I know meat's supposed to be room temperature before grilling it...

I know meat's supposed to be room temperature before grilling it, but for how long is it safe for the meat to just lie around at that temperature? Can I leave it out from noon until evening?

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you can literally look this up on google cunt

No. 30 Minutes max. It's already been dead for a week.

>I know meat's supposed to be room temperature before grilling it
Literally makes zero difference.

Yeah, I keep mine in the freezer before cooking! Sometimes it's frozen solid! Doesn't matter though amirite!! :DDD

Don't be a dipshit.
There really isn't much difference in cooking time or end result from the fridge or from room temperature. Like, a lot less difference than you'd think.
Seriouseats did a bunch of work and presented all their data in a clear and reproducible manner. I'd link it but I don't feel like spoonfeeding such an ill-humored retard.

First. No. Meat should not be room temperature before cooking as that can lead to bacterial growth and food poisoning. It should be at least fridge cold to prevent that.

Second, if you want a medium rare or rare steak a cold to partially frozen is what you want to do before cooking it. Not straight up frozen, but firm and cold. Season and pat dry before partially freezing.

>Meat should not be room temperature before cooking as that can lead to bacterial growth and food poisoning.

It'll be fine unless you're under 3, over 65 or have AIDS. Those guidelines are written with those people in mind. A normal adult should not get sick.

The only correct way to prepare meat is through reverse searing, so this shouldn't be an issue

Is that how Mac chickens are perpared?

spoonfood me instead mate



You're a retard too.

>says you can cook frozen steaks but it's not better, just that it's not going to ruin the steak
You guys are dummies. I'll keep defrosting mine before cooking thanks.

He says it's better because it has a better texture, but all frozen meat has bad texture, user.

No, he literally says fresh steak has the best texture @ 1:50. Did you maybe want to watch the video before opening your pie hole?

>fresh steak has the best texture
Fresh isn't frozen (nor previously frozen)

Are you stupid and don't know the difference between fresh and frozen?

1 its not supposed to be at room temperature
2 4 hours

Well now that you're just trolling you have a nice day.

>saying fresh isn't frozen is trolling on this board

The lunatics run the asylum.

Meat need not be at room temperature before cooking.

If it has been refrigerated and you are going to serve it rare but not cook it at extremely high heat, then you may want to let it sit out for a while so that the inside is not cold when served. The meat does not have to actually reach room temperature for this purpose, however, as the middle will be warmed while cooking and while resting.

You can safely leave steak out for several hours provided that it is covered to keep flies and the like off of it. That said, usually two hours is more than long enough to ensure that refrigerated meat will not be cold in the middle, so there is not really a reason to leave the meat out for any longer than that.

Here are my suggestions:
- don't freeze your meat at all
- don't put your steak in the oven

Thanks for the obvious. But not every is ideal in this world. If it's a difference between cooking a frozen steak as they recommend and not having a steak, I'd cook a frozen steak.

>If it's a difference between cooking a frozen steak as they recommend and not having a steak, I'd cook a frozen steak.
I wouldn't m8. Have some pride.

Pride in what?

>flat iron on sale at butchers
>order 2 flat irons
>don't want to eat a full flatiron so portion it and freeze the remaining.
>get drunk one friday night
>saturday morning want steak and eggs for hangover.

Your ideals aren't congruent with someone that has a job/social life.

Steak can happily sit in the fridge, cut up, no problem, for a week.

Also you eat shit cuts. Have some pride.

>flat iron
>second most tender cut
>objectively the best mineral/beefy flavor you get in meat.

hahah, you don't know anything.