If you don't like your chicken this way, you are a very bad person and I hope you get cancer on the tip of your penis or clitoris.
Fuck you very much.
If you don't like your chicken this way, you are a very bad person and I hope you get cancer on the tip of your penis or clitoris.
Fuck you very much.
Guaranteed replies followed by gaurenteed weeb replies fallowed by gaurenteed "this not an anime board reeeee"plies
>those burnt edges
kek all it needs now is some ketchup
Can I just get butt cancer instead?
>quality of posts
this garbage board needs better moderation
The mod here is an utter piece of trash.
He bans "racism", "ban evasion", and "declaring that you saged in your post" as if he was utterly out of touch with Veeky Forums culture and was hired on after moot left.
He may be hanging heavy on racism, but this dumb faggot leaves loads of shitposts and obvious bait threads open.
Veeky Forums is going down in quality and it is due exclusively to the abysmal state of it's moderation.
>if he was utterly out of touch with Veeky Forums culture
That's a good thing if you ask me. Veeky Forums "culture" is responsible for a massive amount of shitposting that does nothing but drag down the quality of the board.
>leaves loads of shitposts and obvious bait threads open.
That's a bad thing.
Enjoy your salsmunela
Undercooked chicken tastes horrible. Do not try it, even if you can get past the salmonella risk.
Fuck off back to your containment board, animu-pedo fag.
Feel free to leave.
Enjoy Sam and Ella
damn, you ain't gotta be wishing cancer on my penor.
Don't mind if I do
What if you freeze it like sushi grade fish is, can you eat it like OP's?
Freezing kills parasites, not bacteria.
But that's irrelevant because eating raw chicken is no different than eating raw beef from a bacterial standpoint (Refer to Modernist cuisine, vol. 1)
The reason why chicken is never served undercooked like that is because undercooked chicken tastes bad. Rare beef tastes good. Rare chicken? Nobody likes that.
if you eat raw chicken in the states you will be in the hospital no less than 24 hours later.
Feel free to whine about my opinion you little bitch.
This board is cluttered with shitty unfunny threads.
No, that's just people overreacting to "muh salmonella". I've eaten rare chicken in the states several times. I've been eating raw eggs here in the US for nearly 30 years and I've never once been sick from it.
The salmonella risk is terribly low in reality. However people have some sort of bizarre fear of it that's far out of proportion.