>give pizza guy 3 dollar tip on a 22 dollar order
>walks away looking mad as fuck
Give pizza guy 3 dollar tip on a 22 dollar order
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Are you perhaps leaving out some information? Do you live in the middle of nowhere? Is it an unusually long or pain in the ass (traffic) drive to get to your place?
hes mad because you insulted his profession by tipping at all
never tip
it's just that simple
Five dollar minimum for standard delivery.
What the fuck are you gonna do with 3 dollars? Order a mcchicken?
>What the fuck are you gonna do with 3 dollars?
Add it to the rest of the tips I got during my shift.
What are you gonna do with 5 dollars? Order 2?
buy two packages of the knockoff Oreos at Aldi that taste just like the real thing.
>tipping by percent of the price
i never understood this desu
if i order a $100 dish vs a $5 dish why should the guy who carried my plate from the kitchen to the table get paid more just because it's more expensive
Shit like this is why I make my own pizza if I'm eating it at home. I've calculated I'd need to value my time at $30/hour for ordering a pizza to be worthwhile.
These degenerates who complain about how much they don't get tipped are the absolute scum of society.
They should be grateful they're getting anything at all. 99% of the work they do is just their fucking job
>What the fuck are you gonna do with 3 dollars?
I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities.
Sometimes pizza drivers are working as "contractors" without any pay besides the tips. I don't know if it's legal, but it happens.
Fugg off assclown
>Five dollar minimum for standard delivery.
ex pizza driver here, literally any tip is appreciated. most of my deliverers were small orders, a medium za and a soda for example. i would never expect 5 dollars for something like that.
wow wtf, that's 3 mcchikens fck that pizza guy
I've worked in pizza delivery for a local chain. $3 was never a bad tip, and it was actually surprising when someone did the percentage tip rule for pizza. Pizza delivery people get paid more than waiters do so I dont see a problem in having a flat tip of 3 or more dollars.
that's poor decision making on their part, and I'm not gonna reward them for it. I mean sure I'll give the delivery guy a couple bucks but I'm not gonna pad the tip even if I know for a fact that tips is all he gets
>Pizza delivery people get paid more than waiters do
Probably because deliveries actually do something.
i've never tipped a pizza delivery person
Let the wagie ragie and enjoy your 'Za
A driver is lucky if they get $2
This is why I only do pickup. I do not like delivery, why do you deserve a tip for doing your job?
>order medium pizza and garlic sticks
>2 crumpled dollars tip
I fell for the tipping meme. I used to tip like 5 dollars per order. I tipped off full price for discount items. One time my delivery took legit 70 minutes and then they stopped delivering to my area entirly.
Fuck tipping well. The "we notice good tips, we get it to you faster, we give you more toppings, ECT" shtick is bullshit. The turnover rate at pizza places is too quick and the employees are too stoned and stupid to give a rats ass about service one way or another.
he's gonna take a shit on your pizza next time
its the same job as waitressing if not worse i.e. drivers get paid less than minimum because its understood that normal customers tip
Fucking entitled faggot
Entitled to paying less than half of what I make in an hour shitposting on Veeky Forums?
tip is supposed to be complementary for exceptional service, not a part of your standard income.
Not in the only country that matters.
>tfw life in Yurop
>tfw delivery guys are super happy about a 2€ tip
Hope that makes up for the fact you have to live in europoop
Get up and start cooking, you DONKEY!
>Not tipping $600
>be ameriburger
>have to tip your whole entire life
Why don't you stupid fucks change the system? I have never tipped ONCE in my life. A person who serves me food makes enough money without that shit.
>tipping at all
Where the fuck do you live?
fucking black """women""".
>Why don't you stupid fucks change the system?
Because it costs everyone less money due to the way that taxes work in this country.
Paderno World Cuisine A4982799 Tri Blade Vegetable Spiral Slicer
Cute donkeys in hammocks land.
After learning that state law says if a tipped wage employee doesn't make enough tips to meet minimum wage, they are to be paid minimum wage, I stopped wanting to tip. Sadly I still find myself tipping because I don't go out for dinner alone and it's hard to convince people to "heavily skimp on the tip".