ITT: Stupid shit women do.
>watch 2 hours of the cooking channel every day
>hasn't cooked a new recipe since 1992
ITT: Stupid shit women do.
>watch 2 hours of the cooking channel every day
>hasn't cooked a new recipe since 1992
I wasn't born yet in 1992
I was born in 1990.
Here's something stupid women do:
>cooking tendies for your ungrateful ass
Go to bed, you have school tomorrow, kid.
It's summer you fucking retard
>Go to bed
*Go wet the bed
Yo mama types will change sheets and excuse it.
Why you gotta make this about gender? Loads of shitty men can't even boil water.
I do that, but then I post McChicken threads on Veeky Forums.
>Not taking summer class, or working
You must be over 18 to post here.
He assumes if his father was in his life things would have turned out different. He's probably right, they would have gone out for McChicken every night at the drive-thru instead of his mom microwaving tendies for him at home.
>being a wagecuck
>falling for the college debt meme
nice (((try))) but I'll stay right here thank you very much
bake stupid shit like pies every day then bitch when they get fat from the carbs
drink coffee with sugar
get drunk off wine with their moms
Starbucks is successful because they sell milkshakes that are "just coffee tee hee"
can you faggots read? women WATCH THE COOKING CHANNEL AND ARE TOO LAZY TO LEARN FROM IT. men don't pull that shit. stop being a triggered little girl and don't respond to my post.
there are a lot of mad roasties ITT. kek
Lots of helpless fat shits do that.
>make packet mix cake
>apply tub of pre made icing
>post to facebook with unironic #wifeymaterial
GTFO khhv faggot
Go back to your containment board.
Lol college debt good one homies. You can easily enough make a solid professional career without a degree these days.
the majority of shows on food network/"the cooking channel" are competition shows that you can't learn anything from now
This. Anything time-based with those injected interview voice overs I turn off. It's just lazy filming and emotional .vomit combined Things move on a screen and you have some idea that a meal was cooked but you have lost 30 minutes of your life.
You could have gleaned more about the cooking process from reading some random restaurant's menu.
In the beginning it was a bit different, you could learn how to repurpose leftovers or make quick meals sometimes. But after a while it changed and was like "make an appetizer from a pork chop, a tapeworm, and this birthday card".
Millennials pls go
>are competition shows that you can't learn anything from now
Depends on the competition. If it's something silly like Chopped, then you're right, it's hard to learn from that.
However, if it's something like Iron Chef then you can learn a great deal by ignoring the banter and instead watch what the Chefs are doing.
ok kid
I don't know, I've learned some valuable life lessons from Cutthroat Kitchen. Namely to never use a canned whole chicken or various other gag ingredients.
>watch 2 hours of people having sex every day
>hasn't had sex since 1992
>B-b-b-but I swear I'm not retarded, Y-Y-YOU'RE the retard!
>you can learn a great deal by ignoring the banter and instead watch what the Chefs are doing
You you could watch shows/youtube without banter and just a chef showing and explaining what he's doing.
>Watches the Superbowl every year
>Has never played in the superbowl
>Watches super hero fimls
>Never learned a super power
Gee, women really are lazy if they watch TV without becoming a chef.
>equates cooking with playing in the Superbowl
Do you also earn 30% less for working the "same" job?
>Watches the Superbowl every year
>Hasn't played football since 1992
>Watches super hero films
>hasn't done volunteer work since 1992
do you have a reading disability? I was replying to
>>not taking summer classes
It's still just mindless entertainment. Plenty of people watch things that they don't partake in but could conceivably learn from, like pro sports or forensic docs. Both of my parents watch Food Network shows and they can't cook for shit. Almost all television is for voyeuristic purposes rather than imparting skill, and trying to make it about gender just makes you seem bitter and unloved.
>McChicken every night
fucking based!
>but could conceivably learn from, like pro sports or forensic docs
>learn from
>pro sports
>forensic docs
If you believe this, you must watch so much TV that your brain is pouring out of your ears