poor thing, they killed it while it was alife
That's some damn fresh cuttlefish, probably tastes delicious. Though the Western outdoorsman in me wishes they would at least stab it in the brain before butchering it.
they can't really stab them in the brain. Cephalapods don't have a brain the way we think of one, it's spread out across their entire nervous system, not just one organ.
Why haven't we nuked these people yet?
>they killed it while it was alive
Well, obviously.
Well, guess that's the best you can do really.
Except for the ones killed in the inital blast, they probably wouldn't notice or care. There's so much pollution already a little radioactive fallout wouldn't make much of a difference.
anime son
More humane than poultry farmers.
Pretty sure that's why we nuked Japan in the first place, but they just won't stop.
a lot shittier things happen in nature, not that i'd want this to happen to me
omg poor squid
it was aliv and they kil it
this never happen anywhere
>this kills the squid
not sure that it did.
Stopped eating squid and cuttlefish (also pork) when i realised how insanely intelligent and sentinent they are. Cant stop eating beef tho even tho cows are basically giant doggos because they are waaay to delicious.
why are there so many pussies on Veeky Forums?
You're not a pussy because you feel sad seeing a live creature being cut into and not killed instantly. Most people will still eat animals, but they at least want to know that the animal suffered as little as possible. And in the future most people will probably only eat cultured meats since no animals will have to be killed for it.
There's no benefit to being okay with creatures being killed for food but suffering unnecessarily during the process.
Lack of empathy is symptomatic of autism.
You get vaxxed as a child?
You're a pussy.
Animals aren't human beings.
Why do so many milennials anthropomorphize animals? Is it because they watched too many cartoons and video games with anthropomorphized animal characters? Or is it because they're so sheltered and never spent any time hunting, on a farm, fishing, etc? Or maybe it's something else entirely?
empathy for non-humans as an omnivorous species is symptomatic of being pointlessly empathetic.
Trips confirm Aspergers
I understand humanely killing livestock and delicious mammals, but I will never understand people giving a shit about fish, crab, lobsters, ect.
They are such simple life forms they're basically moving food
>probably tastes delicious.
salty rubber. totally pointless.
Stop overcooking it.
>two groups are intelligent
>won't eat one group because of the above
>won't stop eating one group because they're too delicious
either commit fully or don't commit at all.
Those look delicious af
t. retard
>your not a pussy because muh feel
If you say so. I think it's easier for most people to act calloused toward the suffering of another living thing than for them to admit it bothers them and try to change it though.
Not really. Treating animals with kindness can help you treat other humans better. And most people who eat meat still want the most efficient and painless methods used to kill animals for food. There's a reason we don't chop limbs off of live animals, or abhor seeing parts of a fish being cut off but not being killed and thrown back into a tank of water. It's cruel, and it could be indicative of how you think of other living things, i.e. humans.
It's also why we are disturbed by children who repeatedly torture animals. Often they'll grow up and do the same thing to people. It's not pointless to think this is a bad thing.
That kind of thinking usually stops people from trying entirely. "If you aren't vegan you might as well eat nothing but meat from tortured animals" doesn't help the animals, it only makes you feel better about yourself for doing what you think is right. Don't put someone down for attempting to reduce any pain they cause, you can't expect everyone to immediately change every aspect of their life.
I'm with you, humans are just as much part of nature as any other animal, and we have the same right to use animals for our benefit like any other species. Nature is cruel, many animals are even more cruel than humans, just get over it.
>literally copied the first few words from my post but still made a spelling error that i didn't make
Thank goodness for video games desensitizing them or all these millennials would be useless when the draft kicks in.
only tastes like rubber if you cook it wrong, I still hate seafood except all kinds of fish
"It's okay to do something bad because something else is worse" is a lame excuse. The best societies and people are always trying to improve. People used to (and still do, sometimes) cut a part off of an animal for food but not kill it. Some people thought this was cruel and came up with the throat cutting method to kill it quickly, instead of letting it suffer for hours or days by dismembering it while still alive. This also had the added benefit of making for better meat because the animal wasn't stressed and suffering for hours or days as it slowly died. Cruelty and suffering should be worked against, you shouldn't just accept it and act like it'll never change, because it can.
Alas, they're still going to be useless because they:
a) are in physically poor condition
b) have never had any experience with firearms
No. Your reason for not eating Group A was because they're intelligent. Your reason for eating Group B despite being intelligent is because "they're delicious."
You have pretty weak convictions.
t.meat eater
PT them til they die
I'm not that poster. But I've seen many, many people say they felt like it was pointless to even try because of vegans or other people saying that little changes are pointless if you don't do everything they say to do.
> Cruelty and suffering should be worked against, you shouldn't just accept it and act like it'll never change, because it can.
but why should it? who gives a fuck. it's an animal.
Poor fishy just wanted to cuddle.
Sounds like you've never experienced any cruelty or suffering, or haven't seen anyone you care about experience it either. That's fine. But, I'm sure one day you'll feel differently about it. Just because it's an animal and can't directly tell you in a language that you speak that it's suffering, doesn't make it okay. People who treat animals better usually treat other people better too.
