People who work for tips actually feel this way

People who work for tips actually feel this way

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*unzips dick*

disgusting, no one made them work this shit job. If they want tips, they should become a stripper

*doesnt leave a tip solely based on that sign*

I respect the message but it doesn't make for a great first impression of the place.

I'm a good tipper usually mostly because I've had the misfortune of working in this shit sector but if I saw something like that I actually wouldn't give one fucking penny.

Uhhhhh you guys do know that tip jars at the front are for greedy managers to make extra tax free income and not for the actual servers/cashiers right?

Those tips are usually split between the waiters and chefs in good restaurants and just given to waiters in the less good ones.

I don't have any problem at all with tipping when it's done right, as a reward for good service.
But if you're under-paying your employees so much that they can't pay their bills and feel the need to put up a sign and aggressively beg for change like a rude homeless person and piss off all your customers, then you might want to rethink some shit.
The most likely thing to happen if a customer ever complained is that the owner would just make them remove the sign, and then the employees would just continue to grow more and more bitter and angry until the service suffers so much that the business fails.
I've worked in the service industry and a lot of the people there, employees and owners both, are just fucking morons who fuck themselves over like this constantly. I've seen too much bullshit to ever be surprised when a business fails because it's always for a really good reason that is almost always easily avoidable.

Yup, this is what happens with industries where tipping is normal: the employer notices and adjusts wages accordingly. People will do the job anyway as long as the totals are worth the trouble, and he knows this. The difference is that now you're suddenly "obligated" as a client.

Tipping is a great example of what happens when people are being too altruistic. You only create dependencies and obligations, but nothing changes for the better.

this is why i ignore homeless niggers and never feed pigeons

I ignore homeless people because I lived with a trainhopper ex-junkie in college who constantly begged in the bar district for booze and anime money. I once got drunk with him and he talked me into going with him to try it out just for fun.
I held my hand out and managed to say "spare an..." before the person gave me a disgusted look and I suddenly remembered I had self-respect and went back home.

I used to think if you could ask someone for change you deserved it, but now I think it means you are fundamentally broken as a human being and there is nothing that is going to help you until you help yourself.

This, desu.

Tipping really just Goes to show how cucked Americans are. If you're tipping at a chain restaurant or a restaurant you probably won't be at again in a very long time, You're doing it wrong. And guess what? Know matter how much jibber jabber you try to tell me about it being ethical you're still being a good little goy and paying somebody's workers for them. The best part is the /pol/tards that browse this board can't even claim it's a white person thing when they're ancestor country's literally laugh at the idea of paying somebody's workers for them. Basically you're a cuck and you should just admit that you're single, a virgin and that you're going to die all alone


How about you learn to write, user?

>just Goes to show how cucked Americans are.
Look at me! I'm parroting buzz-words! Can I fit in now guyz? Plz?!?

>mfw people forget that tipping originated as a gratuity for service workers who do an exceptional job or go the extra mile for a customer, and not something that anybody was expected to pay bills with or budget their living around

Nobody forgot, but the way you change that is when the person is hired, not after you ordered and you just need an excuse not to pay for services rendered

>tfw have net worth of 500k.
>American, and never tipped in my life.

Kek it's priceless seeing some bitchy cunt roastie's face look at me angrily as I walk out when I don't tip. Fuck off you most likely have a bf that could buy you crap i shouldn't have to pay for your makeup or crap. Females are entitled cunts.

A barista who works an 8 hour shift will make somewhere between 100 to 200 sales. Any lesser than that and the place is already going under. Lets take the lower end of both the wages and sales. $5.50*8 and $1 tip per order. Works out to $18/hr or around $150 per day if you're working a 12 hr shift. That's how much teachers, entry level engineers, paralegals and a lot of other young people with an actual vocational education make. Why the fuck is someone making a coffee or pulling out a muffin entitled to even half that. You could easily raise prices by 10 to 25c and pay $10/hr to the baristas. This way a customer doesn't need to either pay $1-2 and feel ripped off or look like a miser and pay a dime or quarter. They'll still take home around $12-14/hr because some people are idiots and like to tip everyone.

