Wo /healthy/ here?

Wo /healthy/ here?

Also post your breakfast!

Other urls found in this thread:


it's 2:30 in the afternoon

Sorry bad format. Idk what is wrong with this board.

>the world has only 1 time...

only one that matters, yes.

6/10 comeback

>white people
call this breakfast

Had me a big bowl of oatmeal on the way to wageslave job

>tfw rare surrealistic pepe

>tfw forgot to ubload rare surrealistic pepe pic

Breakfast, though I suppose not in the technical sense. I break my fast in two hours.

My breakfast usually consists of buttered toast and black coffee. I'll add some jam to the toast if I'm feeling fancy.

>It's a "ck posts his unnecessarily high caloric hot breakfast because the TV told him he needs that much food in the morning" thread



OP here I eat my breakfast at 9 AM but stopped eating at around 3 PM. I usually have at least 15 hours of fasting.

Come on bro this is really olds.

Eggs are perfectly healthy if you have an active lifestyle and dont over eat meat. I meat once sometimes twice a week. Eggs are the least you need to worry about. In fact they give your brain very good clarity and endurance.

>Come on bro this is really olds.

>Ciagrettes are perfectly healthy if you have an active lifestyle and dont over smoke. I smoke once sometimes twice a week. Cigarettes are the least you need to worry about. In fact they give your brain very good clarity and endurance.

No no no.



I enjoy my stroke free life.

could be westcoast?

What's the soupy stuff?