Al/ck/ edition

al/ck/ edition


Whats on the menu this evening ladies and gentleman?

Vodka straaaight

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I have a little over a pint of viaka brand vodka left and half a 750 of gekkeikan left after cooking some moon food and drinking today
Plan on finishing it all off in a few minutes
My heart hurts so I decided to cut back from the usual liter for today and just have my remaining rice wine and part of a 750 I got from a friend

Its posts like these that make me hope this person is only joking. A liter a day usually?


Yes, unfortunately I'm very far gone
I went to rehab and was fine for 5 months but when I started working again I relapsed recently and it took me about 4 weeks to build back up to my usual liter
I definitely won't be able to afford another round of rehab so due to my recent heart pains I'm trying really hard to cut back, and I'm gonna try to get my doc to prescribe me naltrexone and gabapentin again.
So far I've done good, I'm hoping success continues and I can get the drugs again soon.

>didn't have to go to """Intensive Outpatient Therapy""" tonight thank dog
>but have to go every night until Friday since I've been putting it off
>it's four fucking hours

I need to find some pills for this I hope they don't fucking test your urine or some shit.

At the IOP I did we had random UA screenings every week
I went every day religiously for about 6 weeks after moving down from Partial Hospitilization which was 8 hours for 5 days a week and was also 6 weeks. It's not that bad if you don't have to work as well.

im getting drunk, thank god beer still gets me drunk

Vodka straight thats fucking rough

First day sober lads.

I crave it but otherwise I feel better than normal.

Really looking forward to not waking up hungover tomorrow.

Speaking of vodka
Went to 2 interviews today drunk on vodka and grape juice.
One at 10am and one At 5 pm where I was beyond fucked up.
And got hired at both lol
Im a fucking mess

I'm an alchy who drinks primarily light beer, so a hangover is foreign unless I'm really pushing it.

Miss taking up odd jobs and reading more literature from the last time I tried to get "sober" though...

>light beer

How much light beer do you have to drink to get drunk?
anything below like 30% alcohol doesn't affect me at all anymore unless I drink an obscene amount
Don't move over to hard liquor you fool. try to cut down your beer intake too

Stuck at the airport for 9 hours because I missed my flight. Loading up on overpriced vodka tonics before I ship out on the next flight out.

How do u miss a flight

Vodka. Told my gf I'm going out with friends just to hang out but she doesn't trust me anymore. The anxiety makes me want to get drunk but I'm keeping it to one drink an hour. Fuck

In the past I've found myself thinking I didn't get hangovers for a while until I quit and then realised I did have hangovers that I just gotten used to.

I might have felt okay, but I could have felt good instead. Booze is sneaky like that.

It's a good buzz, but if you start drinking 5 or so an hour it's pretty easy. Actually switched to light beer after being a beer geek who switched to affordable full flavor macro.

It's just nice to always have a drink in your hand, and yet be able to do things like work an 8-5 job and do recreational activities on your saturdays.

>asks why
>in an alcoholic thread

Retarded self planning
Left the house at 7:45 this morning, three hr drive to the car rental place then the shuttle to the airport took an hour because loltraffic

Got there ten minutes after checkin closed, which wouldnt have been a problem if i had checked in online but their fucking website was down all day

Never fly Spirit, kids.

I can't do this anymore bros...thanks for being here when nobody else was...I love you guys but I have to go. I'm a fucking failure towards my family, my daughter, and myself. I'm ending it now before I cause more harm...thanks again guys

I have a headache

Make it look like an accident.

And not an "accident," that only your drunk-addled mind would find convincing.

You owe it to your daughter.

2.1 litres min today. Just woke, realised some of the stupid shit I said earlier, so now really going for it. Listening to walk off the earth. Feeling good.

You only fail if you give up bro don't let the alc get to u

You're an asshole user

More compassionate than the faux bullshit the "don't do it," crowd is spewing...


Don't sweat it. Your family is garbage. Obviously they don't care for you but only for themselves. Your daughter is also garbage because that is the goal of modern females. Not your fault that she will grow up to be an entitled nigger fucking disease ridden cunt.

Easy. This shit is not a joke.

