Not including vegetables/coffee/beer, I think mustard is the biggest thing I've turned around on. This is my favorite brand so far
Foods you hated as a kid but love now
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Mcdonals quarter punder.
I use to think it was bad butt then I realize it just a big cheese burger
Can't think of anything I disliked then but eat now, eating whole food plant based most of the time. Everything I disliked then I haven't eaten since then. I always like vegetables/greens enough to eat them plain.
>spicy stuff
>unsweetened tea
>blue cheese
But I dislike truffles as an adult. Is it because I'm gay?
As a child my diet was mostly meat and pasta, but nowadays plants are all I eat.
Also bananas.
i was never a picky eater so nothing really
Why are you drinking coffee as a kid? How tall are you?
Buffalo bro?
>implying coffee is bad for children