Okay you fucks i'm showing y'all how to make texas tea

okay you fucks i'm showing y'all how to make texas tea

first you need your teabags and sugar, along with your teapot

first get your water in the pot, and fill it all the way (not 80%, not 90%)

now put that shit on the burner, set it to high and wait

This has no alcohol. Wtf

i think i can see some bubbles, but you gotta wait for a full boil
not in my fucking tea you don't

Adding marijuanaitos?

>First go to the store and buy tea packets, then expose them to water and add sugar

Thanks, OP

Saged and reported.

that's more like it
it's the method, not the materials

take it off the burner and apply teabags. if you somehow burn the tea you've got only yourself to blame.
that comes after i make the tea

Traditionally, a Texas tea is like a Long Island, but with tequila.

i think it's steeped enough, so get a pitcher and add the tea base
i'm only calling it texas tea because it's how my texas-native great-grandma's been making it since the 50's

make sure to get every ounce of tea (pardon the retarded camera angle

now add a cup of sugar and stir


fill to the 2-quart line and serve

Texasfag here, my grams made it the same way. My whore mother made it in the microwave, however. Was never too sweet, ever. I can't order sweet tea in a restaurant, it's always like syrup. Half and half is usually good.

How many tea bags?

hell yeah, glad to see another texasfag round here. where did your grandma live?
i've found 3-4 is just right for 2 quarts

Born outside Palastine, lived in Burleson.

>i've found 3-4 is just right for 2 quarts
me too

I like Luzianna, Publix or WinnDixie tea. I haven't used Lipton in so long that I don't know if it compares the same. I do know Publix and Luzianne are identical.

I love to toss in a mint tea for extra cooling sometimes. A single flavored tea bag can bring in a little niceness like orange-cinnamon, or jasmine oolong. If you like to mess with loose leaf, this pictured tea makes a lovely pitcher of iced tea. It's found for like $4 at any asian market.

I'm lazymode and in the summer I make a new pitcher almost daily. I will heat the water in a 1qt pyrex measuring cup in the microwave, with the teabags, for 6 minutes (just to a boil), and then steep 5-15 minutes til cool. Use more teabags to be stronger, so you can dilute over ice quickly. Use less if you want to use the fridge to cool overnight. I probably use only 3/4 cup of sugar per pitcher, and about half the time it's entirely unsweetened.