Sirloin steak

How do I cook a great sirloin steak on the grill? Marinate? Just salt and pepper? Educate me

Microwave on high for 10 to 25 minutes.

Your welcome.




do you have the technique down? can you get it cooked to the desired temperature with proper browning? if not, you should keep it simple until you get that down. rub a little high smoke point fat on it (canola oil, peanut oil, ghee, etc., no virgin olive oils or regular butter) with a bit of salt. no pepper, because pepper burns, put it on after.

depending on the thickness you'll want to start it on the hottest part to sear, then move it to a cooler part to finish cooking.

once you have the technique down, you can start experimenting with more seasonings and flavors. dry brining is a good way to make a steak better, you could try that too. i think the best sauce for a steak is a cream and pepper sauce/"au poivre" sauce, if you want to give that a shot.

>Salt both sides
>Let rest 30 min
>Pepper Both Sides
>Pan nice and hot
>Cook on sides for a bit, especially to render fat
>Get to your desired doneness, rare-medrare if you're not nice and hot
>Let rest covered in foil for about 10 min
>Take out, nice and hot
>Stick up pooper

You can use fresh sprigs of rosemary, thyme, use butter, cloves of garlic. You can youtube how to do that if you'd like, there is slight technique to it. But salt and pepper will give you a beautiful flavor in itself, assuming it's good quality.

Also, pat your meat with a paper towel before the start of the whole process

first step is to not buy shit cuts like OP pic

First thing you want to do is get a cast iron pan and let it preheat on the grill.

Why are so many kino food webms ruined by stupid fucking faggots having to show off their faces? OOOH ITS SO GOOD LOOK AT MY EXPRESSSION!
Worse than a fucking reaction video because theres actually content Im interested in being ruined

>salting 30 minutes prior to cooking
>giving it that much time to become a sweaty, soggy mess of drawn out water

Sounds like a great way to get some oil burns when you put the meat in the pan.

a lot of people become enamored just seeing someone they think is attractive do something, it's easier to build up a base of followers/subscribers/whatevers this way.

This. The cast iron + garlic and butter method is the only sure fire way I know of to make any cut of steak come out perfect.
Reverse sear if it's a particularly thick cut of meat.

I hate them and I want them to get in a car accident, permanently disfiguring them

well that's a bit harsh i think, especially since it's just mostly young kids who make up the majority of their subs/followers.


Give it to your dog and buy a ribeye instead


>cast iron
literally the only reason you want to use iron is for the even heat distribution. Any pan that does this will give the same results regardless of your autism.

Give it to your dog and then go buy yourself a real steak