Is Korean cuisine the most overrated food in the world?
Wait wait, North or South Korean?
Pretty much all slanteyed food is garbage
Nah, that goes to Vietnam
I still don't understand why people go so crazy over Pho
The Koreas haven't been separated for that long, their food is still really similar.
This, it's pretty much just a shitton of vegetables, a small piece of meat and soy sauce slapped on
Very boring
I have a bunch of Asian friends and we all went out to a Korean BBQ joint because they were hyping it up like crazy.
Literally just throw meat on a grill in the middle and let veggies soak in broth.
Wow. So good.
I have a bunch of foodie friends and we all went to a Michelin 3-star steakhouse because they were hyping it up like crazy.
Literally just throw meat on a pan in the middle for two minutes and serve it raw.
Wow. So good.
>t. Nathan who loves to beat his dick to Kpop idols
>North Korean cuisine
Heard it's very similar to Ethiopian food.
you're right because white people food is so much better
now go and make me a potato salad cumskin
go commit suicide, Kim
>be white
>eat potato
Daily reminder that Okinawa got the most amount of people living above 100 years old in EXCELLENT CONDITION (no Alzheimer and shit).
Why ? Because of what they eat.
Checkmate. Western cuisine is shit.
>be gook
>have tiny dick
>smell worse than chinks
>diet conists of eating fermented cabbage and drinking fermented baby shit
>life consist of playing starcraft or getting conscripted into gook army
>had to suck Whittu Piggu America-kun's dick ever since Best Korea tried to liberate you
>all good looking women would synthetically melt if you aimed an ordinary flashlight on them
>kill self in the end
unlike gook food, Okinawans actually put some effort into making it
Go fuck yourself you weird alanty eyed fuck
I'm so sick of these Asians and being around them
jesus dude you tried way too hard
did you really think that was funny?
It's in the genes.
I never mentioned Korea though. Korea is shit.
>he posts on a japanese animation site
kys cuck and go watch BLACKED
>"maybe if I post a spurdo pic, I wirr rook smug and not compretery destroyed!"
This is a Tibetan tapestry discussion forum, friend.
Bull-fucking-shit. They debunked the "m-muh genetics" about Okinawa long time ago. They took people that were born, grew up, and ate in Okinawa and then moved out of the country for Brazil and shit like that and guess what ? Their life expectancy was greatly reduced.
It's in the lifestyle and most importantly the diet. Educate yourself. I've read two books on the subject in the past three months you won't be able to tell me shit.
not him but genetics play a part tho
>most overrated cuisine
>not Shitalian
A very marginal one. Again, studies on Okinawa population proved that. Genetics are marginal.
but... user you decided to refute all my points about your cuisine with personal attacks on me
if you had any ounce of intelligence you would have refuted my statements without referring to attacking an entire race but rather providing examples of good non-potato cooking but instead you did not and did the same thing that every american has ever done and be culturally ignorant
Because food from France, Greece and Italy is objectively better than filthy gook food
>anime girl
well first you implied that I was Korean which is incorrect, and second, you literally have no knowledge of any sort of cuisine outside of what little knowledge you have gained while not shitposting on an anime imageboard
The fact that you are not a korean, but a fucking Koreaboo makes it even worse
And yes, I was to Gookland, and it's one of the most disappointing food experiences I've ever had. I was told "HORI SHIET THIS IS BETTER THAN NIPPON AND CHINK FOOD YOU MUST TRY XOXOXOXO" and was instead served with a very bland variety of food. It's not shit or disgusting, but just very bland and uninspirational aside from presentation and as OP asked: overrated
The most overrated food is Mexican shit, every mexican 'dish' it's literally just tortillas, beef, rice, and a shitload of spices prepared in slightly different ways
Don't eat food made by those subhumans, don't give them your money, they are enemies of America.
Everything tastes exactly the same
Ironically, the best Mexican food is from Taco Bell
Sounds like you're talking about Tex-Mex.
I'm talking about all mexican 'cuisine', authentic mexican food is even more greasy and uncreative than tex mex shit. Only shitlib faggots eat this mexican made crap so they can virtue signal against le drumpf
Correct, spics can't even run a proper mexican food chain, white people had to come and make their recipes palatable and even then it's shit
The most overrated food is Italian shit, every italian 'dish' it's literally just meat, cheese, pasta, and a shitload of tomato sauce prepared in slightly different ways
Don't eat food made by those subhumans, don't give them your money, they are enemies of America.
That's because murder is rampant in Brazil.
>implying Brazil isn't soaked with mutagens
haha ok whatever makes the favela seem more liveable
I don't think Brazil offers the same kind of healthcare service as that of Japan
simply epic
I doubt the norko are allowed to cook anything interesting
Seconding this.
I've had good pho, but that is still only beef noodle soup which is still less than interesting compared to bahn mi or cope su su.
>tfw a colleague spent the week at Samsung office with Korean lunch option every day and he always pussied out and got the Western one
Okinawa is essentially Hawaii where all they eat is pork belly and taco rice
No, that's Italian
I'd agree with that.
Scandinavian food
everybody except for Scandicucks agree that scandy food is garbage
No one thinks Scandi cuisine is any good. (for good reason)
bibimbap is fucking amazing tho
have you ever had pho?
I'm American and know only 1 other person who eats Korean food. Everyone else doesn't give a fuck about it. In what universe is it overrated?
