>restaurant doesn't allow you to bring your own wine
Restaurant doesn't allow you to bring your own wine
Other urls found in this thread:
>Paying corkage fees
What countries have this?
literally nobody does that
jewish restaurants in the US.
>we're going to charge you a fee to drink your own wine
Also jewish:
>split an appetizer with someone
>they charge you for two half-servings instead of one full serving
>they also charge you extra for the plate
>they also charge you extra for the plate
>Take the plate because I apparently purchased it.
After reading this shit I don't know who was more of an asshole, the restaurants charging you $250 bucks to drink your own wine or the writer of the article convincing himself it was totally worth it
dumbass mahfucka
What is the context of this picture? I'm getting some really rapey vibes from it.
Last photo before she was murdered.
This woman was murdered by some guy, and this is him taking a picture of her beforehand.
I don't know what I expected, that's really fucked.
If a restaurant doesn't have BYO wine at least I turn around and leave
>I brought a very good bottle (as I did every time), and the waiter seemed quite pleased by the label: 2005 Christian Moreau Les Clos Chablis Grand Cru. “A grand cru,” he remarked excitedly. “That must be good.” I assured him it was and offered him a taste. “The 2005 vintage was a great one for Chablis,” I said, “And Moreau is considered a leading producer.” We both admired the intense, minerally white, though I thought it was still a bit young. (A grand cru Chablis can take years to develop.) The waiter nodded and promptly finished his glass.
This reads like a scene from American Psycho. What a fucking yuppie.
oh sweet summer child.
>classic Veeky Forums, always making things out to be worse than they are
>probably some libarts student project or something
>reverse image search it
>it's real
>this is the guy that killed her
she was a girl
14 y.o
yea some truck driver did it
OP is a faggot
post wine autismo stories plz
i want to separate the true aficionados from the chaff
>on a date with a girl
>want to show her I'm in touch with my feminine side
>order a pino grigio
>she never calls again
but you two still had lesbian sex right?
yea I assume my post implied that
>Reverse image search
>which killer youd be if you snapped
>You would be Robert Ben Rhoades aka the Truck Stop Serial Killer.
>Aries do not like to stay in one place. They crave adventure and the open road. If they were a serial killer, this would be the ideal life for them
Modern American women, for all their grandstanding about being strong and independent, mostly just want a manly man to dominate them. At least, the ones who aren't gay do. Should have ordered an imperial stout, then she wouod have called you and asked you to choke her while you fuck her.
50+ people? How is this guy not more widely known?
Because he may not have actually killed 50 people.
A lot of serial killers pad their stats when they're caught, for all kinds of reasons.
They can sometimes wring small concessions from cops (like a nice meal, or some cigarettes or beer, and just generally little privileges) by confessing to unsolved murders they didn't really do. More cops than you'd think will accept this just to get unsolved cases off their books.
Sometimes they do it for rep, which can be important if you're going to be spending the rest of your life in prison anyway.
Sometimes they do it just for the notoriety.
I'm too lazy to dig up links, but there have been handful of fairly well known cases where they had to stop listening to guys because they were confessing to implausibly large numbers of murders whose relative time-frames and locations would have made them impossible to commit by the same person.
TL;DR: Guys who *say* they've committed 50 murders are a dime a dozen.
winefags are the worst fags
Made me sad, desu. Shit like this hits a lot closer to home when you're a girl
I live smack in the middle of the biggest wine making area of the US. Most restaurants will let you bring your own, and about a quarter of them will usually waive the corkage fee. And the restaurants that don't let you bring your own will have fantastic wine lists.
prove it faggot
How about you buy the wine they serve idiot? Take your bottle of wine to the closest McDonald's and see how that shit goes over.
I doubt they'd allow it for the same reason Carls Jr. gave me shit about bringing my own whiskey
Go back to >>>Reddit you fucking piece of shit
I'd be him too apparently. ofc this is complete bullshit, since I'm generally pretty methodical and like the safety of my home
Not that person but kys. "Lol that girl was murdered". I hope you never have to deal with that kind of shit. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I've dealt with shit only second hand. Molestation specifically. It has ruined her life. Fuck you.
I can be pretty pretentious and pretty forgiving of pretense in a lot of circumstances but this article made me REEEE like anything.
>Jean Georges turned out to be my best experience. The food and the wine service were both equally great. Our waiter not only happily accepted my bottle but noted it was “a few degrees too warm” and immediately plunged it into a bucket of ice. In fact, he paid such careful attention, I began to think it was a $900 wine. It even tasted that good. Bernie, who stopped by for a glass, agreed. “It’s a privilege when someone brings in a great bottle,” he said graciously.
What careful attention can someone pay to your shitty sparkling wine other than cool it and serve it in a glass that makes the experience worth $85 plus you have to give the somm a sip.
he cut her hair like that as well, she's 14 I think and I'm pretty sure he killed her boyfriend as well, and basically tortured her sexually and physically in his truck for days
really hot stuff, I'm hard
How do you know a woman was molested?
Don't worry, they'll make sure of it.
>family goes out to restaurant
>2 people order the exact same thing you plan to
He was really good on breaking bad.
