Orders expensive steak

>orders expensive steak
>well done
>puts ketchup on it
>washes it down with a coke

Other urls found in this thread:



>and two scoops of ice cream for dessert



That's DIET coke you pleb.

Let people spend their money how they please you fucking socialist!

>Americans are still brainwashed into thinking socialism is ebul when it's actually the best parts of communism and capitalism mixed together
Stay cucked burger

Congrats on a shit thread redditor

>being alt-right


Do they serve steaks to order when you're in white collar prison for obstruction of justice?

>roman imperialism
med power

>no evidence of obstruction
>no evidence of collusion

Give it up.

You really are dumb, aren't you ?

You not having evidence I fucked you mom last night doesn't mean I didn't.

Correct. But it does mean you won't to go prison for it.

I regularly buy a bottle of Richard Hennessy Cognac and just end up mixing it with coke zero because I get bored after the first glass or mix drinks with it when friends come over.
I used yesterday a 1992 Dom Perignon to make Aperol Spritz and other drinks
If my daughter wants her Kobe Wagyu Ribeye well done she gets it and I even happily drown it in the strange sweet mango something chutney from Aldi she loves so much
No fucks given.

Stop caring about the things other people do with the stuff they pay for. Even if they use a 350 year old one of a kind wine bottle as target practice, not your business m8.


Very fitting for this manchild.

Ok so this thread is now an official /pol/ hijack...
So now that the obvious is stated, lets get to it shall we:
Question to burger land inhabitants: If you were a steak, you'd consider yourself a quality one that deserves that it flavours are respected, right?
So, It would be king of degrading to be drown in ketchup, overcooked no? Destroying what made you a special steak...
You would have that kind of self respect?

Now the question is properly put, I can even answer it for you using a very famous poll in your country... The verdict is....guess what, I'am almost 60 percent sure you can find the anwer by yourself.

t. french republican

If I were a billionaire I wouldn't give a shit about pleasing autists on Veeky Forums either
I agree that a well done steak is a waste, but then I have to put in some serious work to make the money to pay for a good steak
Trump can afford to eat one bite out of a cow and throw away the rest.

Besides, he's, what?, 71 years old now? My grandfather, and even my father, overcook lots of shit. My father will fry a porkchop for a goddamn hour.
I wouldn't have been surprised to learn that Trump just chugged Soylent really. I doubt he cares much about food.

unless you're steaming your med-rare steaks they'll have the same carcinogenic risks too. but it's pretty low, especially compared to other things like pollution.




>>orders expensive steak

Thinking 'Merican Millennials with their college debt & national debts can even afford steak. lol

can somebody please explain why well done is bad?

>Thinking 'Merican Millennials with their college debt & national debts can even afford steak. lol

Sucks to be fucked by the boomers, gen x, then Obama.


Personally I believe it ruins the steak but to each their own.

because gthrumph likes them well done

>Thinking 'Merican Millennials with their college debt & national debts can even afford steak. lol


good. only dummies take out student loans

>>>orders expensive steak



Niggers can't afford steaks anymore

And I always feel like anything less than well done is chewy, no matter the quality of the steak. Have had many good steaks in many places, never liked anything less than well done. There's also a big difference between cooking a steak until it'll just reach 160F in the center and letting it go higher than that.

Evidence is being gathered now for obstruction of justice, the very definition of investigation. Better start hydrating. You'll be shedding a lot of tears in the near future.

PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump.


10 fucking trillion dollars in 2 terms... wtf

Comey said Trump did not do anything wrong.

>This is what trump tards believe

No, he literally did in the senate intelligence committee hearing. So did Jeff Sessions.

Fuck, you dumb fuck witch hunters are seriously dumb as fuck.

>trumps budget deficit 488 billion
>obamas budget deficit in 2016 474 billion

LMAO when old poor whitetrash cuckservatives see the rich feeding off of their increased tax rates and loss of benifits.

Oh gee, democrats all of a sudden care about the deficit? Didn't hear a peep when congressional budgets literally were not passed for the first time in history.

>being alt-left
>being on the "right" side of history
>but the wrong side of the future



You're supporting the same kind of robber barons running our gub'mint that are raping silicon valley tech companies. Given these guys were too stupid to be involved in tech and they focused on the mobbed up casino industry or jew real estate, it's still the same old story. Unbelievable how you're too blind to see how they are fucking you because they let you keep your popgun and blame a handful of hardworking mexicans for your failure as a human being.

Did you even fucking watch any of it? The most he did was say 'he was not specifically under investigation', in which he repeatedly put emphasis on the word 'specifically', and that it wasn't up to him to decide what Trump's language to him meant and if it was illegal (aka the 'I hope you'll let this go' rhetoric)

Jeff Sessions on the other hand just denied his own involvement in anything.

>feeling the need to broadcast your asinine personal politics
>on the food board
truly,we are the pinnacle of western civilization.


>people that don't know how to enjoy life

your loss you have to do everything the "right" way instead of the way you like it

The cost of having to save your country from a Republican recession, one which Trump will put us back in again. Screen cap this

Americans have devolved into 3rd world garbage. It's only taken about 30 years but Americans are now absolute 3rd world filth. You should basically treat them like shaved chimps.