If it's expensive maybe. If you're paying under $10 for dolsot bibimbap then it's amazing. I lived in Korea for a year, I could get a bowl of your pic for ₩4500, which is like $4. No tip required, either. Some korean food is weird, but bulgogi is really good, and their bbq in general is great.
you're retarded.
>mainly salted fish, dried fish, or fermented fish
>sometimes literally fish with soap in it
>rest is just boiled root vegetables or cabbage, cheese, and sausage
50+ years of blackout isolation changes a lot of shit really fast. North korean is already its own dialect of hanguko that is rapidly losing its mutual intelligibility.
>Tfw getting those gigantic fucking deep-fried shrimp with ricecakes on the side from a street vendor for 2500W at 4am, then sitting in front of a 7/11 sipping on soju
God bless korea
100% agree
this thread lacks discussion of korean tofu, has anyone tried 두부 전골 tofu jeongol
the most overrated food has to be french "cuisine"
>only good gook food is heavily chinese inspired
I really like Vietnamese food but I gotta agree
Yeah, I was very underwhelmed when I tried it. It was okay, but nothing special. Wouldn't go again.
You've either never tried real Italian food or are just massive plebs. Which is it?
Korean food is fad food and pretty lame. Basically every other asian cuisine is better.
Chinese food is super diverse and flavorful. Japanese food is niche and pleasant. Hell, authentic Thai food is spicy and tasty.
Korean food is just bland and boring.
japanese is blander than korean and shit
Pho, bahn mi, and bo kho are the only good vietnamese dishes, everything else is third world grubble
>having bad KBBQ
haha he went to one of the white owned kbbq joints. the best kbbq are owned by places that don't need and especially don't want an american customer base, the places will only have korean names and the waiters will only speak korean.
sorry bud
Everything well known is shit. All the same. But they do have some fine noodle dishes with delicious and subtle broths. Not as nice as Japan but different.
>t. Never had real korean food
The only cuisine that beats Korean is Japanese, the other countries have lived too long in dirt poverty which leads to shitty culture and especially shitty food.
>Walk into an Over The Border
>Order beans and rice burrito because mommy doesn't let me get anything too spicy
>Blonde dude brings over microwaved shit
>Unsurprisingly tastes like shit
>Instant understanding of Mexican cuisine
Yeah, white people taste pallets are pretty complicated...
You must be fucking with me, Mexican food isn't just sour cream and ground beef drenched in cumin seasoned grease. You must have one shit taste pallet, I don't envy your life.
Kek. It's humorous when 'murricans face the reality we are viewed as shit by the rest of the world.
I live in Markham, Ontario. This town is filled with Koreans. It was a legit Korean BBQ. Sorry bud, it's just not that good
You're operating on a special level of delusional
Do you not like beef? Did you do something weird like order chicken? Yakiniku is delicious
It was good enough, but nowhere near the hype.
Your idea of legit kbbq is probably the most well known highest rated place in your area. I imagine your experience and appearance are similar to this. Sorry kid, that's not real kbbq. It's a scam that you fell for.
I worked with Chinese & Korean people who had been in Canada for 3-5 years, and went with them for lunch. The waitress didn't speak English. Short of going to Korea, it was the closest you can get. Believe it or not pal
You went with people that didn't want to embarrass themselves by bringing you to one of the legit places, so they opted for the cheaper whitewashed places to make you feel better. Sorry bud but I don't think your acquaintances think very highly of you.
There's also several inches in height difference and different rates of disease. As it turns out, a lot can change over just 50 years of separation.
Go into the home of any Korean family and maybe you'll have something to base a judgement off of.
>Korean cuisine
Like anyone outside of Korea and first-world urban cities eats Korean food. White people just look at it and make dog jokes.
The actual most overrated cuisine is Italian. And when people outside of Italy say they like Italian food they really just mean that they like pasta in meat sauce, pizza, or tiramisu. Even those of "Italian lineage" are like this. Fuck people's hard-on for "Italian food" when they just want shit drenched in tomato sauce.
Let me guess. The beef shortribs were crosscut instead of butterflied? Yeah, you didn't eat true KBBQ. You ate westernized shit.
I'm a racist, Islamophobic, white KKK member and even I think your post was very ignorant.
>all this autistic damage control
It was legit, and it's not that good. Deal with it
It's actually more a matter of statistics being skewed by family members who lie about their parents dying in order to continue receiving welfare and pension payments.
>/b/ meme
First of all, no you aren't.
Second, I know Korean people who have eaten dog and boast about it. It's not racist to say that Koreans eat dogs and cats.
That's mostly in Tokyo not Okinawa.
South Korean.
North Korean food is based. Anybody who says otherwise probably thinks gamjatang is anything but garbage.
Why do i get the feeling that you dont know how to cook
Holy shit I didn't know Veeky Forums was full of small dicked Starcraft gooks and autistic koreaboos. Go back to your studies or father will be dishonoraburu and cane your ass
no it's literally just what he said
no, food in korea is delicious, i have no idea what youve tried but you definitely wouldnt think so if you knew the real stuff.
I have never had proper korean food outside of korea, but from the seafood, the tradition of pickling, the bbq to the great use of seasonal vegetables, it is a very refined, fresh and interesting cuisine
>like Chinese and Japanese food
>hate Korean food
>North Korean
Pick one.
Honestly, the only time I had good Korean food was when I ate it in Manila
It was quite good and I was so excited for it that I went on vacation to Seoul mostly for this
It was one of the most disappointing experiences I've ever had
yeah, it's pretty good.