Making Kombucha for the first time

I'm attempting to make my first batch of kombucha. Is anyone familiar with the process? I've been researching it a bit and am in the process of growing my first scoby. The initial process seems simple enough. What I'm trying to figure out is the flavoring part. Anyone have experience making this? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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fuck off back to SoHa, faggot

Doesn't this stuff like kill people or something when they do it incorrectly?

First of all, why.... 'Yes, a mushroom brew surely will be..'..

Yes and no. Botulinum only reproduces in low acid environments, most beverages we like a little tart, so even a teaspoon of citric acid prevents it from forming

It's only canned meats that are a big risk.

>rancid sweet tea that literallg had a mushroom growing in it
>not even more than 2.5% alcohol
This is the memiest of meme drinks.

I share kitchen space with a company that makes and bottles kombucha. The only advice I can offer you is to buy a bottle Bloom Ferments if you ever come across it. They make an amazing product.

don't gota be a lil bitch about it. If it doesn't interest you, then fuck off.

LOL dollar menu aspies on an anime image board getting triggered by a drink they've never even tried.

Do any flavoring after it has finished brewing, you can add cut up fruit, ginger, or whatever else might taste good.
Its not a mushroom it is a gelatinous blob of bacteria.