First time I've gone more than a week without drinking for over a year. Rewarding myself right now.

he took the /pol/ pill. It's like a suicide pill, but they keep on going...

What kind of "accident" would you suggest? Access to guns isn't an issue but I have no stairs if that matters

From accounts of people who have jumped to their death from bridges and yet survived, you, as you hurtle towards oblivion, suddenly have a moment of clarity where you realize the problems you have aren't really as much as you put them up to be, and they're all fixable, even if it may be difficult. The problem is, you're going to die now that you've realized you shouldn't. This thought has kept me from ending it.

Dude please take at least one moment. Be calm. For the sake of your sanity, your family, for al/ck/. Please just try to be comfy until your mood Is more normalised, even if that normality is as shit as is those with whom you're now conversing.
We're all feeling some feels here.
Hope your mood lifts.

Yeah you hear that from the percent that survive and don't re-attempt.
Most people who jump off bridges and fail end up coming out of the hospital to do it again.

Well I sure admire their determination.

I don't have any good options off the top of my head. Maybe if you were a kayaker, go kill yourself in some whitewater rapids. Water seems to be a good one if you're involved. Otherwise some kind of industrial accident, depending on the industry you're in.

Other option in an urban area is being hit by a bus.

None of these are "painless," (yet drowning is pretty close).

Thanks man...I actually needed that. I'm a fucking mess right now. I've been struggling with my /alc/ since before these threads started...ive tried so damn hard but it doesn't seem like life is right for me. All I do is hurt other people even In a piece of shit and deserve to die. I'm just scared to do it desu. But I serio usly can't do this anymore

Thanks man. Maybe I'll go "kayaking" in Lady Bird Lake


Go fuck yourself townie

Don't make any decisions on taking your life until you've been sober for a while.

Having your brain go back to normality tends to do wonders.

I actually live way out in the boonies was a joke friendo

Jesus christ people from Austin are insufferable I'd kill myself too

>muh taco fetishism
>muh elitism whether you're a barrio faggot, 'native,' or califaggot

Fuck I could go on for days. Austism is a hell of a drug.

>used to work at NI
>drank all the time at work
>got fired

fun shit brah

hehe, not him, but you're a nice dose of reality

jumping off a bridge is so uncertain. maybe thats why people do it. if you want a sure thing just get a gun

Where you at user? I'm North Austin currently but went to HS in Johnson City so that's kinda fucking boonies?

Pretty much the opposite quadrant, I live in NE Wilco and went to HS in gtown. Commuted down to north austin down 130 for fucking ages. Great drinking road. But god help you if you get a DUI or drug charges in wilco hahaha

We've got some nice back roads to Gtown from my place in Leander here. But fuuuuuuuuuck getting caught with anything in Wilco so I don't chance it. It took me forever to shake a bullshit "assault on a public servant" charge where the cops threw ME through a fucking a glass door, only thing that saved me that time was the body cams and having to get glass pulled out of me at the nurses station at the jai because they refused to take me to the hospital. I hate this goddamn county. Literally my first interaction with cops and it was that

how do people drink enough of that to actually get drunk
I always get bloated when drinking beer and have stuck to hard but am curious

Drink one every 10 minutes, and keep on that schedule.

>I'm a big guy

I might just have a small stomach, but I feel like i'm going to throw up after 5, not because of the liquor just because my belly is full of liquid. Kind of like I eat too much or something
Probably just a personal problem

this, your a definitely a good al/ck

the best for you

Yeah I've been saved by my d/l showing I'm a 'local' a few times, thankfully never had any run ins with da law here, only in NJ where I got a DUI and a bunch of other shit that only resulted in a 3 m/o suspension so I can't drive for another two months which fucking sucks.

fuckin ell lads these cravings are intense

you gotta do something to take your mind off it
watch a movie or play some video games or something

Pizza hut and taco johns?

read a book and go to bed

I have a similar problem to this
I can't deal with the stomach gas or the stomach bloating too well

>come to hometown for the weekend
>saturday night go out with a group
>show up back at parents place 5am too fucked up to walk or talk
>puke all over my bedroom floor
>mom comes and cleans it up
>next morning, tells me I need to pack and go back

fuck me that was emberassing

gonna try to cut down on my drinking now, only two weekends per month

>facebook filename
>facebook frog


have been watching platoon

think il do this quite soon after

Ugh, I hate that feeling when you make a huge mess or fuck up but you're too drunk to deal with it

suck me

I know, I vaguely remember telling her to stop cleaning and go back to bed because I was gonna clean it but realistically I would've probably passed the fuck out on the floor

what a fag your are, only two weekends per month, probably your just a dyke that cannot drink at all.

so dont drink at all. Plus story reeks of college faggot.

