Anyone here dip?

Anyone here dip?

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What kind of dip?

I make really good beer cheese dip.

I dip while I sip.

>that first dip of the day

>dip once

Dip is for pussies.
Men scoop.

I grip and sip. Pic related

Shit yeah. We had another thread going yesterday. For me, it's velveta, hormel chili and taco seasoning with nacho chips. Also good on hot dogs.

No, but I tip with a rip.

You think you are so funny don't you


Anyone got a link to the dipscord?

Generally I just buy a big bag of mission tortilla chips and a can of nacho cheese, warm it up and pour it all over the chips and dice a jalapeno on top cause I'm lazy. But i love chips and dip, probably one of my favorite things to eat. I could eat restaurant salsa and queso all day.

Nothing better.

i did this, then quit when i saw pictures of gum recession.

moved on to swedish snus. still harmful, but american dip seems to be especially hard on the teeth.

that is a dunk, not a dip

so it is
but can we not coexist?

Quick, fuckers. I need a good cheese dip recipe. Portability of the sauce will earn bonus points, in other words it should not in any case solidify at room temperature.

>brown italian sausage
>add a habanero
>put in a block of velveeta
>keep in a mini crock pot

>italian sausage

Chorizo is really the only choice for this. Italian wouldn't do at all.

Dips and sips all day err day
