Could of sworn this is meant to be a creative board.
I don't see any recipes or actual cooking.
What gives?
Could of sworn this is meant to be a creative board
It used to be, friend, but those days are gone.
For me, it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich
>Could of
with your attention to detail, you must be a master chef, respected by those around you
>could of
I love McChi/ck/ens
why are you posting a filet-o-fish?
Good content
This website
Pick one
What percent of Americans even own a straight edge kitchen knife sharp sharp enough cut a week into three days?
>Could of
Any recipes or OC gets bumped off the board in a matter of hours, and the OC that does stay is usually heavily criticized in addition to having a moderate amount of effort put into it.
Why would you spend the time taking 15~ pictures of some mediocre chili and uploading them when you can just make a shit thread about America or bitch about vegans
The non-shitposting side of the board is more focused on discussing individual techniques and ingredients than full recipes, which isn't always a bad thing. I've learned quite a bit from lurking here.
It's too early
Plus Sunday is leftover day
>What gives?
/pol/ cancer and /intl/ cancer forced out all the good posters, and the only 'board culture' was shitty memes and ironic shitposting that slowly turned unironic because the newbies didn't know it was meant to be ironic.
Add /tv/ to that list, baneposting was one of the worst things to come out of Veeky Forums. /r9k/ too.
Baneposting is really nothing compared to le epic /int/ bantz
Pedantic fucks like you don't help in all probility.
Get this hothead out of here!
All boards are before anything shitpost boards
Way to make a meta post bitching about the board rather than introducing the content you want to see.
Meta threads are legit around here, newfag.
I know, it's just futile unless they decide to post the content they want to see and comment on those types of threads. Post more recipes of that's what you want to see.
I could post my hashbrowns recipe if you want. I suck at writing recipes, but it'll fit your desire for recipes to be posted.
You're a dumbshit. There are recipes and food processing threads. Granted there's a lot of /b/ underage fag shit and millennial ff crap, but there's some good stuff here. I occassionaly get good ideas here. This board actually got me into fermenting vegetables and hot sauce, for which I'm eternally grateful.
Could HAVE, you fucking mongoloid
Try here:
At least we're not in Bongistan, where pointy knives are banned.
>unironically not realising you're part of the problem.
Have you ever posted any OC on this board? Because I have.
Using moron English like could OF lowers the level of discourse and tells the casual observer that yes, McChicken posting is the highest form of art here.
So yeah, this thread isn't food or cooking, smartass.
>this thread isn't food or cooking, smartass.
It's known as a meta thread, retard.
It's thick cunts like you who post without thinking that are half of the problem.