I ordered garlic knots delivered from a local place. This is what I got.
I ordered garlic knots delivered from a local place. This is what I got
Looks edible/10
You got a problem with balls?
That's not what I paid for
It's both hilarious and depressing that people like you exist (and would probably call up the manager and demand free food because you didn't get knots).
Eat your shitty food and shut the fuck up.
fuck off furry
So, uh... You gon' eat those or what?
That's Knot very nice
That's some shitty knotsmanship
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that you GET WHAT YOU ORDERED.
That was pretty Knotty of them wasn't it?
I can knot see what your problem is, OP.
i hope this post isn't serious
go back to facebook, faggot
OP can and should sue.
What the fuck are garlic knots?
dough knots, baked then covered with butter garlic. usually filled with cheese
I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing. What a fantastic show.
I hope the garlic bread balls tasted ok, but those are not garlic knots
some of them look like they tried to be knots initially but just gave up and became garlic holes
Is that... is that garlic POWDER all over them?
looks like the box rattled around and they came undone on the way over
This is where you fucked up you fat retard.
Buy a $1.25 can of bread dough in the biscuit aisle at local grocery..cut apart..tie in knots..bake 15 mins..cover with butter mixed with garlic and sprinkle some parm and green shit..wow..so worth the $6-7 you paid for your buttery balls that isn't even half as much as you could make yourself.
I'm an american, and I get offended a lot by things foreigners say about us because they're mostly not true or only apply to poor people and niggers.
One thing that is actually widespread that bugs the shit out of me is people here actually believe that not being pleased with your convenience food entitles you to free shit and to abuse the help.
You got EXACTLY what you ordered. It's not their responsibility to make sure their version of garlic knots meets your expectation of what a garlic knot is. All of the core parts are there, and it frankly looks on par with what I'd expect to find from an eatery that caters to fat lazy stoned people.
Eat your fucking failure kibble and shut the fuck up.