If you have eaten more than 1800 calories in a day within the last year, you should really just die

If you have eaten more than 1800 calories in a day within the last year, you should really just die.

Screaming, I hope.

Summer, summer. What a bummer.

School's out, and shitposts are funner!

>Making light of a serious problem

Literally worse than the zombie apocalypse scenario and you're RHYMING.

1800 calories is the basal metabolic rate of a 120 pound sedentary woman.

Or a faggot like you, I'd suppose...

2.2 billion fatties, as of 2015.

Seems to me we need to start erring on the low end, no?

Being a skinny fuck unable to pick up even 200 pounds is just as bad and pathetic as being a hamplanet. Maybe even worse, because the obese guy probably isn't a preachy hypocrite.

at least the fatfuck will have killer calves

America was a mistake

I'm going to Domino's to get a pizza, I'm going to eat the whole thing in one go.

Get the fuck out of my Flavortown, you Auschwitz motherfucker!