How often do you go shopping every week?
I used to buy in bulk and shop 1x a week these days I'm buying stuff 2-3x a week
How often do you go shopping every week?
I used to buy in bulk and shop 1x a week these days I'm buying stuff 2-3x a week
Once a week for the basics, once a month for stocks.
Everyday. I don't own a fridge though.
Where do you live/store your shit?
Before I had kids I would only go once a week to stock up on things like bread, milk and eggs. But now I find myself going at least 2 times a week because my monthly grocery trips aren't as efficient if I'm stuck with one of them, and I often end up missing things. It also doesn't help that my wife keeps making these 'meal plans', but then we end up wanting to make something else instead. However my weekly trips tend to only be for things like the basics again, and vegetables/seafood. I shop at Wegmans which always has surprisingly low costs for meat compared to the acme 4 minutes away, and the one around me has been doing a lot of buy-one-get one deals so I can buy stuff like that in bulk.
You have kids? Maybe a wife, and you're on Veeky Forums?
Why are you here?
Having those is even more of a reason to occasionally be on Veeky Forums.
If I shop: once or twice a week to buy all the things I need for five days of cooking and two days of leftovers
If my parents shop: four or five times a week
haha having a family is so awful. classic comedy.
I go somewhere whenever I have less than a day's worth of beans, berries, other fruits, cruciferous vegetables/greens, other vegetables, nuts, grains, chia/flax, and I get enough that I won't need to stop anywhere for at least a week. So there's always frozen broccoli and Brussels sprouts in my freezer for when I run out of tasty fresh stuff.
I also get a few frozen/dry things at Costco with my mom.
What about meat, or you an autistic faggot?
A big new supermarket opened up down the street from me so I go there at least twice a week.
There's a little cafe out the front that does a nice coffee so I like to go there and get a coffee and wander around the supermarket deciding what to cook for dinner.
Also I work nightshift so I have heaps of time during the day to go out to the shops while there's hardly anyone else there.
How do you live life like that? Are you normal to buy coffee and walk around the super market?
What do you do for work?
Been vegan since 1998.
And I actually am autistic and queer. I was diagnosed in the year two-thousand, and I have a bf.
I knew it
Hard to say. I plan one big shopping trip per week lasting about two hours. I buy things that I will absolutely need the car for. However, between the subway and my house, there are three stores selling food (a produce place, a cold-cuts and pantry-staples place and a North African butcher) and between work and the subway, there's an Ethiopian grocer. There are also several small supermarkets only a block or two off my regular route to/from work/home, so I can always stop into one of those stores on the way back from the office if I need something relatively small.
So if you count big trips only, then once weekly, otherwise, it's sporadic and as-needed.
I shop once every 3 weeks I guess.
I do buy fresh produce and meat but I will eat it the first week and then frozen and pantry stuff the next 2 weeks.
Veeky Forums is old dude. 2003 was 25 years ago.
I only get what I need to make the next meal plus essentials, so once or twice a week.
I don't, I go to the chow hall
200 dollars once a month to feed three people
It's pretty normal to buy a coffee and go shopping.
I work as a machine operator in a cabinet making factory.