Thoughts on Joey?

Thoughts on Joey?

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He's a fat fuck that deserves the early death by heart disease he'll inevitably get.

Woo woo woowoo woooo

living the dream. anyone that says otherwise is just jealous

We all die user

Yes but he'll die stroking out and shitting himself on a hospital bed, leaving behind a massive corpse that forces his family to pay extra for a double-wide coffin.

I think he is autistic

jesus he is a retard LMAO

Youll remember talking about it when youre dieing.


That's no excuse not to care about dying earlier.

been watching his videos since he had 20-30k subs. like him

He's funny

didn't he sexually assault a minor?

What job does he do?

He's beautiful

legit worried about him
he seems to be breathing heavier than usual and he seems very low energy in his recent vids

I remember a small period he would eat salads, count calories a bit. Guess it was short lived

I remember he said he was on a diet

Joey is short-lived

He's one of the few people I like on youtube.
And his comment section is the best

Mr. Chode detected

Watching Joeys videos while reading the comments is so much funnier than it should be

What does it matter to you?

That video actually disgusted me.
But I love Joey. Funniest comment section on youtube

No, I'm just a normal commenter. not one of those Joeys Dad or whatever commenters

Michael Creech detected

Comment section is funny

is this simply saras husband?

>tfw Joey will never be your dad


>DeNiro and his wife's sons.jpg

Talking about rich people who don't care about you on the internet definitely doesn't make you look like an enormous faggoty man baby.


No just sick of the content of this board being dragged down by fucking 13 year olds.

You're taking this too seriously muchacho

What do you mean? To clarify, I don't care if you die or not, you're probably not that important. But if everyone adopted your feelings then things would turn to shit, so I feel the need to retort your defeatist ideology so that I may at least prevent a few people from deciding to adopt it after seeing your post.

Hedonism is the only true way to live. Everything else is just denial.

I like when he talks like a stoner.

Usually on his jack in the box videos or anything with siracha.


Literally looks nothing like him.


Not him, asshole. He's a manlet.

Wowo wooo wowoooo woowoo wooo wooooo

i think he's a gross pig and find his videos unwatchable
even just screenshots make me a bit queasy


the way his eyes bulge out of his head and point in different directions..
his blood pressure must be astronomical

mortals please leave

that not him

fast food eater

He's a known paedophile


Stop lying about Joey

>Joey wipes his mouth with a napkin
>starts bleeding