He enters 1:00 instead of 60 on the microwave

>he enters 1:00 instead of 60 on the microwave

come on guys

>not having an "add 30 seconds" button that you just hit twice

Take your Suramin dosage sweetie.

>come on guys


I am forced to concur, coming on guys is in fact gay

>he doesn't enter 99:99 and cancel it once 1 minute has elapsed

>Not using the proper auto 1-6 minute button only once

I always just press 6 for 6 minutes no matter what I'm heating and I just take it out when it's ready.

>not leaving it paused with the doors open so that you could use the leftover time

>not just cooking the food organically fresh

>not using a microwave with knobs
>not wanting the ease to just turning the know to the desired amount of time
>not knowing the mistake prone free design of the knob design
>no need for a display, just look the the know
>not prone to premature failure because of no advanced electronics (no display, buttons, circuits and stuff)

step it up

The only settings ever needed are 33, 111, or 123. Anything longer should use sensor reheat.

Get that pleb shit outta here.

>not setting it for 99:99 and slowly whittling it down by just hitting start and opening the door when done

> goes to microwave frozen food
> box says "microwave for 90 seconds"
> enter 90 seconds and the microwave freaks out and wont start

Knob controls is what killed Anton Yelchin. You can take your microwave and shove it up your ass.


>microwave buttons not working
what do

This image makes me extremely uncomfortable.

>not prone to premature failure because of no advanced electronics (no display, buttons, circuits and stuff)

That is the only button I ever use on mine.

oh look at the time. it's heavy sodium noodle soup time.

what happens if you put an unopened can inside a microwave? are the microwaves able to penetrate the metal to warm up the contents? if yes, would it eventually explode like if you put the can on top of the stove?

microwave blow up, but if not it could heat it i think.

>directions say 2 min
>just hit 9 9 and start

close enough

Never put anything metal inside a microwave, it creates an electric arc. Things may go boom.

I know that. I was merely asking what would happen

Most cans have little ribbed sections, right? Well those would form electrical arcs that would likely set the label on fire. The metal of the can would reflect microwaves back at the magnetron, damaging it.

Can probably won't explode or effectively heat the contents of the soup before the magnetron dies.

I moved to a new state and was pretty broke at first and didn't want to buy a new microwave since a decent one is around $80-$100 at least. I got all of my appliances from thrift stores. Took me 3 months to find a thrift store microwave with the "add 30 seconds" button. I refuse to have a microwave without that button. Was kinda nice not having a microwave for so long, but damnit they are so convenient. I have no idea why it took so long, but I haven't pressed another button on that microwave in 6 months.

It's also a fucking sick microwave I got for $20 that retailed for like $250. God bless thrift stores.


my microwave has a +30 seconds button so I just hit that twice

>Not having a '1 minute' button

Fucking hell guys

Does nobody use the power levels? I use it almost every time, but you can't use it with the "add 30 seconds" button or the 1-6 minutes "speed dial" buttons

>he hits 3 buttons to use his microwave

There's this really good microwave noodles I get from the corner store. The box says 4 minutes, but if I do that the noodles explode. After much trial and error, I've discovered 2 minutes at power level 5 and 2 more minutes at power level 4 has them come out perfectly.


>hitting anything at all when you can simply turn a knob

knob master race microwaves

Yup even when I need to have something in for like 4 minutes I still spam the 30 seconds button

>press 1
>microwave immediately starts at 1:00

Pretty handy.

This guy gets it.

>press 1 twice
>microwave starts at 11:00 instead of 2:00

who thought that this was ok?

Every knob-based microwave I've ever seen has had a fucked up knob

this is the only button I know how to use

>not 66 to save massive amounts of time and effort

My nigga. I just cooked something for 8 minutes earlier today. Smashing the 30 second button is just the proper way to use a microwave.

Nope. The jeep had a sort of self centering stick

Just press the 2 idiot


>he only uses numbers divisible by 5

This guy knows.
>not having a microwave with a one minute program built into the start button, so all you have to do is close it and press GO

>type 100 into the microwave
>it microwaves for 1 minute

>type 99 into the microwave
>it microwaves for 1 minute and 39 seconds



Technically incorrect. You know how mexican places always put shit in a metal container? You can heat that back up no problem, just put a tiny bit of water in container first.

>but I haven't pressed another button on that microwave in 6 months
So you don't hit the start button?

user spoke
and it was revealed he was based

My start button is actually the add 30 seconds button as well. Same button.

>You know how mexican places always put shit in a metal container?
I've never been to a mexican place that put anything in a metal container.

I thought about this and it's actually really simple.
There's no clever algorithm that "magically" knows what you mean, you're just filling the display with numbers, a new number pushes all previous numbers to the left for a maximum of 4.

The firmware only knows to deduct minutes every time the seconds field deducts to zero, at which point it deducts a minute and adds 59 seconds to the seconds field.

So entering 1-0-0 forms 1:00 and cooks for 1 minute.
Entering 9-9 forms 0:99 and cooks for 1 minute and 39 seconds.

A decent microwave is $20

No it's not.

A shit microwave is $20.
A decent one is maybe $75.
A good one is easily over $100.