I am in college, but I'm 25...failed out twice already due to my inability to stop myself from getting fucked up funny enough

but yes keep pretending you're superior mr. cool Veeky Forums man

>Veeky Forums man

Hello, reddit. You post your facebook frog and now you show your true face.

crusties plz leave

y'all need to relax

is there any drink you enjoy more when you are drunk

Man, you're really silly. That's the beginning and I'm not 25, far from it. When I was 20 I was driving down the interstate and puked in my own lap from a weekend army reserve meeting where beers were $.25/glass. I slept at my grams house in the spare bedroom when I came home from college and occaisionally puked in the bed and she scolded me, then made a big hangover breakfast.

It starts small but builds and I pity the youth of today who see a US led by a reality talk show host propped up by eunoch sycophants. The nihilism described by Jack London in "John Barleycorn," is probably the only reasonable answer.

how bout you just stick to what you know and dont wax philosophical on us old timer

Just quit cold turkey after a long binge, got that nice small fever going on right now.

suck my fat dick


I like these pint cans of king cobra/olde english for $1.40w tax at the liquor store nearby, sometimes I just like to buy 5-6 of these instead of the 40oz plastic bottles. I wish I could find pint six packs of olde english for a cheaper price but everything is more expensive where I live in socal.

>tfw work in a liquor store and get everything at cost
>tfw going through withdrawals while being surrounded by the one thing that can make it better

what's the cheapest swill you can drink that won't make you want to cut your throat with the bottle afterwards?

idk most cheap shit comes in plastic now nigur

I drink cheap wine mostly. Cheap spirits make me want to die.

good job user i believe in you

>have to go visit my parents this weekend
>Mother's a religious zealot who opposes alcohol
>Dad is a certified alcoholic that needs it to sleep
well this will be fun

>A 40oz where I live is 6.25
be happy with what you got homie

everybody says cheap handles of vodka but I hate being drunk on vodka so I buy the cheapest wine at the grocery store(quail oak for $2.40 at vons, used to be $2)

i've never had this before since I'm not from the US
is it really as bad as people say?

how do you not die from the wine hangover?

I drink white wine. Red wine gives me a nasty headache and hangover.

I buy the white wine now, has less tannins from the grapes, I drank nothing but cheap red wine forever, went to the dr for stomach pains, stomach was fucked, was on the verge of having peptic ulcers so I switched to pinot, chardonnay. tastes like shit but it doesn't effect my stomach like dark wine. Also cannabis eliminates hangovers so I don't care about that.

>strong desire to eat while drunk
>if I eat I will throw up

it's not too bad, just cheap skunky strong lager that's 7.0% alc. I remember buying some carlsberg elephant beer and it tasted similar if you're european...the carlsberg tasted slightly better but I have low standards for cheap malt liquor.

ah I see
seems like a bitch to drink 1L before it heats up though

weed, sticky smelly indica weed will make you eat everything in the kitchen and your stomach wont care at all.

Not even remotely accurate. Every time I've gotten high and start eating, my body doesnt know when to stop. I end up eating so much I HAVE to puke to stop feeling so fucking sickly.

weed doesn't really have that effect on me anymore
it just makes me tired and paranoid

I usually just pass out after overeating at night. Alcohol binges without weed make me puke, even after years of drinking I still puke sometimes. I'm just glad I don't get the spins anymore, that was awful as a teen.

that's how I was but I can buy certain storefront dispensary strains now that just make me want to eat and eat/fall asleep, no paranoia, I can buy other strains that will mess with my head and make me irritable and on edge, I avoid those strains.

Using the bit of self control I have to stay away from drinking because I took some Vicodin and acetaminophen and booze is lethal

>here's your reply

Woo dubs