U21 here
What does vodka taste like?
U21 here
It's the closest you get to "tasteless" alcohol although it should be slightly sweet and not too dry it doesn't have a lingering effect. That's why girls like to drink it with juice.
Most liquor just tastes like alcohol to me, I probably don't have a refined pallet but a shot of vodka has a cleaner feel than whiskey, I don't know how to explain it
like your life didn't go the way you wanted it to.
It's pretty tasteless, but still would have a strong "bite" for someone who's never drunken alcohol before. I usually get flavored vodka anyway.
>flavored vodka
do your self a favor and only ever drink stolichnaya vodka, grey goose is garbage compare to it and it's cheaper.
Just drink whiskey man
what does whiskey tastes like though?
>It's pretty tasteless
Is this why Slavs love it? It's just as bland and depressing as everything else in their country.
Tastes like a "chemical" is how it comes to mind. In practice, this is a neutral taste. You use it in cocktails where you want to preserve the flavor of the mixer.
>What does vodka taste like?
Alcohol. That's it
Vodka is made by distilling potato or grain until it's 96% vol, then diluted with water down to around 30-40%. It's not matured or spiced in any way (bar flavored vodka, duh)
Some vodkas have small amounts of sugar in them but most ppl think that's heresy
hand sanitizer
like whisky
spicy smokey impure chemicals
Is there any point in buying expensive vodka over the cheapest shit you can find since it's basically tasteless alcohol water anyway?
yes. if you drink on the rocks without a doubt you can tell the difference. also good quality vodka gives you less of hangover than poor quality
Because smirnoff makes me puke while other stuff doesn't
It tastes like sweet water and spice if your used to drinking. However if you don't drink often or at all sip on it or it will take your breath away and feel like fire.
It tastes like how drain cleaner smells.
It's the most rancid smelling and tasting alcohol you can get.
I don't know how the fuck anyone can say it doesn't taste of anything... it tastes like fucking hell.
It tastes like burning.
Agreed. Even their flavored stuff still tastes like real vodka as opposed to Three Olives or some shit that tastes like fruit syrup.
Alcohol with a sweet light corny flavor, very bitter when swallowed, burns
Like bags of sand.
A good vodka will have a very very subtle sweet taste that goes away after a little bit once you swallow
A bad vodka will have a really strong sweet taste, or even bitter, savory, or chemical tastes
Vodka should be enjoyed as cold as possible and taste like a slightly firey water on the way down. Best mixed into a dry marini with a citrus twist to give it a little more sweetness to contrast the herbal vermouth
Best answer ITT.
>What does vodka taste like?
"For what are only petty crimes, his polecat-faced, sinewy, wily grandfather beats him until he is carried unconscious to bed, where he often lies for weeks, listening to the wind moaning in the chimney and the wolves howling in the distant fields. 'To such music,' he tells us, 'my soul matured.'"
- My Childhood, by Maxim Gorky
Nail Polish Remover
Polish Nail Polish remover
Holy shit, I never bothered with those socialist-naturalist writers. I always focused on Gogol, Pushkin, Turgenev, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Lermontov, Bely and such, the pre-revolutionaries. But that's some powerful writing right there by Gorky.
It doesn't taste like shit like low quality cheap vodka, now if you are just making mixed drinks than drown that in juice.
Like fingernail polish remover, honestly.
like Polish remover
Yes. Even just the smell of cheap vodka makes me want to puke.
TIL I'm a girl