H-how do I make scrambled eggs? I have a girl coming over and I need to cook something for her

h-how do I make scrambled eggs? I have a girl coming over and I need to cook something for her.

High heat, stir quickly.

Don't forget to use the highest heat with your Teflon pan and stir rapidly when the eggs hit the pan, preferably with a metal spoon or metal spatula. Once the eggs are uniformly brown and dry you are ready to serve. Plate them and let them sit about 10 minutes to cool off and for the flavors to develop.

Pan, nice and hot.
Splash of milk.
Mix all together.
Keep stirring until it's set.
Add salt and pepper afterwards.

learn how to make pancakes instead. evdn if you mess up she'll think it's cute. bonus points for chopped up fruit.

Thanks Gordon


Take flatter pot
Add hot
Butter for wholesome hot, oil for sparkly hot
Margaret look like butter, is acually oil
Unbelievably not butter also oil
Take too 2 tree eg
Smack into bowl, no shell please
Take fork, spin
More spin
Enjoy spin
If smarty pants then probably did eg spin before hot stuff
Add eg jooce to hot flat pot (better be wholesome hot)
Mix in flat pot while hot tending commences
IMPORT: Take off hot before completely fibished, proteen cooks weird
Add spic

marthastewart.com has a bomb ass, easy buttermilk pancake recipe

that's not gordon's recipe

Alright I think might have done something wrong, it's starting to smell like popcorn. I think the eggs might be bad. I also tried adding siracha since I heard that goes good with eggs somewhere before.


crack some eggs into a bowl.
add splash of water not milk, water keeps the eggs yellower and it looks better.

whisk that shit until foamy and all blended

get ur pan low heat with butter in it

pour in egg.

low heat is best low-medium is ok too.

let eggs get a bit solid and drag it into the middle.

do this repeatedly. u dont wanna stir or break them up too much.

once mostly solid add in ur salt or cheese and condiments
u can add scallions in earlier, etc... i say keep it simple ur an obvious noob

once they are fully solid but still soft and moist take them out or they will burn

DO NOT listen to anons about high heat and lots of stirring IN the pan. ull get ugly tasteless curdled eggs that are gray and or burned.

slow cook that shit, drag it to center and flip, repeat, etc...

perfect eggs bro, fluffly and tasteful

Chop up some bacon, tomato and shallots. Cook bacon first. Then eggs, stir in the pan. Add a little bit of cheese to the egg once it is fried while stiring in the pan. Add chopped shallots. Add the tomato to the pan last.
Then sprinkle salt and pepper.

here, do almost the same but add the extra ingredients I stated. You can cook it like an omelet and then mince it into scrambled eggs afterwards.

eggxactly and I do it that way when I add those ingredients too ;-)

>crack open 4 eggs in bowl
>add salt
>beat em until you get a yellow color
>put butter on hot pan
Stove on medium high temperature
>wait till the butter melts
>add egg mixture
>everytime egg solidifies pull it towards the middle in such a manner that the egg mixture can take its place
>do NOT wait until it's fucking brown (jesus christ)
>add salt and pepper again
>spread butter on omelette
>fold it properly

This user gets it


Gordon ?

high heat bro, please no the risk of burning and curdling is too high

also salt the egg after its solid or 80 percent solid followed by another bit on the outside...
ruins the texture straight into the raw egg

why would you not just google how to make scrambled eggs instead of asking hostile anonymous jack posters?

It's not as entertaining

first you need to create the universe

If you can't make scrambled eggs literally kill yourself right the fuck now OP


Here we go!
>0: put pan on stove over lowest possible heat
>1: crack egg shell on pan
>2: break egg shell open so contents of egg fall into pan
>3: use utensil of any kind and break the egg yolk
>4: the egg yolk is the yellow blob in the center of it
>5: stir contents in pan until you are satisfied
>6: add salt
>7: add pepper
>8: turn heat up between half and full, not super important
>9: when the egg is not liquid anymore it's done
>9: when the egg is firm it's done
>9: when the egg has a little golden singe on each side it's done
>9: when the egg has a lot of dark golden singe on each side it's over done
>10: remove contents of pan from pan on to plate
>11: eat as soon as it's cool enough to get in your mouth

I do the same thing, but with bacon, sausage, onion, diced potato, and diced bell pepper. It's ugly as hell but tastes great.