>mfw every gf I ever had was horrible at cooking.
For me, this is the ultimate dealbreaker.
>mfw every gf I ever had was horrible at cooking.
For me, this is the ultimate dealbreaker.
It's 2017, women don't cook anymore.
>every gf I ever had was good at cooking
Sucks to be you, mate.
Your mom doesn't count user
>tfw gf cooks never
>i cook
>make obscene messes
>she cleans them all
For me it is ideal
In my 32 years of life I have not met a single woman who can cook well.
>Shut up, go put your maid outfit back on and finish the housework. Tyrone's coming over for the evening and I want a candlelight dinner for us tonight.
t. numale
>have a white gf
>cant cook for shit
>"vegetarian" which means she thrives on redbull and vodkas and junkfood
>get mexican gf
>burns a fucking tortilla and it somehow tastes like playdough
>get filipena gf
>she never cooks
>get her to try
>she makes this weird cheesy pasta stuff and put red hot dogs in it
>the dyes in the hot dogs turn the sauce pink
>she stares at me while I eat it
>"it tastes good, baby, thank you."
>tears well up in her eyes
>"you dont like it, I can tell!!"
>have to eat all of it because I cant stand to see her cry
It actually wasnt that bad.
Even I, an autistic NEET, have enough knowledge to prepare elementary dishes like scrambled eggs, stew, fried chicken, etc... in a capacity that is at least halfway presentable.
But of all the women I have seen, literally none of them possess any cooking skills beyond making brownies in the oven and throwing a TV dinner in the microwave.
For me, it's not much of a deal breaker.
But if a woman can make some badass food, it's a HUGE turn-on for me. A deal-sealer, if you will. All her other flaws just disappear: Lazy eye, flat ass, feminist, obese, Chinese, they all just disappear.
I've even thought about stealing my friend's wives after eating over at their place. One of these days...
Actually, there's a limit to how chinese or obese a girl can be that even good cooking can't fix. But it'd have to be way out there
No gf and can't cook.
I feel great, desu.
>American/white women don't cook anymore
Went to meet my gf at her apartment after a month of dating, she's breaking down a whole tuna. Fell in love that day.
I don't know about this. Pretty much every girl I've dated and most I know are able to make at least a few delicious things. Their issues came from not cooking on a regular basis, so they have no discipline about it. Cooking is incredibly cost effective if you cook most of your meals. If you have to go out shopping for every ingredient you need for a meal once every two weeks it's much less cost effective, and since you're not in a rhythm of cooking it'll take you two hours to make a meal that could have been done in 40 min. That's been my experience. When they do cook it's usually pretty good, but they cook infrequently enough that they overspend on ingredients that won't be used efficiently (unused stuff going bad in the fridge), and it takes them forever to get a meal on the table. Because of this cooking really isn't a good use of their time. I'll cook. They can blow me after.
haha I meant my right hand
>had two gfs in my 23 years
>neither could cook
I don't think you're right but I don't have an anecdote to disprove you.
I'd rather cook myself. I don't trust a woman in the kitchen aside from menial tasks like "chop this" or "stir that".
Clean the house, fold laundry...that's all I need. I'll cook the food and take care of the dogs.
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.
That's pretty much the deal I have with my wife.
useless cunts
Fuck off you sad cunt.
Men were always the superior cooks to begin with.
I never go grammar police on people, but your punctuation begs for clarification here. Did you mean your friend's wives or your friends' wives? I'm not going make assumptions because this is Veeky Forums.
Also, I agree. I'm going to ask the next available woman I meet to marry me if she can actually cook. It is a really rare skill for single women.
Haha, women, guys, am I right or am I right?
What's the problem? Feels good being relied on. Seeing her look of surprise/joy whenever she eats some more foreign foods she never had in her family which only knew how to make stew and fried potatoes is very satisfying.
If you live together and she always eats your food you can also do more unorthodox stuff like always have sex after a certain type of food, making her associate that taste and smell with sex, which in turns makes her horny whenever she eats it.
jelly tbqh
>tfw no interesting gf that actually does things
Actually, I'm left-handed.