>mfw when people don't realize that tipping originated out of mobsters greasing people as a way to bribe servers for confidentiality and better service

you've got it all backwards famalam

Are you stupid? Assuming everyone leaves a full dollar tip is retarded. most people give a quarter at MOST, if they leave a tip in the jar at all, which they won't do if they pay by card. Tip jars are also split between the entire staff, it doesn't go all to one person. You also extended the shift to 12 hours just because. Where the fuck do you live where everyone is giving a dollar on every order?

I think service staff should just be paid normally but don't jump through hoops thinking these people are already extremely wealthy already. You're being an idiot.

I'll tip my fedora to that.

I almost never visit any services that 'require' tipping, largely because I'm poor and try not to buy junk I can make at home for cheap.

Was dragging ass a few days back, decided to treat myself to a starbuck coffee milk shake. Store was practically empty and I order some random frozen drink off the menu with no special instructions, was $6.

Took them over 10 minutes and they gave me the stink eye the entire time, I assume because I pocketed my change instantly.

This, also if 'gratuity not included' is on the receipt and they circle it/point it out.

I keep forgetting to tip when they take two seconds to get me a black drip :(

If I see that sign, I walk out and go to a better shop, like the cooperatively owned one I like.

That sign is meant to shame people into tipping/tipping more so we're not taking about what happens we're talking about what people feel entitled to.
>Tip jars are also split between the entire staff,
Entire staff? Why do you have more than one person per 100 sales. If you have a bigger staff I'm going to assume you're making more than 100 sales a day.

I extended to 12 hrs as a throwaway statement but based my calculations and my argument off an 8 hr shift at $18/hr. If you're working more than 8 hours you're also entitled to overtime which I didn't include. $18/hr is a retarded amount of money to be giving a barista.

I never implied baristas are extremely wealthy. I just don't think they're entitled to make as much as a young professional.

Agreed, but

>you just need an excuse not to pay for services rendered

The only amount anybody needs to pay for a meal is 0.01 more than what would constitute stealing.

>before tipping became an excuse to legally pay someone lower than minimum wage, nobody had ever received a tip because of their exceptional customer service. Tipping had originated by that thing I saw in a movie once.


Americans like tipping because it lets them feel powerful after being abused all week, not realizing they're doing the manager's job for free.

Did you know most get their health insurance through their employer?

>be estadounidense
>travel abroad
>get the best service because they know they'll get a tip out of it

waitresses and waiters do fucking nothing compared to the cooks and dishwashers. if you want to tip someone, tip the fucking cook or dishwasher. the waitresses and waiters do NOT deserve it.

I tip for good service and not because you're asking for it. If you're making me feel obliged to pay you for your service it's not good service.

Aw, jeeze
Those poor, exploited employees

If there there were some form of organization they could form...
Like, to represent their collective grievances and bargain as a whole with their employer...

Something that really represented their industry in unison....

Nah better just shame the customer into giving free gibs

yeah, that's what I'm staying.

do you expect a you read my post award? this is the kind of spoiled shit tipping encourages

>If you don't tip me my employer makes it up to minimum wage
>I want more than minimum wage
>Literally give me money for no reason
Eat shit, cunt

Collective bargaining has been rendered obsolete in the red states with the right passing "open shop" laws, a euphemism for permitting scabs to work alongside union members. Not only that, but the kind of people working in the unskilled food service industry are too easily replaced by extra chromosomals.

Right to Work laws are to stop unions from bullying people into being forced to join them and forcibly having to pay into them.
Unions had their place when working conditions practically guaranteed death. They're nothing but money grubbing assholes now.

Would probably stop me from going to that place again, too. Although, I doubt I'd be there more than once anyway, based on that fixture and Obama Mints. I mean, I sympathize with normal people getting cheaped out on, but I just find it funny when it's among leftist signaling shit.

$5.15 per hour? Where do I sign up?

a tip is a fucking gratuity. The establishment owners should just increase the price on their food and pay their employees minimum wage.

Is this true? I mean I think it is true but sauce me bro

A lot of better restaurants have already done this. Veeky Forums just hasn't been notified because this is the NEET board and fine dining is a conspiracy to make me feel dumb

Speaking as someone who is a notoriously HORRIBLE tipper,
Yes, if your income for a pay period is less than minimum wage would have been over the same amount of time, you are technically supposed to ask your employer to make up the difference between your pay and minimum wage.

