It's a stereotype that women cook but IRL more than 90% of women I know don't cook at all apart from boiling pasta. But around 50% of the men I know cook regularly. Looking through the top-rated local restaurants, all the head chefs are men.
Do women cook better than men?
The 60's and feminism helped kill off female cooking skills, nowadays it is men rediscovering old skills and creating new ones.
It's probably true, when you consider AVERAGE people women cook more than men and probably cook ON AVERAGE better than men. Exceptions exist but in our society men tend to work, while women stay home and run the household.
For professional chefs it doesn't matter at all since it's a career in its own right.
If this angers anyone /pol/ should be more your speed
>while women stay home and run the household.
Where the fuck do you live?
Women cooking is an outdated stereotype. The facts show men are susperior to women at almost everything including cooking.
Women only exist for making babies. And that is super important. But that os the one and only thing they can do superior to men, and only because men cannot physically do it.
>if you get mad at traditional family values you'd fit in at /pol/
lmao what
>while women stay home and run the household.
I can't think of a single example of this in any of my friend circles or work circles
Midwestern USA
My mother would manage bills and the family's money. She would do much of the household chores, take care of the kids, and cook. She would design rooms in the house (has interior design background and would frequently repaint/change furniture/ect).
Sure my father was the patriarch but in terms of the literal affairs of the house my mother was in charge.
In super traditional society this is how it was, women manage household affairs and child-rearing while men manage the village and other larger affairs.
Yeah. Bitch all you want about muh50shousewifeisdead but women do tend to stay home more than men in the households even today. I've noticed it happening even more lately with the costs of daycares going up.
I guess we aren't susperior with our grammar though :(
get back in the kitchen u fuk.
What about women your own age?
I've never talked to one. Are you trying to tell me I'm sexist because I happen to disagree with a roastie? Opinion disregarded, pussy pass DENIED.
Would be 20 and most likely trashy single moms
Those single mothers won't be cooking great meals either, its frozen food or canned goods.
Honestly looking around I'd be surprised if even 10% of ck cooks so I think your 50% of men is just dudes bullshitting about food cause they worked as a line cook once and then microwaving/buying everything.
Correcting grammar is reddit teir. Did you understand me? Then fuck off.
Why is every post on page 0 about how "I'm totally not from reddit" all of a sudden? Did they delete t_d again?
>tfw gf is Puerto Rican and learned a bunch from her mom
>tfw she decides to go vegan refuses to make anything that doesn't taste like dog food
It's not that everything has to have meat in it, but she now actively tries to put a "meat replacement" in everything and it's usually soy based bullshit that literally tastes like dogfood.
It's actually a spelling error and you're both faggots along with OPs faggot bait thread
>cooks dinner 3x a week and serves leftovers the rest of the day
>kids ages 4-18 are in school all day
>bills paid through autopay from credit card
>rearranges a couch and table
yea sounds like a full time job
>I think your 50% of men is just dudes bullshitting about food
I'm just talking about people I interact with IRL between work and friends.
you should watch that gordon ramsay show "the f word"
the first episode is about him trying to get british women back in the kitchen.
No. Women are fucking useless as anything but shitting out babies. Not even fucking cooking, can they manage better than men. It's amazing how fucking worthless they are. They cannot manage to excel at anything that is not related to shitting out babies.
There isn't one single goddamn female chef that is well known.
Anyone can cook if they put in the practice and have the patience for it. Whether men or women do it better on average is hard to say though. You'd need to survey a huge sample size to be sure, otherwise this thread is just annecdotes and ironic sexist shitposting.
Tell her to switch to seitan. It actually tastes and feels kind of like meat and has no soy.
>eat satan instead
>Anyone can cook
No. The problem with women is that they are so fucking scared of experimenting with stuff. I see it everywhere. They cannot do anything because they don't dare think for themselves. They can only repeat what other have done before them or ask for help.
This is just my personal experience which of course means nothing. But from my experience I would say no.
I lived with 7 female housemates for extended periods of time and none of them could cook anything but plain simple dishes that tasted like crap.
Then again my gran is an excellent cook. But my sister would probably burn pasta is she tried to make spaghetti.
Maybe it's a generational thing?
>manage the village
What did he mean by this?
Behind every great male chef is the uncredited female family member whose recipes he plagiarized.