>on second date ever with GF, she begins to talk about how much she loves cooking and what she likes to make, I love cooking so this is a big conversation piece and im even more interested
>says she'll have to cook for me sometime when im over
>somehow I end up being the one that does all of the cooking for the next few months when she is over at my place
>when we go to her place we ended up going out or ordering food
>finally ask about it, she say's she'll cook for me on the weekend
>weekend comes, go to her place and her roommate lets me in
>gf is crying in the kitchen and there is a pan in the sink with some sort of burnt shape and pieces of aspargus drenched in burnt and now watery sauce
Turns out she never actually cooked for herself and her roommate was the one that liked to cook, and she only brought it up because she checked my social media and saw I cooked a lot. I taught her how to cook some basic recipes after that, but eventually we split because I wanted to move for work opportunities and she didnt want to leave. Honestly should have gone after her roommate but I felt that was too scummy and would have gotten ugly.
>All her other flaws just disappear: Lazy eye, flat ass, feminist, obese, Chinese,
I can cook hella good and I'm a chick. My mom only did the frozen meals to microwave or oven. I grew up on that terrible shit. Because of that I made damn sure to learn how to cook healthy meals from scratch. I shop once or twice a month, mostly bc I hate to go out, but in a big way to save money buy buying in bulk what I need and working what I have into meals for the month. I like to do big group meals. I've never been with a girl like me in this aspect. It does seem like it's dying out. Pic related- first turkey dinner I ever made- gave it boobs cause it was a giant turkey breast, and I thought it was funny as hell
My Thanksgiving turkey is getting tits this year.
>I shop once or twice a month
So you don't cook much in the way of fresh food. Not all that interesting if you're just roasting frozen meat and heating up canned and frozen shit to go with it. But I'm sure you would have been a great cook by 1965 standards.
another femanon here. i hate these threads and rarely contribute to them. i know an equal number of men and women who are shit at cooking. it's not a gender thing, it's upbringing and individual interest in cooking.
Fine with cooking for the girl if she cleans. Most girls can't cook because they don't appreciate the fact they had to pay for the food
Why don't you learn to cook and stop being such a fucking chad?
It gets pretty frustrating. For example, on days you want to just go to bed at 7am, you really want to depend on her to simply feed/walk the dog, make sure the front doors are locked, the laundry room door is closed, turn off the TV/speakers/cable box/computers, etc ....but you can't. You can tell her to do it, but you'll have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that something wasn't done right until you get up and do it yourself.
I can't remember the last time I went to bed early and stayed there. For example, I went to bed at 7pm tonight. The wife went to bed 20 minutes ago. Now, I am awake sitting in front of the computer because I had to make sure everything got done (she didn't feed the geckos and the dog's water bowl was empty). It's like ... god dammit. Seriously? Do I really ask that much? All she can do is clean. No cooking, and not able to reliably do more complex tasks. At least she works, I guess.
>she only brought it up because she checked my social media and saw I cooked a lot
This is why I don't use social media at all. Call me a Luddite, but I prefer to meet and talk to people face to face and not be stalked online where weird (albeit harmless) stuff like this happens
>Honestly should have gone after her roommate but I felt that was too scummy and would have gotten ugly
Yeah good call man, dating coworkers or an ex's friends is a bad idea
You got a shit wife. If the money won't kill you bail for a better one - they're out there. Don't wait too long before she's fat and on disability and you're doing everything. Lazy shits are lazy shits.
Buy a small whiteboard and put it on the fridge. Make a checklist of things that need to be done daily so she can check off as she does them. If she legitimately forgets stuff, this will help her. If she's a lazy fuck, she'll check off the list but things won't be done, and you can either talk to her about keeping up with her household duties or throw her ass out if she bitches and whines and does it repeatedly thinking you'll give in
Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.
I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.
We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.
But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.
Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."
All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.
Do with this information what you will.
fuck off with this pasta
>Have access to the internet
>Eat 3 times a day, every day for your entire life
>Never bother to look into how to make those meals more enjoyable/beneficial
It baffles me, considering youtube is fucking bursting with beginner to master level cooking instructions
good thing, I'll tell her that too next time she makes shitty pasta
same user, I fucking hate dishes so I'll do all the chopping and cooking
plus, I think I know what I like more than anyone else. So I don't really need her to cook better than me anyway.
>3 times a day
>he actually cooks and eats breakfast
> he doesn't cook to humilliate the gf
Do you know what refrigerator is? You can buy lettuce on Sunday and use it on Friday if you store it properly you troglodyte.