That said, as much as it is true, some people would say that "bare minimum of minimum wage isn't just either", and they'd probably be right, as well as the fact that the minimum wage is significantly lower than an actual reasonable living wage, which is definitely true, and lastly, I can easily see that kind of legally-true-but-frustrating-to-employers situation either being ignored ("Fuck you, go work somewhere else, what are you going to do about it", which already is practically the default in many retail positions when it comes to legally-guaranteed breaks or lunches) or punished (being fired after demanding to be paid minimum wage in the hopes that your replacement will have less of a backbone than you).

So do away with it entirely, and until they do, I'm gonna continue leaving shitty tips and skirting the system. Let other customers subsidize my meal, I guess.

>Own a jewelers torch.
>Deface a bunch of quarters to uselessness.
>Use those as tip jar tips.

>If the employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 per hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference. Many states, however, require higher direct wage amounts for tipped employees.

It's federal law.

a lot of things are federal law. like not discriminating on the basis of this and that in the course of hiring people. of course, we all know those laws are never violated.

>letting your employer literally break the law to pay you less and then getting mad at the customers for not giving you tips
You deserve it.

My employer pays me $109k a year, I can afford to pay for services rendered and I don't need to concoct elaborate rationalizations for fucking over people who get paid less than minimum wage.

Neck yourself mate, and may the tipping gods be most unforgiving to you.

Why should the customer foot the bill if the employer doesn't pay them minimum wage?

Feeling responsible for the circumstances of another person's job because they poured you a fucking coffee is a symptom of mental illness.

You know what every person said before they began a less-than-minimum wage job? "Yes I accept your offer. Thank you very much"

People who bitch and moan about not being paid enough are the lifeblood of a hyper-capitalist society, and I thank each and every one of them for working the shitty jobs that I refuse to that make my life easier, but they aren't getting an extra penny from me for it because I like having money just as much as they do.

except that is wrong as fuck

tipping started when rich fucks had more money then they needed and threw it at lowerclass losers to show how better and smarter(and lucky) they were.

nothing has changed except now they think lowerclass are expected to make up the wage difference for other lowerclass

Because that's how restaurants work if you live in the US. If you aren't from the US then obviously follow the customs in your country
I don't get coffee from coffee shops. I have a more than adequate setup at home, and a more than adequate setup at the office. Much cheaper and much better coffee. Sorry you're too dumb to make good coffee for yourself.

How about in lieu of tipping I just pour myself my own damn coffee?

5.15 can cover a monkey to refill carafes whenever they get empty.

>work a job that pays 7.25 doing table bussing
>its a buffet so theres lots of chances to go to tables while people eat
>they all tip, probably think im making 2.13 an hour

>I don't get coffee from coffee shops. I have a more than adequate setup at home, and a more than adequate setup at the office. Much cheaper and much better coffee. Sorry you're too dumb to make good coffee for yourself.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ

Hey fuckhead, I have a baratza burr grinder, an electric gooseneck kettle, an aeropress, and a coffee roaster that is valued at over $600. I strictly drink single origin coffees and haven't bought a coffee in years.

Think I sound like a pompous douche yet? That's because we're in a thread about tipping, where you saw I used coffee as an EXAMPLE and you decided to take the stage and talk about yourself. Let me simply remind you one more time that this is a thread about tipping, and not coffee, and might I make my post more digestible to someone of your density by telling you that "coffee" in my earlier post can be substituted for anything in YOUR life that YOU may be obligated to tip for. That includes food, beverage, taxi, valet, home repair, etc. Next time, be more imaginative.

Pic related, fuckhead.

the people working for tips should understand the risk they are taking...So should I pay more for my food and person gets no tips? its a way of putting money in the pockets on locals instead of the corporations. But not everyone sees it that way. Some drivers make 15$ an hour with 3-5$ average tips. Pizza places will pay a driver 3$ a house for gas. But this person doesn't get that compensation and that's why they're bitching.


>be me
>work a job that pays me adequately
>don't receive tips because my paycheck is more than enough

Pic related, it's an actual image of myself

It should be illegal to pay employees below minimum wage no matter what job you have. Tipping is supposed to be tipping, just a tiny bit extra on the top, not a vital part of your wage. It should not affect you negatively if you gave amazing service and they customers didn't tip at all.

