Making Kombucha for the first time

I'm attempting to make my first batch of kombucha. Is anyone familiar with the process? I've been researching it a bit and am in the process of growing my first scoby. The initial process seems simple enough. What I'm trying to figure out is the flavoring part. Anyone have experience making this? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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fuck off back to SoHa, faggot

Doesn't this stuff like kill people or something when they do it incorrectly?

First of all, why.... 'Yes, a mushroom brew surely will be..'..

Yes and no. Botulinum only reproduces in low acid environments, most beverages we like a little tart, so even a teaspoon of citric acid prevents it from forming

It's only canned meats that are a big risk.

>rancid sweet tea that literallg had a mushroom growing in it
>not even more than 2.5% alcohol
This is the memiest of meme drinks.

I share kitchen space with a company that makes and bottles kombucha. The only advice I can offer you is to buy a bottle Bloom Ferments if you ever come across it. They make an amazing product.

don't gota be a lil bitch about it. If it doesn't interest you, then fuck off.

LOL dollar menu aspies on an anime image board getting triggered by a drink they've never even tried.

Do any flavoring after it has finished brewing, you can add cut up fruit, ginger, or whatever else might taste good.
Its not a mushroom it is a gelatinous blob of bacteria.

someone post that one video of the weirdo eating that strange putrid disk floating in the middle

blini pickle juice is a great addition to any poorfag diet
just like kraut

>put in bottle
>add shit for flavor

also just make milk kefir instead

that looks like a jar of piss

ITT: Whites afraid to eat anything that isn't a hamburger

OP, find a tutorial online how create flavored wines. I've heard that method translates well to kombucha. Someone that I know who makes kombucha said she will often make a simple syrup out the flavors she's testing and add it to unflavored La Croix.

Fuck flavoring, just let it carbonate and drink it as is.

Adding flavors is for numale faggots that can't handle the real thing (omg vinegar! eww!)

>not adding more shit for more health benefits

>ITT : nu-males drink pool algae because """health""""" benefits

>bad tasting bacteria water is now a fad

>ive done my research on kombucha and still want to go ahead with this pointless endeavour

Kek what an oxygen starved retard

>how dare you like thing, you must be a numale
I'll take one McChicken please

that a pretty nice looking scoby you got there

Can anyone explain to me what the point of kombucha is?

Virtue signaling your white guilt to your fellow libshits

Kombucha is dum empty calories. At best, no better than soda.

It's sugar water that's "healthy"

It detoxifies your auras and balanced your karmic energies

If you drink like a liter of it a day for an extended period of years you can throw spirit bombs and fly

youtube is a reputable source of information

There's a tab right there for a list of sources, most of them on NCBI.

You're better off just drinking plain tea and putting a little vinegar on your meals (vinegar blunts glycemic load)

Kombucha brewer here

Kombucha is one of my favorite craft beverages, besides cold brew coffee and beer. I have beer brewing equipment so it actually makes it pretty easy to brew all three.

I make kombucha 5 gallons at a time and bottle it in 12 oz. beer bottles, and I'll typically have one in the morning and one in the afternoon. When I have a surplus of scoby's, I'll dehydrate them and feed them to my dogs.

My favorite part about brewing kombucha is that it's so high in acid that there is minimal risk of contamination. I've had chunked fruit sitting in kombucha for flavoring and the acid actually preserves the fruit, making it incredibly easy to create fruited kombucha.

My current batch is 5 gallons of green tea, and after 3 days it already has a thin layer of film (the starting of a scoby) on top. I plan on throwing in limes and garden-grown cucumber slices in a few days before I bottle.

Everyone in this thread dissing kombucha can go fuck themselves, not because they don't like kombucha, but because they shit on something they know nothing about. I hated anybody with a tattoo until I got one, now I love tattoos. Live a little you neets.

>Live a little
Ok, I'll move to San Fran and start chugging bacteria water.
Maybe I'll even rub the scoby on my crundle to add a cheesy must to my brew.

Sounds good. And hey, make sure you stay away from this disease ridden spoiled barley juice while you're at it too.

and in San Fran, you're likely to find plenty of shops selling this disgusting spoiled grape juice that they have the nerve to get snooty about.

And in bavarian style eateries, you'll find people who are so out of their minds that they're willing to consume rancid, wilted vegetables that are just teeming with bacteria. Utterly barbaric.

These European motherfuckers thought was a good idea to let some cows milk sit out in the hot sun, add in a dash of sheep's intestine, and wait until it's curdled, and press it and eat it. How fucked up is that?

Oh, and if you see someone making sweet tea and letting it sit for a few days to create a naturally carbonated beverage, you best make sure you get your pussy lips in knot over it, because it is thanks to the black magic fuckery of bacteria that creates this beverage. You must never drink it, for it might introduce new bacteria into your body which already has billions of bacteria in it while we speak.

And the jews had the nerve to bring their bacteria ridden cucumbers soured with water and salt to 'murrica. Filthy devils.

Thought it was another jar of boiled cum. I'm disappointed.

>someone actually dedicated several butthurt posts because no one takes kombucha seriously

Nobody cares. Fuck off numale scum.

When fermenting foods and beverages is your primary hobby, you have ALL the time in the world to shitpost.

it's called "yeast"

>start chugging bacteria water

you mean beer?

It's a fermented tea drink.

The health benefits are the same as eating yogurt or anything else probiotic except this is non-dairy (for lactose intolerant). It's become popularized by hipster shits but desu it's a good drink in a sort of "fuck you I like it" way.

>Eating a giant disk of bacteria
>downing multiple glasses of bacteria water in one sitting
>all so people watch his youtube videos

You know, I'm starting to think ISIS is onto something.

Except for controlled sour fermentation with specific lactobacillus, no beer uses bacteria in fermentation, you unutterable dumbass.

>I'm starting to think ISIS is onto something.

Enjoy your addition to our no fly list and fullscale monitoring of your activities, you dumbfuck.

Far worse has been said and done on Veeky Forums than what I said.

Also I hate flying so whatever.

Ha jokes on you, I never leave the basement!