>It's also why we are disturbed by children who repeatedly torture animals. Often they'll grow up and do the same thing to people. It's not pointless to think this is a bad thing.
I won't be the one coming to help you when some Japanese guy comes to cut you up into pieces.
so pigs, cows, sheep, chicken, goats,turkeys, etc. are all statues?
doesn't know how to cook seafood
> 2017 The Year Asian Males surpassed White Cucks in Masculinity
>> 2017 The Year Asian Males surpassed White Cucks in Masculinity
Please don't lump us all in with the pathetic Millenial white kids. Some of us can still hunt, gut, & cook our own food... we're probably a dying breed thought.
Then start breeding, mate!
>we're probably a dying breed though
I dunno, how about you have some kids?
>ITT: women and numales cry over a molluscs
>how about you have some kids?
They'll just turn out to be Millenials then, won't they?
Lol, no thanks. I'd rather be the last american male who hunts and fishes than ruin my life by spawning ingrate monsters who won't want to hunt or fish and probably sue me for not paying for their sex change. You go right ahead, dumbass.
They will with our education system at the moment. It's all about indoctrination by the left wing lot. If anyone denies this you are either a liar or so blinkered, you should be running in the Kentucky Derby
He says unironically while shitposting on the cooking board of Veeky Forums.
Reminds me of the "I'd have a girlfriend if it wasn't for x" mentally of r9k
Why not raise children and teach them how to hunt and fish?
The reason millenials don't do those things is because their parents were too busy playing keep-up-with-the-Joneses and didn't take their kids hunting, fishing, camping, etc.
>inplying I'm not going to do everything in my power to dodge the draft
>implying the draft is morally acceptable
>implying I would allow myself to become a machine man in a machine army controlled by men with machine hearts
Given how you've assimilated the board culture of greentexting and "implying", I'd say you're very much a machine sheep. You'd be perfect for the army.
Enjoy getting raped by Tyrone in prison
>indoctrination by the left wing lot
Yeah, it would be so much better if the right had their way and the Bible was the primary textbook, kids were taught the universe is 6000 years old, humans roamed the planet with dinosaurs, and americans have never harmed a soul but have always been benevolent benefactors wherever they reach their pure, white hand.
>The reason millenials don't do those things is because their parents were too busy playing keep-up-with-the-Joneses and didn't take their kids hunting, fishing, camping, etc.
I'm not so sure this is the entire reason... kids are super fucking unmotivated, for almost anything.
I think it's from the "participant" mentality, where everybody is a winner for just showing up. Eventually, without competition, you lose interest.
Same with hunting & fishing...just look at OP in this thread.
Indoctrination of any sort is problematic, user. Nobody said right-wing was any better.
>asians historically wimpier than americans
I served with a number of Vietnam Vets who told me the Vietcong would go out of their way to avoid a platoon of Koreans even if it meant facing an American Company because the Koreans were such ruthlessly fierce battlers and literally took no prisoners.
>kids are super fucking unmotivated, for almost anything.
While I agree with you, I think that (and the "everyone is a winner" bullshit) are totally unrelated problems.
The motivation issue, IMHO, comes from the fact that there are so many passive distractions these days. Sit in front of the TV/tablet/PC. Play a video game. Watch a movie. Nothing requires activity anymore, whereas when I was a kid the common pastimes were riding our bikes, playing sports, building a treehouse, etc.
>>without competition, you lose interest.
That's why hunting, fishing, etc, are perfect. It is a competition. Go fishing with your buddies and it's all about who caught the most or the biggest fish.
>disagreeing with the left wingers makes you a YEC huwite mail who idolizes America
Koreans did some shit in Vietnam man, best listen to what the GI's said they did. It's true.
you realise the vietcong used to capture american soldiers and then torture them within earshot of american bases in order to demoralise american troops right?
This people has no feelings.
I know it's true. These were grizzled battle hardened fuckers that might bullshit about some things, but not combat.
That sounds incredibly unlikely. The sound of someone screaming doesn't carry very far. It's unlikely the enemy could even get that close to a base without getting in a shootout with the guards on the base's perimeter. Assuming they did get close enough to be within earshot, they'd be a magnet for incoming fire the moment someone started screaming.
I have no doubt they did some horrible stuff to American soldiers (and vice-versa), but that scenario sounds too improbable to believe.
>real men laugh at things being cut up while still alive :^)
that's not masculine
Although I'm skeptical of his claim because the grizzled frontline veterans of Vietnam I served with never said that, most of those forward bases were just cleared hilltops with a dense jungle surrounding it. Enemy could be within 10 meters of the perimeter and you wouldn't see them. That's why they surrounded the base for several hundred meters with antipersonnel mines and forward posts with claymores on avenues of approach. But you would still be able to hear loudspeaker human voices from 500 meters.
I'm not defending PETA, but damn that's fucked up for not killing it humanely. Those are one of the most intelligent creatures of the sea.
