tossed in will literally kill you

im done

When will mentally challenged burgers understand that they need to eat less? Are you so mentally weak that you cant stop yourself? Damn cucks

its me again now i understand you very good my mother does the same ive solved that problem by move in my own apartment you have no chance to change her mind she does not want her son to suffer thats why she will always force you to eat
i know that Situation very well i think and im much sure you have to leave her
that was my only Choice too and ive tried over years to make her understand that waterfast is a very healthy thing for the body

My proton and h20 intake are off the charts and I take fish oil, vit D, and zinc for my cum loads/skin.

Red pill me on fish oil. I take a multi and vitamin c (from kirkland/costco) every day, is fish oil that good?

Eat a damn fish

I hate sea food, thats not an option

I've seen it repeatedly proscribed for cholesterol management. Take that as you will.

smoothies, bruh

It basically negates all of the negative effects of red meat.

examine. com /supplements/fish-oil/

And if i only eat chicken/turkey? Still good for the cum boost?

A lot of overweight people have mental health issues that are causing their overeating. Also, misinformation from major companies doesn't help either. Like Subway promoting their food as healthy, when in reality it's just low calorie because they barely put anything on the sandwiches that they claim are healthy. It's hard to blame the individuals when large corporations are more concerned about generating profit than helping people.

That's zinc for less oily skin and more cum.

It has broader cardio vascular benefits so you might as well add it if you're doing multi-vitamin already anyway.

Zinc, multi, vit c...gotcha, thanks

what you fat fucks can't seem to understand is that you can still eat things like that.. just not every day.

i eat literally whatever i want, but i don't eat a ton of food overall per week.. i exercise probably 3 hours a week and drink pretty heavily and i'm bretty shredded.

it would suck to be raised to have such shitty eating habits; it's like you sad fucks never stood a chance.

well okay mister trips. tell me what your eating schedule is like

But I love corm

Do burgers generally dislike fish? See lot of freedom meat but barely any sea dish beside lobster and schrimps

Americans who live near the coast or larger bodies of water and can get it fresher and cheaper eat a lot of fish. America is pretty big so there are a lot of areas without access to fresh fish, and they'll usually only have things like fish sticks or fried shrimp but eat more meat.

Like said, it's a matter of geography. When the majority of fish available is days to weeks old, its hard to find it more appealing than fresh, delicious pork, beef or chicken. Shrimp is generally always good, though I cant speak for lobster or crab as I dont consume much of it personally

t. midwest

Ice cream is literally sugar and fat with zero nutrients

Dude, go wash your hands. They look dirty as fuck.

Food becomes an addiction to people who suffer from obesity.

>Corn! (from a can)
>It's a veggie so it's healthy!
>300mg sodium

>Eating pic related whole brings more joy than being fit.
>Literally right out of a box

This is why you don't attract tight, clean strange.

Ice cream is literally milk, sugar and fruit or whatever is the wanted flavour you stupid fuck
You get a pretty balanced meal overall you incredibly retarded faggot

Just get rid of him. You'll be considered a martyr.

>cream is literally milk

Good way to get your calories up if u are skelly

> tfw I'm fat but mainly because I do things like eat an entire box of Fiber One and wash it down with eight cups of salted black beans and ten servings of whole-wheat spaghetti with home-made sugar-free tomato sauce and have six apples for dessert.

>You get a pretty balanced meal overall
hahahaha fatass delusion

Unironically this, I can't stomach large amounts of trash. What fucks me is when I start cooking and eat nice home cooked shit.

thanks, dr oz.

They put fructose in everything, which makes it highly addictive and hard to avoid. Making everything from scratch is the only way to avoid it, which is harder than it sounds with some of us for varying reasons. I hate myself for eating as much as I do and every time I attempt dieting I fall on my ass. If I wasnt super tall I'd look just as disgusting as every other burger.

>You can eat yourself black
Come on now

im a sous chef so i work 12 hour days most days.. i eat a big bowl of cereal or leftover pizza from the night before + a protein shake when i wake up before going to the gym, then i have a PB&J after i lift before i head into work.

at work i'm constantly nibbling on shit and we regularly order takeout for the kitchen before service, but mostly just nibbling on shit for 12-14 hours. then i go home and either order a pizza and wings and eat until i'm too tired to eat anymore and pass out, or i make some cup noodles and fried eggs. i eat ice cream a couple nights a week, and candy most days.

on my days off i usually eat in excess, like 3k or more calories while getting high and drinking.. like i said, i t's not what you eat. it's how much you eat and how consistently you overeat.

No food is inherently bad for you, lack of moderation and self-control is what makes a fatty fats.

>sous chef at a restaurant
>only eats plebs garbage
At least the chef won't have to worry about you taking his job.

There isn't anything wrong with the food he mentioned. You don't know if he's eating a good quality cereal or not. And kitchen workers aren't really going to want to prepare an extravagant feast after working in a kitchen for 12 hours. Plenty of top chefs also say they enjoy things that others look down on because they think it makes them look refined.

relieving. I can eat an entire box of raisins in a day or two. so good when watching a film

people take their quality of life for granted. but when their quality of life drops to dangerous problems they will bring their suffering into everyone's lives around them and throw their hurt at people.


I'm an alcoholic drinking about 1Liter of vodka, whiskey or tequila a day and dont' eat food....still, I have ballooned up like a blimp because how many calories are in alcohol (even hard liquor)

There's nothing wrong with ice cream, but it's very calorie-dense with refined sugars and fat. People easily go overboard with it because as it melts inside you, it occupies less volume in your stomach than bulkier foods. Wiser people portion out a pre-determined amount of it before they begin eating it. It is what it is.

it's the most pathetic addiction, literally dumb animal behavior

liquor doesn't have calories, but if your liver is impaired you'll start retaining water and bloating

maybe when you're a fatty because your brains rewards you eating like shit but fit people tend to feel awful after something like that

>eating trans fat laden food in moderation is good for me

>liquor doesn't have calories
>this is what fat people believe.

As an example, at 100 calories per 1.5oz, 80 proof whiskey has more than 5 times the calories of a equivalent amount of regular coke.

I put two whole sprats into my green shake every morning, the oil and aftertaste are my only weakness when attracting mates.