Me too. I need my partner to stand on their own. You literally cannot eat optimally without preparing your own food.
got a bf btw. I test his urine to make sure he's eating well, otherwise I cut his access to my Internet subscription (available wherever there'es other users of the same ISP who did not opt out of hosting an access point)
I can relate to these feels. Girlfriend is a butcher, went to visit her at work one day. She was breaking down a whole side of beef. Such a turn on.
She's a butcher? Be careful, lad.
>spend hours making meals, reading books about cooking
>finally able to say I'm a ""good cook""
>still can't attract a bf
kill me
Just lose a little weight. You don't even have to get into the sub 130 lbs range, just shoot for under three bills.
I live in the country. We grow, gather and hunt our food. Town is far, an hour to get there for fresh fruits n veggies. I make do with what I have, buy in bulk when I go and make it last the month. On the plus side we get a ton of wild edibles, so there is plenty of diversity.
Near the end I fashioned a sort of bikini top- kept the nipples from burning
I'm no chef, but I've been cooking my meals since my parents divorce. It took ten years, but I'm pretty proud of the results.
Life lesson user, don't wait for others to do the stuff for you.
stop after chad and settle for me NOW REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Don't tempt the whale, son.
Pay for her cooking classes. If you expect a woman to be traditional you should be traditional yourself and be a provider. Tired of men demanding women to be traditional when they are not good enough for a traditional woman.
then why do you keep dating the slags you retard.
Not him, but generally breakfast is my one good meal of the day. I'm too tired to do anything decent for dinner on weekdays, and lunch is usually just rice, beans/meat and veggies because it's quick to make. Breakfast I can go all out because I get up early. Full cast iron pan of eggs, potatoes, onion and sometimes even cabbage, all chopped and cooked together. Some leafy greens and a banana and I'm full 'til 1
My girlfriend knows how to cook and she sometimes enjoys doing it, but she'd rather do other things like clean the dishes, so we split often. I end up cooking 6 days of the week, though, which is nice.
>applying pavlovian reactions to dinner and sex
I may have unknowlingly done that with my fiancee, as she associates me making salmon with romantic nights and romantic nights with sex. So all I need to do is to prepare some salmon for dinner and it's almost guaranteed we'll have a romantic night that ends up with sex.
I've had mixed results with it, maybe I didn't beat her hard enough to make a lasting impression, but this user is right. Be ready for some jail time if you fuck it up though.
Chick what you look like cause I think your fucking hilarious and if you don't have a man with those skills or attitude you gotta be 400lbs or super duper autistic. Which one is it?
And if it's super duper autistic then call me baby
And if it's four hunnat pounds then call me baby
You got a snap? Fuck it.
Oh boy, here comes all the fifteen second videos of Norwegian guys pooping! At least that's what happened last time I said on Veeky Forums that my Snapchat was "lamb-sheep" and accepted all the incoming friend requests.
Back in highschool I had a girlfriend and she stayed over at my house when we had a party there
When the party died down we decided to make breakfast at 330 in the morning and she asked me to put cheetos in her egg burrito
Didnt make sense to me but she enjoyed it
No I just like bantz with chicks and my girl is being a dick. I'll send you one. Mines j.mccarty64 I think. Something like that.
This might be a stupid question, but how did you do that?
You're a shit boyfriend if you add other girls when you're mad at your own.
Nigga I don't sext them I just enjoy Thier company more than dudes. Also that snap isn't here's, it's some truckers but luckily were both commandos and we're friends now, I still feel betrayed though
Lol I couldn't resist, I'm not the girl but it's an in joke. How are you getting along with lambert
Stop dating retarded women and if they can't cook then teach her how, it's a great bonding experience and a nice night in.
Were discussing the merits of trucking and how crystal meth is an epidemic on rural families. And harleys. But like I said I prefer women. Also I think he likes dudes because he casually mentioned Grindr in place of tinder.
>tfw gf serves me homemade banana-oat pancakes and coffee on bed in the weekends
I didn't know I'd appreciate this kind of thing before she did it.
Nah Lamb will fuck anything that feeds him just like a real sheep
>eating food in fucking bed
Syrupy fucking food in bed.
