Any fasting bros here?

any fasting bros here?
what day you on?
what will be your first meal when done?

>72 hours
>no motivation to even think of next meal

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Good luck user, do you have a day goal or just doing it for the shits n elegiglez? Use to keep a fasting day and periodically go for longer stretches. The only thing I dont like is I get tons of energy and cant sleep at night when I fast.

Finished a ~64 hour fast this morning. So far I've eaten:

five scrambled eggs with cream cheese
a tin of sardines with cream cheese
baked potatoes with butter
a lump of brie
a lot of macadamia nuts
some kefir

and for dinner I'm having a mozzarella salad, an avocado, and the rest of the kefir bottle. Maybe a piece of dark chocolate too.

Wow thats alot, and of heavy food. Its best to come off a fast with lighter foods and smaller quantities for a little bit, not judin', just saying.

I don't think it matters for such a short fast. I did a seven day one a while ago and I was much more careful that time.

Nice either way, howd you feel after the longer one?

Pretty good. I could have gone longer if I had something (like a job) to keep my mind off the fasting – I wasn't actually hungry, just bored.

Is this your longest fast?

it's hard to tell - guess I'm hoping it'll give me new perspective on things. Also I want to see how much I can cope. Probably I'll stop after 7 days if I don't run into any problems.

hipster foods to be honest. I'll probably just eat bread roll and soup and meat, maybe chicken or turkey. If I wanna treat myself maybe pizza or fast food.

Hipster shit

I'm at day 18.

I'm gonna end it soon because not being able to eat food is driving me crazy.

Fasting is a meme for the bored. You can only afford to live this low energy with no responsibilities.

good man. 18 days is incredible you've done a great job. I wouldn't do a fast like that for a long time though you've probably done a lot of damage. How does it feel right now? How's your energy?

not that anyone cares but a couple studies an user gave me:

it's probably safest to do semi-regular 2 day fasts rather than once in a blue moon doing crazy 7+ day fasts

what the fuck is wrong with you people.

>low energy

do you understand the point of body fat?

>hipster foods

Fuck off you idiot.

>native americans went wandering in the wilderness alone, climbing mountains, fording streams, etc. on 1-2 week fasting spirit quests
>low energy
>no responsibility when it's something that defined the rest of their lives

Try again, plebe.

That's why they're just fucking thriving today right?

That's your body freaking out and trying to get you to go catch some food instead of sleep

>tfw taking LSD first thing in the morning and not eating anything until after the comedown that night.
it may be a babby fast compared to what you all are talking about but still, feels clearheaded man.




Noice, I did a longer fast and in the end this was what broke me, not the appetite.

Too the other people shitposting out of fear because its something they dont understand, its been practiced throughout history and is a way for the body to regenerate.
>t. SADS dieter who overcame health issues

How many casinos do you own?

I usually fast for short periods 4-6 days a week for 18-22 hours, or whenever I get home from work and actually cook my meal.

I just passed the 16 hour mark, and I have another hour and a half of work.

I brought some pasta I made earlier with me, but I might not eat that and have the rice and beef dish I've been craving since yesterday; just thinking about golden chickpeas mixed into dark brown beef makes me salivate.

What are you fasting for?
Today's a fast day so that means no meat or dairy products. On days like these I tend to not eat at all since it's simpler than making vegan meals.

I almost always feel clear-headed and focused when I fast; I think most people who fast feel similarly.

>so low energy that they couldn't form proper civilizations
>so low energy that they couldn't deal with foreign diseases

Natives are the worst

>I almost always feel clear-headed and focused when I fast; I think most people who fast feel similarly.

Really? I got major head aches. Could never get far past 24 hours and I don't think I'd do it again.

The longest I've gone was 3 days and it was necessity. I admire people who have enough discipline and focus to accomplish it by choice. That's what these naysayers miss. It's an expansion of will and consciousness that puts you head and shoulders above the rest of this miserable population.