There was a post the last time we had one of these big threads that resonated a lot with me. Hopefully I'm not misremembering it completely, but here was the basic gist:
Cooking (and other homemaking skills) is no longer passed down or included as part of most girls' upbrinings (or if they are, they are soon sharply unemphasized by society writ large). The decoupling of cooking from its traditionally gendered connotations has, interestingly, opened up new space for men to move in and appropriate it as a hobby; not in the sense of "i do this in my spare time", but as one of a new generation of "male hobbies", much like mechanical repair, carpentry, and tinkering (which itself has found new lease with raspberry pi and other cheap, modular electronics). Specifically, as a hobby that a man might devote a not insignificant amount of time to and eventually 'git gud' at. So you have a noticeable uptick in the number of guys who are good at cooking these days not out of necessity per se (that is, because their girl doesn't know how), but just by choice because it's something to do and a way to improve yourself.
I think, overall, that's a pretty convincing view of this phenomenon. It's reasonable, doesn't really offend a lot of people. and I think it has a startling amount of anecdotal support.
This is very true I would say. I have a group of friends I regularly cook with, and we will socialize on the premise of experimenting with food and cooking for the friends n senpai. I am a professional cook, but the others do it purely for hobby.
It's a damn good time and I learn things I can apply to my work. GF cooks mediocre-tier but she is above average, but this idea does not interest her at all, she simply does it to eat (or sometimes to impress me).
my father in law took up cooking when his wife was over it. he became really good and got involved in his friend's restaurant hosting wine dinners and such. he passed on much of his passion to my wife who basically bans me from the kitchen. she is an amazing cook and plans to pass it on to my daughters as well.
so while op isn't wrong, there's plenty of talented women. especially ethnic ones
I've worked for a disproportionate amount of female chefs, and they are fucking RUTHLESS. Aside from being knowledgeable and good cooks they will make you feel like a piece of shit and relentlessly badger you over every minute detail. But the plates that go out to the dining room...perfect, every single time.
Better than working for some stoner dude-bro chef.
>Better than working for some stoner dude-bro chef.
wow what a standard of comparison!
I don't think gender has much to do with cooking skills anymore. Now, all types of people cook to stay alive.
>mash avocado
>toast bread
>put on toast
>top with cilantro
>upload to instagram
basically the extent of female """"""""""cooking"""""""""" from what I've seen in college so far
Thanks stoner.
I'm 24 and out of all the girls I ever cooked for or with I was as good if not better than nearly every one. It's very surprising as I have no clue how to actually cook, I just put on spices and sauces I like and cook until it smells delicious but I can cook well enough. I also worked in one of the nicer restaurants in town so I would ask questions about cooking.
I always impressed women with my cooking. However I also preferred to cook.
for once in history we don't have to cook, you better believe we're milking it for all it's worth. come back in another century and it'll probably be the way it was before.
Who gives a fuck if it offends people? If it's true it needs to be stated, "offensive" or not. That said, your point is valid. I would argue that a lot of men learn to cook out of necessity first and then make it somewhat of a hobby after they become proficient at cooking for themselves, simply because they want to know more. I am fairly handy, I've done some carpentry/renovation work, know shop equipment, know some vehicle repair, know some outdoor survival skills, learned a second language and continue to learn bits of other languages, and mostly focus on computers, radios, and electronics as a main hobby. Everything listed, with the exception of wilderness survival, I learned out of necessity before they became interests or hobbies. You definitely nailed it when you talked about improving yourself.
I have two female roomates. One of them cooks like once a week and only with recipes from captain cook or something, orders take out for the rest with parents money. The other one just eats Bread most of the time or makes soup also brings back lots of pre cooked stuff from when she visits her parents. I basically cook everyday because I am poor and my parents don't care.
You're talking about Ice Poseidon aren't you?
It did when the narrative was that females were more sensitive to taste than males
>That said, your point is valid. I would argue that a lot of men learn to cook out of necessity first and then make it somewhat of a hobby after they become proficient at cooking for themselves, simply because they want to know more. I am fairly handy, I've done some carpentry/renovation work, know shop equipment, know some vehicle repair, know some outdoor survival skills, learned a second language and continue to learn bits of other languages, and mostly focus on computers, radios, and electronics as a main hobby.
Did these skills get you a gf?
I mean, I definitely don't normally shy away from being crass in my everyday conversations; what I meant by "not offensive" is that if you say all of what I just said to a woman, they're not gonna throw a fucking hissy fit because you extend the olive branch about acknowledging that cooking used to be heavily gender segregated. I guess what I should've said is that it's a relatively inoffensive way of putting it.