That said, I still tip because you don't punish individuals for a problem with the system.

Those are singles and maybe two 20's. There's less money in that picture than I have in my pocket when I do laundry.

>I still tip because you don't punish individuals for a problem with the system.

Corporate Exec. 1: Hey Chad, isn't it a bit inhumane to expect people to live on 2.14/hr when tips are not guaranteed?

Corporate Exec. 1: Nah, the customers will pity them and tip more

See how you're part of the problem? The only way you will ever see legislation mandating minimum wage in your lifetime is if you play your part by starving those teat-sucking waiters of their tips.

mmmmm no I don't think so sweetie we deserve a living wage just like you and everyone else. be a big boy and treat us with the respect we deserve. if you can't afford to tip us then you can't afford to have someone else make your coffee/hamburger/coca cola

*AS A REMINDER* since the great recession the socially acceptable MINIMUM tip was increased to 20% so please keep this in mind as we grace you with our service

>Not being waited on
>Not delivery
>Just at counter waiting for my order
>"I deserve a tip"

Explain this please.

Their wages are reduced because of the possibility of tips. Since their bosses get to legally underpay them on the possibility of tips, they're in the right to expect tips.

Tips are just factored into the bill in most euro countries since they're not full of retards with an insane philosophy about how the person who gets them their daily coffee deserves to starve

>It should be illegal to pay employees below minimum wage no matter what job you have.

>he assumes that the problem will fix itself if people don't tip

i bet you wanted Trump in office for the sake of the anarchy

>he assumes that he has the right to criticize me even though he thinks that tipping solves the problem of giving service workers slave wages

Whatever helps you sleep at night, bud.

Tipping serves as an incentive for service workers to exceed the expectations of the customers.

"I will receive tips no matter what, but how many tips I receive will depend on my service. I may not always get tipped for good service, but my chances of getting tipped are greater if I do"

That is the mindset people in the service industry should have. Anything else is millennial entitlement and spoiled upbringing, or they should simply find another line of work.

I decided to get a real job instead of being a lazy begger.

I also cook my own food 98% of the time to avoid contributing to this leech-like underclass.



Most countries, period.

>Since their bosses get to legally underpay them on the possibility of tips, they're in the right to expect tips.

They accepted a job offer, do people not understand how profound that is to this bullshit argument?

If someone walked up to you and said "Hey I'm going to kick you in the shin and I MIGHT give you 5 bucks afterwords, but only if you accept. Do you accept?" "Sure, I accept" "Hey wtf you kicked me in the shin and didn't give me 5 bucks wtf?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

I didn't go to college, and I had to work innumerable shitty jobs to get to one good job, which isn't even that good of a job, it's only good in relation to all my other shitty jobs, but it's good to me, and you know what? I never worked for tips because I knew what a bullshit racket it is for as long as I can remember.

US employers have to make up the difference if their employees don't make enough money for minimum wage

We have this thread every day.

No tip restaurants in the USA with "gratuity" tied into overhead didn't make as much money because of the higher overall cost. Even when the restaurant announced what they were doing and why prices went up people didn't care.

You not leaving a tip isn't going to fucking change anything, it's just going to make someone with little to no power (or joy in their lives) very angry.

If you don't want to leave a tip in USA or want restaurants to change this remarkably stupid practice, don't go out to eat.

>anime money

Please elaborate.

Here's the thing you Autists don't understand. Their wage has to come from somewhere. And no matter which way you slice it, its coming from you the customer. Either you tip them whatever you feel like based on service quality, or they get a flat rate and you pay for it with increased prices. Realistically unless you're a very generous tipper, you're not going to be saving money if they switch to flat rate. Average tipper will end up paying about the same at the end of the day. Low tipper will pay more.

This is just a piece of "flash" to establish atomsphere in the establishment.

What this sign really means to say is that you can cut the bullshit here becuase this is how it is.

If you want service you need to tip other wise get your own damn food and drinks.

