Crack this open

>crack this open
>put to lips
>smell that smell from the rim of the bottle
>smells kind of like a rainy day
>smells kind of like wet dog hair

What IS that smell?


It's a buttload of their low grade malt

Why do you guys drink that garbage? The big bottles of normal macro beer don't cost much more.

American put stomach acid in their chocolate so dont be surprised if theres piss and bile in the beer

Steel Reserve is 8.1 alc vol

It fucks you up quick.

This. It's literally like 30 cents more for a 40 of PBR, and even PBR tastes like a fine imported German weissbier in comparison to the industrial solvent known as Steel Reserve.

PBR contains almost twice as less alcohol. One 40 of Steel Reserve will get you almost as drunk as two of PBR, and that's assuming you chugged the fuck out of those 2 PBRs

>twice as less

Piss. If you want a 40, at least go for a Colt 45 or Mickey's.

Once again, Steel Reserve is 8.1. Those are like 6 percent alcohol, a mere smidgen more than normal that point, I would just buy a nice beer

Colt .45 has that 8.5% version that tastes better than Steelies. In fact steelies always make me puke.

>twice as less

Ever hear of the term "half"?

i would go for the OE or Mickeys

You mean half as twice?

OE and King Cobra are legit good. At least while they're cold. They're just malty and sweet and don't really have any off flavors.

Steel Reserve is shit though. Hard to get through.

>twice as less

These two get it

bum piss

>crack open natty ice
>smells like a fart

i still like it

no PBR will get you at least twice as less drunk as one steel reserve you fucking idiot.

Also pbr tastes like flowers, in the worst way possible

No fun

I'm no expert but that's just one

Holy shit this is even more stupid than "twice as less". How to into abv you moron

That taste used to sicken me. Now it's great. I think my palate evolved.