Before even looking at the thread... NO.
I've worked in the kitchen for 14 years, and I have a confident NO.
They are way better servers... cooks? HELL NO
Putting on a dress doesn't make you a girl, son.
entirely male dominated, being a chef is quite different to just being a decent or good cook too
>cooking in general
depends on country, in my country everyone knows how to cook, so it's even
Post your feet you slag
>It's very surprising as I have no clue how to actually cook, I just put on spices and sauces I like and cook until it smells delicious but I can cook well enough.
That's literally the point of cooking mate, experimentation, you are doing it right.
>more than 90% of women I know
And, 94% of statistics are made up on the spot.
In case you didn't know, and why would you of all people know anything about stereotypes, who you know is indicative of you and not reality.It's certainly not an argument. It's the worst kind of logical fallacy. Your proof by example with some made up statistic from your life is inappropriate generalization. I saw this because 75% of the women I know cook very well. It might be the ability to afford groceries without any restricting budget among my circle of friends. It could be the lac of commuting time that zaps energy in my city. Whatever other kinds of generalizations, especially by generational breakdown is now irrelevant. the dawn of the internet and the Food Network forever changed the accessibility of fine cuisine and sparked interests the world over. Most of the top popular celebrity chefs have been women, from Julia To Martha, and that influenced a generation not just to eating well but living well. It was a _BLUE COLLAR_ job before them. Since the majority of the staff in a professional kitchen is still blue collar workers, it's a hostile workplace for many women, who either congregate together or relegate their talents to catering and side businesses in hospitality. But, whether people cook at home isn't related to who does it for a living.
Women don't work in accounting or engineering in big numbers in mixed workplaces as much as together on their own. It's still sexist in the workplace for many professions.
It depends on what you're raised to do, and what you take interest in. I'm from the south, and grew up with every female figure in my life knowing how to at least cook dozens of fresh vegetables and pluck/fix a chicken, and had a couple of uncles really into smoking, but not much else on the male end - though my grandad was a pretty decent cook out of necessity, since they had seven fucking kids.
My husband comes from a super traditional southeast Asian family, where I think his mom would have been appalled if he asked to learn how to cook, much less do anything else around the house. He made an adorable attempt at making me spaghetti from a jar about a year into our relationship. Upon tasting it, he vowed to not serve me jarred Prego ever again, and wanted to learn how to cook as a hobby.
I showed him a few extremely basic things as far as knife skills, eggs, sauces, and kitchen maintenance, my sister showed him a few more. I would try out new recipes with him, and got his mom to show me a few things so we could figure out curry.
Now it's like... ten years later? I still do what ends up being the majority of grocery shopping/utilitarian cooking, simply because I have the much easier job of not being a doctor, but my husband is absolutely the one who goes out of his way to make really fancy, tasty, and experimental dishes, because he enjoys doing it. Much like any art, he's become better at it with his hit to miss ratio with practice. The only thing he really needs to get better at is not turning the entire kitchen upside down in the process of cooking, to this day he's amazed at how few dishes I use and how clean the kitchen stays.
I see a lot of long term relationships that fit this model, too - someone makes the basics that make sure everyone is fed and BMing regularly, the other person gets experimental. It works for us, though I'm sure this kid on the way is going to throw a wrench in things.
No one here is saying whites are better cooks than blacks.
Misogyny and gender biases belong in /r9k/
> Anywhere you go, all around the world, all the best cooks are men. - Lefty Ruggiero
fuck off roastie.
>Did these skills get you a gf?
For a short time, user
>Looking through the top-rated local restaurants, all the head chefs are men.
In 2011 the annual North American Scrabble Championship had ~350 entrants. 80% of them were women. Of the top 50 players, only 2 of them were women. The women are mostly hobbyists whose friends pitched in and got them a seat at the table. The men on the other hand spend 4 hours a day memorizing anagrams of 8 letter words
Men are naturally more competitive, they're not better cooks, but at the top level they're just more devoted
There's also the child rearing factor, women who could have been great at things often get derailed by pregnancies.
t. woman
sometimes you fly too close to the sun m8
>child rearing factors
You mean raging hormonal splerges that cause you to periodically malfunction? Yeah, that's probably the root of being less successful, but don't blame it on the thing you take time off to spew out between your two evacuatory holes.