One president had to increase the deficit to save us from a recession. The other is at the peak of our economy and still adding to the deficit. But please continue telling me how Trump's dick tastes.

Can't wait to drink your tears repubcuck

None of Trumps budget passed.. the deficit is getting worse due to Obamas policies.


You gimps are hilarious. It's getting worse, but Trump didn't get his MUCH WORSE budget in so it's obama's fault.

Just mental gibbles.



I'm gonna buy some supermarket steak tomorrow.

It's weird to think that my own home cooked, low quality steak will be better than anything the president of the united states has ever eaten just because I don't choose to ruin it.

>the best parts of communism

There are none, so it's essentially just a worse version of capitalism.

Uhm, try again, sweetie


>cooking board
>Trump thread
Kill yourself faggot nobody cares about what the fuck he eats

Well, Obama blamed Bush for literally 8 years, but 4 months into the new administration, it's all Trump's fault.

Even though, y'know, the federal budget it passed by congress and not the executive branch.

Liberals everyone!

>Even though, y'know, the federal budget was passed by a republican congress for the last 6 years of Obama


Republicans, everyone!

This is true. Of the last 16 years 14 have been republican majority congresses.

They've quadrupled the debt and given unending tax cuts to the top 1%. Bitching about the president is just the MSM smoke screen.

Just to clarify - Of the last 22 years the house has been held by republicans for 18 years.

Keep voting for republicans, you'll keep getting republican behavior out of government. Which is what you've gotten for 18 of the last 22 years.

Fox news (and other outlets) will blame it on the president - but its the same people year after year that make government shitty.

I notice this is a photoshopped image.
Could you not find a photo of an actual Trump supporting nazi? Why is that?

2 seconds of google searching. There is plenty more where that came from...

Here is some of his campaign staff.

>joey salads
That's a pic from a fucking 'social experiment' vid topkek

Ha, people who go to these kinds of places sure are stupid.

>I voted Trump tho

Well here's a video of Nazi's shouting "Hail Trump."

Call this a social experiment if you want.



>all those rosemary and thyme sprigs, and none of it on the steaks

Holy shit, how could someone get BTFO so completely, so quickly?

Your proof is Joey Salads? Get the fuck out of here.

Don't reply to yourself. He literally posted Joey Salds and a fat piece of trailer trash with an edgy t-shirt.

The man asked a question about why a real picture of nazi's couldn't be found instead of a photoshopped one.

So far we have a video of known members of the national white supremicists yelling hail trump. And we have grace tilly, a well known trump campaign worker sporting nazi tattoos.

So... I don't know if its BTFO on the lack off proof side. It seems more like the trump supporters that don't think there are real images of nazi's showing trump love are getting BTFO super hard.

totally BTFO

>It seems more like the trump supporters that don't think there are real images of nazi's showing trump love are getting BTFO super hard.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Guess I didn't make it clear.

Oh yeah, I remember her.
Just makes it more baffling that you'd bother with photoshop, though.

Why does the mods let this shitty thread stay up?

There was a video of someone shouting "Pepe" at a hilldawg rally. But that's different, yeah?
And you don't REALLY think that even if you can find a handful of these people in the millions of people who voted Trump that means they're all nazis. Do you?
Do you think all Sanderistas shoot up baseball games?
Do you think all Muslims.. oh wait.

>muh rigid rules and traditions
So what? If (s)he likes it that way, then what's wrong with that? It's not like you're the one tasting it. Stop complaining and eat your own food.

>Why does the mods let this shitty thread stay up

You do realize the "moderators" on this board are mostly Affirmative Action niggers who can't get real jobs?

>You do realize the "moderators" on this board are mostly Affirmative Action niggers who can't get real jobs?

Pretty much this.

>it's actually the best parts of communism and capitalism mixed together
And somehow managed to include the adoption of backward religions. Yeah, no, you can keep your marxism with flimsy capitalist mask.

>Compares lone wolves to well funded national movements with potentially millions of followers that support the party in power

Excellent non-sequitur good sir!


>party in power

Yes, Trump is a Muslim. You figured it out. Good job.

The nazi party is in power and has millions of members?
Come on, man.
I haven't even brought up the Grand Wizard who supported Hillary yet, but if you want to have this stupid discussion I'll be here all day.

>Saudi Arabia
>not being Muslims in power

You sound like a dumb fugg.

>The nazi party is in power and has millions of members?

Yes. Have you not visited Tennessee?


Oh yeah, I forgot that Iran was in control of the United States of America...

Great point.

Nobody mentioned the United Snakes of AmeriKKKa

>somebody on the internet hurt my feelings so I must resort to name calling created by the leftwing media
really makes you think

tips fedora

post-modernist faggot.

>your culture evolved from it's backward past into the modern (mostly) free society it is today.
>you should not be proud this accomplishment.
>actually, you need to respect and look up to the other cultures, who still live in those medieval and violent ways.

..and preferably give away all the things your forefathers worked so hard to get for you to those who didn't bother.

Lol yeah because that's how it works. Did your friends on the nightly news tell you that?

>tfw you're this good at triggering people.

I'm really surprised Veeky Forums of all places falls for this.

alt right isnt real

Yes it is. PRAISE KEK