how do i avoid this hapenning when i cook?
How do i avoid this hapenning when i cook?
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don't buy onion
Spend more than $30 on your fucking chef's knife, and learn how to use and take care of it.
keep your fingers away from your knife
buying a more expensive knife isnt going to help him not cut himself
chop with a butter knife.
Curl the fingers on your food-holding hand away from the blade
Learn the pinch grip for the knife
Watch some youtube vidyas
Go slow
a dull knife is sharp enough to cut you and you alone, a sharp knife is too scary to risk joking around with
Slowly lower the onion into an open blender and let it do the chopping for you.
>all that victim-blaming
You did everything right, OP.
It helps to not have to put your entire bodyweight on the blade to get it to cut. Plus people tend to be more careful with something actually sharp.
Get your knife properly sharpened so you won't need to use excess force and have it go somewhere it shouldn't.
there is only 1 person here, there is no victim/perp
What I like to do is instead of using a cutting board, throw the onion into the air and cut it like a fruit ninja.
The same way you solve all problems. Buy a machine that does it for you.
A knife is a very versatile and useful tool, but you can ultimately get the same result with an onion dicer, without risking fingers.
This, it sounds stupid as fuck but actually works.
look for a solution online and add billy next to it
Improve your tecnique. If you slice in and out before applying weight it will help keep the knife in a groove, which prevents it from sliding on the skin of the onion. If your knife is dull, you can place your palm on the back of the blade and apply pressure.
you put it in a blender obviously
>using a blender for an onion
Shit takes fucking seconds with a knife and a knife is easier to clean than a goddamn blender.
Is this a thread full of fucking faggots? What a bunch of pussies.
Use a clever cutter, there's a whole other thread about it
No but there's at least one idiot in it
You have to be 18 to post here, sport.
wait you guys think it slipped?
it didnt, it just cut through the onion and into my finger
Do you guys blow each other? I don't mean to be intrusive into your sexual relationship I'm just curious.
I wouldn't say no if it came up
Curl your fingers in and use your knuckles to guide the knife.
I could curl your knuckles if you dig the vibe I'm laying down.
Hey, if you're going to act like you're in seventh grade, at least you're owning it. Carry on.
>it just cut through the onion
>and into my finger
Don't put your fingers under the onion.
Don't be a fuckass and keep your hands away from the path of the blade.
If he had a sharp fucking knife he wouldn't have had to use all that fucking pressure which was most likely made his hand slip. Now his fucking onion has AIDS.
i have no right to expect reading comprehension on a cooking board
Have your mom do it.
lay off the booze fuckface
You should make a investiment in one these good ones
Your knives will sharpen and you don't need to do a lot of pressure anymore when you cut your stuff
Invest in a goos rock sharpener as well to revive your old knives
by gitting gud
buy a slap chop
try a back and forth motion to start
learn to coordinate
if you are using a french chip knife keep the point
on the board the whole time and use it like a paper
shit idfk
watch the master work.
Keep your knife sharp and learn how to use it. Dull knives forcing you to struggle end up cutting way more people than a sharp knife and a little focus.
You have to consider not only the time spent cleaning the blender, but also the lifetime cost in fingers of using a knife. If you're a normal person who can use a knife without losing fingers, that's great, but that's not what OP is asking.
Google how to use a chef's knife.
Follow the instructions.
People thought you slipped because no one considered the possibility you were retarded enough to put your fingers under the onion, and then cut through the onion towards your fingers.
please ignore the advice in this thread. you should not get a sharper knife.
Keep knife sharpened and honed. Just some honing can do wonders for a knife that's been abused a couple years. I keep mine sharp enough that I don't need to use much force, but not so sharp accidentally touching it will cut a man's hands. If it slams into the cutting board with each slice, it's way too dull.
Dull knives slip and stop keeping your fingers under the edge of the blade, this thread is fucking retarded.
Almost all cuts are caused by the knife touching the fingers. Don't do it!
Quit being a fucking cry baby.
I dunno, my onions never bleed when I cut them.
Try a different store maybe?
This and only this.
get good
time for a new cutting board
shit's nasty
sharpen your knives
For a sec I thought the onion was bleeding
>leaves 20% of the onion piece unchopped
And here I thought I was going to learn how to chop the entire thing for once.
>sharpens your knives
I am surprised people are not being triggered by this.
what's the deal with these? Some people say it "straightens" the blade while others say it sharpens it. I use mine and clearly notice a difference, but what does it actually do? I dont think it actually sharpens the blade.
If you can stand Ramsey he doesn't leave much waste. The bits right by the root have a kinda tough chew relative to the other bits of the onion though.
It's just semantics. There's sharpening and there's honing, and the steel does the latter.
Honing makes the knife sharper so only a pedantic asshole gets worked up about it.
It's a hone, it hones. Straightening is the closest to what it actually does, it corrects feathering and/or bending of the cutting edge that occurs during normal use. Sharpening requires actually removing material to form a new edge.
is there a trick to not making the onion release the crying fumes? I heard someone say if you have a sharp knife and you run it under cold water for a sec it wont crush the onion (releases less fumes) and the water on the knife kinda keeps it locked. Tried it but still get tears.
So the tears come from sulfoxide released by the onion cells as they're cut/crushed reacting with the water in your eyes to form sulfuric acid. Either, use a super sharp knife and cut real fast like Pipen, keep your knife wet to keep the acid on your blade instead of your eyes, or throwing your onions in the freezer for ~15 minutes before chopping.
Just buy a slap chop, if you can't dice an onion without mangling yourself and have to ask a pan asiatic carpet weaving forum for help you clearly lack the mental capacity to hold anything sharper than a spoon
It can serve as a warning to others as well
You can:
1. Chop fast with a sharp knife
2. Be 6'4 because most of the time I don't get the effects of onions being chopped due to being too far away, partly.
3. Chop under the kitchen fan while it's on
4. Put on goggles
5. Use a onion chopper tool like Alligator or such
Or you can chop around the root that's where most of the acid is
Or be a pussy and cut the root and put it under running water fast for a couple of seconds
Yo mama is nastier than a dumpster the day after new years eve but I don't tell you to get another one
>or throwing your onions in the freezer for ~15 minutes before chopping.
This is probably the best solution if you have the time. I never have any problems with chopping a leftover onion that was stored in the refrigerator.
Use a sharp knife and never cut in a way that will lead to the blade coming towards you if it slips, always cut away from yourself. Sometimes you'll get lazy and try to do something risky and you'll end up getting cut, but it's not worth it.
>the day after New Year's Eve
You can leave your onion in the fridge. There are other downsides but it definitely mitigates the sulfur.
that was terrifying to watch
>tfw crooked blade
Yeah you stop being a bitch.
how the fuck did that even happen?
I think you should consider staying away from sharp objects in general.
Next time cut your throat