What do you think of Steve Raichlen ? He seems to be polarizing figure in the world of grilling. Most celeb chefs like Ramsey and Guy Fierri are beloved. This guy seems to be either loved or despised. They say he can't smoke or grill or whatever. What do you think?
Celebrity griller Steve Raichlen
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I don't trust anybody who isnt a 400lb greasy blob of shit to grill or smoke my meats. Including Ramsey and Fierri.
Who the fuck is he?
He has several popular grilling shows on pbs over the years. He also authored the book "Barbeque Bible".
His "project smoke" show is the funniest cooking meme I've seen IRL.
>hmmmm how can I smoke a cheesecake???
>I got it!
>put the cheesecake in a big plastic bag and pump cold smoke into it
>Barbeque Bible
That's probably a huge reason people hate him. Proper BBQ is incredibly contentious, calling any book the bible of it will get you a lot of hate even if its good.
At least he's not as pretentious as the Austin hipster faggot franklin
>Oh you didn't weld your own pit smoker out of a vintage propane tank? Well I guess you can just buy a grill if you're a fucking pleb.
He's like the barefoot contessa of bbq
I've made a few of his recipes that came out good. His ham style cured ribs were an interesting change up from the typical style.
My issue is he's a big time shill for the equipment. It's on PBS so you shouldn't be forced to swallow that shit. Personality wise he comes across as an asshole too, imo.
If it wasnt for the fact that he eats so much pork, I'd definitely think he was a jew
He is Jewish but he was born in Japan so that's why he eats pork
Although most of the recipes are okay, I write the guy off because he's a spoiled rich faggot that uses $20,000 worth of bullshit equipment to cook fucking meat. I'd rather see a show based around a Weber kettle grill or something.
The problem is Weber tells them to use those fancy grill regular people can't afford for the show. They need Webers sponsor money to continue. They also got sponsorship from Reynolds aluminum foil. Without the sponsors the show dies. Webber let's Raichlen use those grills for free and that cuts down the budget. A show like that has a high budget because Raichlen has a huge salary and they need a camera team and they spend big time cash on meat each episode. The one I posted with the 22 pound prime rib he also has videos with legs of lamb and all the meat is organic hippie crap. None of that budget shit you find at Walmart or Costco.
This is the guy who inspired me to create this thread. Fucking hated the guy. This is just 1 of like 20 hate videos he made on Raichlen.
I guess my point is that nobody has any of the equipment he's using, and it really undermines the show, at least for me. Is he really sponsored by Weber? I had no idea. Just assumed it was some prick that decided he wanted to make a tv show and had the money to do so.
I think shows like this are intentionally created to sell high end products to rich people.
what an obnoxious cunt
Raichlen or the dude who ragged on him?
this cocksucker just jealous. lol
He likes his steak rare, you decide.
But it's on PBS.
the dude who was """critiquing""" his video
Rich people LOVE PBS, my dad almost bought a big green egg because of this show.
Not only by Weber, but by the absurd $800.00 Big Green Egg. As other anons have pointed out, good BBQ can be made from the cheapest homemade contraption you could assemble. I hate this jew shilling, especially on PBS, which I support, btw.
That is literally his only complaint, and he stretches out a 5 minute video into a 15 minute bitchfest over 10 seconds of plating.
I want him to look like his body is at war with itself between diabetes or a heart attack being cause of death.
Either that or a crusty as fuck black man who looks like he has seen some shit in his day.
Not buying food from a guy unless he looks like Dom Delouise
I agree that the video was just awful. The title should have been "Stop eating things I don't like, also I think I'm awesome because I love steak rare and I think the only other option is well done"
What a fucking retard.
i love pbs. i masturbate to martha and Patti every night
This guy is just jealous, holy fuck.
What do you think about Franklin Barbecue
I can't stand his fag auto darkening sunglasses and his retarded mannerisms. I could never watch enough to say whether he's any good at BBQ
Rick Bayless does the same thing to me
t. Don't know how tv works
t. why wont pbs give me a show waaaaaaah
live in austin, there are places just as good down the street that have no wait
Heck yes I love pati
I don't want a show?
They just rub me the wrong way
I liked him when he was a French chef in New Hampshire. His instructional cookbook, "A Taste of the Mountains Cooking School Cookbook", was truly inspirational.
Nowadays he seems to be some BBQ hack. Kinda sad. Oh well.