He would kidnap women, kill their bfs in front of them, shave their head and pubes then lock them in his truck cabin that he converted to a mobile torture chamber. Livin the fuckin life my man
Unless you planned on sharing to try different things, I don't see the problen
He made her wear the heels too if I recall correctly.
isn't that the canadian air force general who was a bdsm killer?
Versus paying a massively inflated price for a bottle of wine. Bring your own and save.
he's probably poor and the corkage fee isn't worth it on the kind of stuff he drinks
it's not really a money saver if you're just drinking layer cake merlot
Exactly, why would I want to pay a corkage fee on box wine?
>boxed wine
That's a thing?
kind of fucked up that OP would use that pic instead of drake but whatever this is Veeky Forums.
go back to tumblr faggot, this isnt your blog and we dont give a fuck about your "feelings". kys
which drake?
>a lot of serial killers pad their stats when they're caught
posts like this are what i come here for.. el oh fucking el man
The male duck
>be me, quite drunk
>take a sip of wine and do the aerating in your mouth thing
>some guy asks me a question
>brain assumes that I'm ready to answer because mouth is a bit open
>start speaking with my mouth still full of wine
>acknowledge my stupidity and merlot soaked outfit
At least it wasn't a very good wine
the canadian one pic related.
you newfag redditors really need to be gassed.
the picture is literally older than the internet.
How do you even function day to day?
>restaurant doesn't allow you to order a pizza while you wait
Is that th BDSM guy from Alfred's Playhouse?
Well it's the first time I've seen it, and I've been using the internet since I was a little kid. Weird how that can happen sometimes.
>there was an internet when he was a little kid
ARPANET? NSFNET? which higher educational institution or military entity were your parents associated with?
I refuse to believe any actual adult grew up with "the internet" in the sense of rapid-fire perusal of random arbitrary images via a web browser
I'm one of those (((girls))) who gets her tits from a bottle. We aren't that uncommon around here, desu.
Honestly, this. I've been on chan for a fucking decade, and while it's always been crude, this site isn't supposed to be romanticizing murdering people.
I've been on Veeky Forums since I was 12
I'm 21 now
I want off this wild ride
I'm 24 and been here since middle school.
We definitely exist.
/r/Veeky Forums doesn't count as being here.
>I refuse to believe any actual adult grew up with "the internet" in the sense of rapid-fire perusal of random arbitrary images via a web browser
even Veeky Forums's been around for 14 years already
>think about kidnapping qt lolis into your basement and doing vile stuff to their little butts
>start to think about how they have to pee and shit and how you probably have to feed them and how hard it would all be even after you kidnap them
>end up just having consensual sex with women over 18
Just feed them your poopoopeepee
I was born in 1994. The internet has been a thing since before I learned how to read. I didn't use Veeky Forums as a kid but I definitely browsed a lot of forums and played online games like Runescape for a significant part of my childhood. The world's changing fast gramps. I didn't get a smart phone until I was in my senior year of high school. Kids now are getting them early in middle school.
lurk for 2 years before posting
Veeky Forums - Food and Cooking
I wonder what you smell like when you're scared.
>I'm not a child because technically I am old enough to drive a car
>2017 - 1994 = 23
brought of bottle of this for my date last week.
waiter brought to glasses and uncork it for me.
That's a fairly good question. Also:
>be on wine tasting I arranged for my wine club
>second bottle approaching
>the vintner says something like "this is not my favourite wine of our sortiment"
>I reply "don't worry, all other wineries bring their best bottles, at least we can learn from a faulty wine"
>mfw I didn't mean to say that out loud
>mfw the wine had an unripe, green flavor to it
>mfw the third bottle was oxidized as fuck so I ended up being right
the vintner probably didn't give a half-fuck, they're dead inside anyways.
it's been a thing for a while now user. "The process for packaging 'cask wine' (box wine) was invented by Thomas Angove of Angove's, a winemaker from Renmark, South Australia, and patented by the company on April 20, 1935. Polyethylene bladders of 1 gallon (4.5 litres) were placed in corrugated boxes for retail sale."
He later on told us that they fucked up the whole batch, because they didn't seal the tank properly, and it all went to shit. He nevertheless bottled it, which I find fucked up. Ok, here's the last one:
>go to cellar for a tasting
>"well guys how about we go and sample the barrels before we get to the bottled ones?"
>had a few glasses in the cellar, proceed to go to the tasting room
>"where is it?"
>it's eventually 4 km away
>btw this was in january, at night, the road all iced up just like a skate rink
>let's go then
>proceed to walk all four kilometers
>the goal is only 50m away
>I slip, and fall on my left ankle
>fuckshitfuckshitfuck it hurts
>get assisted to tasting room
>after a glass I can't bear it, I thank everyone and go (get towed) to bed
>next morning
>"Hey user! You alright? Can you walk? We1ll take you to a doctor for sure, but may we stop at a restaurant first?"
>They end up walking on a frozen lake, eating at a restaurant and visiting a farmers market while my foot hurts like fuck
>finally taken to a hospital
>Maisonneuve fracture
>surgery & three months in bed
Tasted some bomb Welschriesling tho
>drinking wine
>not bringing your own corkscrew
Why would you post this pic here. I know the pic, I know we're on Veeky Forums and all, but this is a fucking cooking board.
Fuck off.