I work delivery. A lot of places have a moderate delivery fee, or none. Store usually provides some amount of compensation per stop for mileage. Depending on the store some fraction to all of the delivery fee goes to covering this. This does not equal money for the driver. This is the money lost to gas, maintenance, and massively increased depreciation on the vehicle. Quite often its less than the total costs associated with just doing the job, depends on the store. The store also offers a wage usually around $4-$5. This wage is meaningless as it is entirely wiped out by taxes unless you're only claiming like 50% or less of your tips, which isn't always possible (credit tips are claimed no matter what).
Which now leaves the tips as really our only source of income for the job. Now here's the thing, in my area we end up with $20-$30 an hour in tips. Most of use wouldn't work the job for anything less than $15, some more. To get that if you moved to a system without tipping the store would have to charge $5+ delivery fees, or spread it out onto the food. Most people only order a small number of items, 1-3 usually, which ultimately means every item on the menu is going up $2.50.

Delivery is an expensive service for a number of reasons, and you're not going to get it for free. Think about how much it costs to ship packages. Now think about how optimized and efficient UPS is with preplanned routes, and you get the package whenever it suits them, and its often been treated pretty roughly. Now compare that to on demand less than 45 minutes, careful handling, low volume delivery. Its expensive, don't like it, don't order.

>tfw you know a waitress who genuinely hates her boss for undercutting her bill, while not faulting people for not tipping (unless they're jerks who don't even give 5%)

Blame the problem, not the symptom.

>he's proud of working for minimum wage

What the fuck ever. I worked as a server while in uni, and no one thought this way, plus if anyone had put up a sign like that in any form, they would have been fired. And that goes for all 4 places I worked during that time, one of which was a coffee shop / ice cream parlor.

>mfw I'm worth over 6 times as much as you, and I tip like a boss for good service because I know the value of having employees on your side.
You're just new money trash. I bet you buy all your cars new, too.

That's complete bullshit.

>working as a line cook
>servers walk in kitchen bragging about their tips
>fuck up their orders to keep them in line

felt good

>he posts Reddit frogs on the food and cooking board.

why not up their prices and remove tipping, then pay their waiters a livable wage?

it happens, just not at the kinds of craptastic joints that price-sensitive flyovers go to

people want to believe they're getting a "good deal" and for the most part can't into arithmetic. they would flip their shit if they saw the menu prices go up

Considering baristas are at the forefront of the culture wars, and generally endorse the importation of people who could replace them for $1 an hour less, I say: fuck you. Give me good service and I might tip.

Again and again: You are already getting paid for your job. It you don' t like it, fuck off.

I' m not entitled to anything.

Former barista here, you are correct. I worked at a coffee shop part time in college. I was paid about 50% higher than minimum wage at the time, but I also made $60-120 per shift in cash from tips. untaxed of course. And yes, I do endorse massive unrestricted immigration. Preferably from Mexico and the Middle East in particular. It would do wonders for blighted places like the rust belt, the deep south, and flyover land in general. Places full of lazy, entitled people who want the government to come yell at the local abandoned factory owner until they reopen the factory again so they can have a nice job again hammering nails like in le good old days *tips franchise team sports hat*. Those kinds of people would benefit too, from improved food, and a more dynamic local economy. They might even learn a work ethic while being culturally enriched (which, I think you'll find, is actually a good thing)

At any rate I do tip $1 per drink these days. It's about the only reason I even use cash anymore. I try to put everything on the card, since I enjoy the kickbacks. I suppose you have some convoluted reason why credit cards are bad too, something related to "don't use money you don't have, everything should be gold dust and barter", that about right?

has Americans minimum wage increased since 99? i was listening to an old rap song thats crapping on about $5.15 veing too low from 1999

Yes, but it varies by state/county/city as well. Federal is $7.25 an hour, but some places have higher minimum wage.
Motherfuckers in Seattle are getting $15 an hour to get your order wrong.

in places where its around $7.25 how livable is it? i ask because even when i was earning $13 in Australia it could barely pay me through uni and i was living frugal

It isn't the employers job to provide a living for the employee.

If someone wants a living then find a higher paying job or work two jobs. If my fatass self can work two jobs then so can you. Stop being an entitled bitch

I honestly felt bad accepting tips as a pizza boy. All I do is drive the pizza to your door, why is a tip required at all?