Just a reminder Veeky Forums. If you're not buying your fried chicken from behind bullet-proof glass, you're buying shit fried chicken.
Just a reminder Veeky Forums. If you're not buying your fried chicken from behind bullet-proof glass...
>be american
>get sho
>be not american
>live life in fear
>never savor delicious crispy fried chicken
The constant aroma of fear and tension really adds to the flavor
Backwards. Good fried chicken joints create an aroma of fear and tension.
>willing going into poverty zones and interacting with garbage "people" like niggers
What a fucking cuchkhold
Sometimes you gotta work for the best rewards.
Looks like daddy traded up and mommy traded down. Also, I'd say that a child raised between two stable households would be better equipped to deal with life, because that child will be getting twice the perspective/advice as other children. This is actually a heartwarming picture.
Sounds like the negro is the one getting cucked while he's off playing armyman.
The dad definitely got the better woman. Good for him.
That White dude's a pimp. Look at him, growing his race.
I wonder if the people who post that soccer image understand that it's actually the opposite of what they're implying.
>anti-/pol/ worst nightmare.jpg
>>willing going into poverty zones and interacting with garbage "people" like niggers
It's basically what Obese, jobless, uneducated white women do... find themselves a nigger that worships them.
I dunno man. Fat cows need love too. Somebody's gotta get all up in that fat white ass.
Are you going to be loving them?
That picture is just sad.
Notice how she's basically positioning her body.
She looks like she desperately wants to get away from that Nigger that's paying her bills and wants to be a part of her original family.
>She looks like she desperately wants to get away from that Nigger that's paying her bills
So the white guy dumps his hag wife. Upgrades. And makes some nigger cuck pay for his child support?
That Nigger has to pay for & raise somebody else's child for 18 years. why the fuck would anybody do that?!?!?!
Looks to me like they're all just average decent people. I think most rational people who see nignogs like that guy and not hood rats don't think anything about it, especially not in terms of "omfg, it's a nigger associating with whites!" Reasonable people aren't still trapped in the 50's Jim Crow south.
>That Nigger has to pay for & raise somebody else's child for 18 years. why the fuck would anybody do that?!?!?!
That nigger got Jewed, and he doesn't even realize it.
>why the fuck would anybody do that?!?!?!
Jamie Foxx is paying for Suri Cruiz's life right now, while Tom Cruise gets to be "fun dad" once every few weeks.
Did /pol/ lie to me? Are blacks the real cucks?
>Did /pol/ lie to me?
>why the fuck would anybody do that?!?!?!
Uh, because there aren't any remotely fuckable women over 30 who haven't already spawned at least 1 little monster?