Post the oddest stuff youve seen at a dollar store. Today i went in looking for Rose brand pork brains in milk gravy, but the only moderately strange food item was this. I never thought Lobster Bisque would be sold in a can. ONE DOLLAR.
Dollar Tree discoveries
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Australia has Dollar Tree?
Does it contain real lobster?
Yes. Here are the ingredients in order: water, lobster, salt (broth) whole milk, heavy cream, wheat flour, lobster meat, sherry wine, onions, tomato puree, butter, celery , black pepper, modified food starch, seafood seasoning.
Should I actually cook and eat it?
Lobster and lobster meat both on the ingredients
What could it mean?
Open it and eat it, OP. You can't leave us guessing like this. Also where do you live?
a hospital waiting room, judging from his pic
I guess first is lobster shell, cooked like bones in a broth/bouillon/thing.
They were filtered out obviously but remain in the list of "ingredients involved".
Texas. I'll try it later tonight and post results if the thread is up. For science
Oh fuck same here. Brb, gotta check out my local dollar tree. Also best wishes, fellow Texan. I hope is wrong.
>Rose brand pork brains in milk gravy
Jesus Christ
>When you're so sheltered that you think that visiting the dollar tree is the same as entering the heart of darkness
holy shit underrated comment
holy shit how new are you
My guess it will be something like a better version of Campbell's "clam chowder." Your only fear would be botulism and by simmering for 10 minutes the toxin would be neutralized.
Have you ever been to dollar tree? It's pretty vile.
back to reddît with ye
I actually have and most of them are not vile. They're a pretty good place to buy party bags and candy (airheads and such).
I like Shasta soda for nostalgia reasons and on the search for knock off snacks that are almost impossible to fuck up, I found beef stew. It feels good to not be Dinty Moore's $7-8 bitch anymore.
Not odd but good god if it doesn't make me laugh every time.
It depends where you are. In the Midwest none seem to be bad, but the few I've been to in the deep South are like entering the jungles of the Congo.
>jungles of the Congo in the south
That's everywhere down here except higher end groceries. I'm firmly convinced that the last census underestimates the nignog population in the US because a number of them simply don't fill out the forms and the manual census takers don't go into those neighborhoods. I'm certain whites are already under 50% in america.
Who is this diakon siapan?
Quit teasing us and open up the can already
I didn't want to do this.
Flip your phone upside down when taking a picture .
Aww yeah. Eagerly awaiting the report from the taste test.
wtf? pour that shit in the pan so we can get a good look at it
I am excite
Be brave, OP!
Has the consistency of creamed corn run through a nuclear powered blender
Where the fuck is the lobster meat? How does it smell?
For science!
Smells like milk and crab meat
Taste was overpowering saltiness. Butter and cream came next. No actual seafood taste.
Not awful but not tasty. Maybe with a lot less saltthis would be an ok cream of mushroom replacement.
fuck, I thought it said lobster biscuits.. I really need sleep
What was the expiration date on that thing?
Impossible to read. Had like 4 separate stamps on top of eachother. Good thing it was loaded with salt.
This. The first ingredient is actually Broth, comprised of the first three (Lobster, water, salt). So yeah, first ingredient is Salty Lobster Junk
As long as you heard the can hiss when you opened it you should be right
Stay near a toilet, OP.