Man you'd hate me. I haven't eaten at a table outside of a restaurant since the Clinton administration
i just can't stand the idea of having sticky fucking syrup on my bed while I'm sleeping. It makes my skin crawl.
Same with any sort of sauce. or food. It disgusts me.
Same reason I won't sleep without taking a shower if I stink too much.
Back in 2011 I got an apartment with my first gf. It was my 19th birthday (she's a year younger) and she wanted to know what I wanted for supper. I'm not one to really care about birthdays so I just said that I'd just make myself something but she insisted on making me dinner; all I had to do was tell her what to make as long as it wasn't crazy difficult. Fair enough. I felt like having tacos, so I told her she could make those for dinner. Real basic tacos: some tortillas, tomato, cheese, lettuce, ground beef and prepackaged taco seasoning. Essentially a 1/10 on the difficulty scale. She goes out to the grocery store to pick up some things and comes back with ground pork instead of beef somehow but otherwise everything is there. I go into the kitchen to see how things are going. The lettuce and tomato are sliced and read, the cheese is shredded and the tacos are out. Great. I ask her why she didn't start cooking the pork so she could just get the other things ready while it was going. "Oh, I don't know how to cook that."
Ended up having to do it since she 1) didn't want to handle the raw pork and 2) claimed it looked to difficult. Too difficult to throw meat in a frying pan, chop it up with a spatula until it looked good and then toss in the seasoning.
Should also add to that: Canada and white. Seriously, for every one that can cook at least a 5/10 difficult level, I can find you ten that I think were never shown how to turn on an oven or properly crack an egg. This doesn't just go for women, but half of the guys I know here think that "cooking" is making Kraft Dinner. Not knocking KD though since it's the shit.
Now we're talking about you.
other way around for me,
every gf i ever had was good/great at cooking, and i wouldnt care even care if she wasnt, since i could overcompensate that, since im a boss cook.
Lack of interest in food would be a more accurate definition of what would be a turn-off for me, since eating well is one of my favorite things and itd suck not beeing able to share it. I would still not call it a dealbreaker as long as other things make up for it.
People should be less extreme in their judgements of others, not like something so minor lets you judge the character or worth of a person
Okay daddy
>Chick what you look like
Oh god, Jamal, why must you write like a retard?
N you just need to fine a republican gf
your own cooking is always tastier too
> 1st gf
could just about make beans on toast, we were young at the time though
> 2nd gf
Latvian from very poor background, great cook, would make Chinese dumplings from scratch, cure her own salmon etc, obsessed with sour cream, would recommend
> 3rd gf
could barely cook pasta
> 4th gf
could cook anything traditionally British or Scottish, food was good and homely
> 5th gf
hardcore vegan, could cook pretty well, run her own food van, would practically cry when she saw me eat meat though so didn't work out
> current gf
vegetarian, can cook pretty well, makes middle eastern dishes from scratch, open to trying anything, couldn't care less that I eat meat, keeper
>yfw five fingers on a hand
>yfw 5 fingers is using the whole hand to cook
something tells me you have low standards of taste. I bet you only 2 of those were cooking restaurant quality food.
I don't have low or high standards, I just like a diverse range of food, I have no interest in "restaurant quality" cooking from a gf, just decent food and an open mind for trying new stuff
>I have no interest in "restaurant quality" cooking from a gf
Then you shouldn't be talking. The food I make is as good as I can find in any restaurant that serves the given dish I'm making.
Being able to throw something together edible isn't enough. It's got to be great.
>Being able to throw something together edible isn't enough. It's got to be great.
Not him, but were you just born cooking "great" food? How do you think people get great? By starting out cooking ok and improving over time, that's how. Christ, you sound like a faggot
>Then you shouldn't be talking. The food I make is as good as I can find in any restaurant that serves the given dish I'm making.
are you this cringe in real life? genuine question
you turn up in some random thread of a polynesian fly-fishing bbs about gf's who are terrible cooks and start talking about how good your own cooking is
Your whores won't improve their cooking if you don't give them constructive criticism.
i only improved because I wanted the dishes I made to be the same quality I'd be served in a restaurant.
I'm not satisfied easily. If I make something worse than what I could buy, all that tells me is I could have just gotten food out at a cheap mexican restaurant instead of putting money and effort into cooking.
When he said he had 6 gfs and most of them cooked well, that told me he had low standards.