Agreed. Some people are saying there's no brain to pierce or any way to kill it instantly, but even if that's true, something like quickly cutting the main part in half should be enough trauma to put it into shock where it won't feel anything else or essentially kill it. They're basically cutting the body in half, and you can see with the second guy that its tentacles are reaching toward the scissors to try and stop it. Seems like prolonged suffering for them. It's a bit sad.
Unfortunately saying something like this gets a bunch of comments of "you're a pussy, it's food, only humans can feel pain" etc. which is a bit silly, but I hope the people saying those things will eventually change their minds. I used to think similar things but I was trying to justify something which I knew was causing pain to another living creature, and eventually admitted it was wrong.
poor babies. i am vegan because it reduces suffering. i hope others do the same
Neat video.
I loved cuttlefish back when I was a little kid and thought animals were awesome (grew up on a tropical island), and I've loved eating them ever since.
Cool how he removes the animal from it's own flesh so easily as though it's wearing a shell.
Nice Seiko diver
Also, ITT: Snookums McWhiteOutrage
nah i'm good thanks
I will never stop eating meat nor do I think killing is wrong inherently, especially not when it has to do with food
I am however against torture, which is what this is, and anybody who would indulge in it deserves to be tortured in return
Cruelty is typically a sign of faulty wiring in a person, these people need to be dealt with using cruelty in order to establish dominance of the healthy minded people
The hell? Are they just tossing the inedible bits into the river?
As opposed to what?
The bits that are inedible to humans will be consumed by bottom feeders, and the truly inedible bits will become part of the landscape, just like what would have happened if they'd been left alone in nature.
I only have a problem with fishing/hunting when it becomes unsustainable, and makes it so that my grandkids will never be able to see a cuttlefish in the wild. As much as I think they're majestic creatures or whatever, I also think it's amazing that we can enjoy eating them as fresh and tender as possible.It looks like unnecessary cruelty to the fucking fish, but it really isn't. I mean, it isn't Necessary for them to butcher it alive, but it's just post-mortem bodily reactions, and the animal isn't really writhing in pain.
>The entire right are evangelical Baptists
>It looks like unnecessary cruelty to the fucking fish, but it really isn't. I mean, it isn't Necessary for them to butcher it alive, but it's just post-mortem bodily reactions, and the animal isn't really writhing in pain.
I don't think the large cuts to the body are instantly killing it, you can see one of them reaching toward the scissors as it's being cut. That's not post-mortem, that's something feeling the pain of being cut open and trying to stop it.
* drools *
How would you feel about someone cutting up a live sea cucumber which is the way they serve them from street carts in Korea? They look like a tube of solidified mucous. Will you feel empathy for that thing?
Better the bible than the Koran??
Anyway, only idiots believe those things, but there are a lot of idiots. The bible isn't supposed to be taken literally. Symbolism was a huge thing back then and even Jesus spoke in parables when he taught. The new testament is pretty dope and closely reflects naturalistic pantheism which is based on science, and Genesis parallels the big bang theory.
>cutting up a live sea cucumber which is the way they serve them from street carts in Korea
>open air circumcision market
Apparently, if they came to get you and you started masturbating, it would buy you another half hour because that's all spiritual to them and shit. Know thy enemy.
desu the thing that made me mad was the shitty butchery, shit sharpless and rusted tools and at one point the chink literally steeps on the tastly loin with his dirty rubber boot
Sure, why not? I'll regularly catch spiders or other bugs and put them outside instead of just killing them. Just because something isn't cute like a kitten or puppy doesn't mean you should be okay with inflicting pain on it. And yeah I know some people will say they don't feel pain like people do, but if a creature makes an effort to get away from something that's injuring it, it obviously is experiencing something similar to pain.
I don't give a shit
get the fuck over it liberal. This is how our ancestors ate and they would be ashamed at how weak willed, yellow bellied, and limp wristed their descendants have become. if you dont have the stomach for it go back to the site for juniors and fags.
>we wuz cavemen
white people are pathetic
And yet we still run the world.
Funny isn't it?
>whitey starts whining about asians
>but at least we're not muslims!
is this the new "thank god for mississippi"?
doesn't look like it will last much longer though ^_^
I think our ancestors would be pretty impressed by scientific developments in farming with things like lab-grown meat and milk, vertical farms, GMO food, etc. I don't think they thoroughly enjoyed butchering animals but viewed it as a necessary part of life for them, required for survival. And I don't think they would enjoy seeing what happens in some factory farms.
Do you run anything, or hold any power? Most likely no. I'm white, I'm not ashamed of being white although I'll admit white people have done some bad (and good) things, and there are things I like about white culture that I think shouldn't be forgotten. But acting like you're above everyone else because some white people hold more power doesn't help anyone, including you. Just being white doesn't make you better. If you don't have anything going on in your life that's making you hold onto your skin color as a sense of pride and accomplishment, I urge you to find other things to do that you can be proud of. You'll be a lot happier. Trust me.
I manage the top grossing Cinnabon in my state, shitskin
What do you do, other than collect welfare and make babies out of wedlock?