What is the worst kitchen pest?

What is the worst kitchen pest?
What are your methods to get rid of that pest?

I find that gnats and flies are best removed using one of these. Water, sugar, yeast, paper funnel, jar/glass. Of course it only gets like this if I forgot to toss out the compost before vacation. I never have a problem with rodents, ants, or roaches thankfully.

>Water, sugar, yeast, paper funnel, jar/glass.

Forgot the drop of dish liquid in the water to break the water tension so they drown faster.

Ants are the fucking worst.

Once they find your juicy crumb stash, they just keep coming.

the best method is to clean your fucking kitchen and don't leave any food on the counters for at least 2 weeks

You can also cover the jar with plastic wrap with holes poked in it then just drown the jar in boiling water when its full.

>don't cook for 2 weeks


did I say don't cook for 2 weeks faggot? No, I didn't.

I keep my kitchen clean.

>no food left out anywhere
>sugar ants still crawling all over the fucking place
Fuck these things so much.

Grain weevils are the worst. I dealt with them by storing anything they eat in the refrigerator and not disturbing spiders. They can bore through paper, plastic, and drywall.

Yes, he mentioned roaches.

Fruit flies are a pain as the odd one here and there are just about impossible to avoid if you are bringing fresh fruit into the house regularly.

I had a HELL of a time with pantry moths for the last 4 months. Brought in some corn husks and masa harina for making tamales. All is well for a while. Then I see a moth here or there. NoBigDeal.jpg. Then all of a sudden its 3 or 4 moths a day, and always a couple when I open the pantry. OkTimeToFigureThisOut.xml

I unloaded the whole pantry looking for moths, eggs, larva... They were in the corn husks and the masa. I have nice sheling, but it all has predrilled holes for shelves. Hundreds of holes. Larva are pupating in the holes, and food, and packaging... They are everywhere.

Take out all shelving. Fill all holes. Toss 75% of food stuffs. Add new led strip lighting. Install 4 moth pheremone traps throughout house.

Vaccuum all moths I can find twice a day for a month. Put all grains in plastic bags. (larva can eat through plastic). Look for signs of larva everyday for a month. Put food back In pantry. Continue to vacuum a moth here or there for another month.

As of today, it has been 2 weeks since I have seen a moth. Pic related - my pantry after cleaning and lighting upgrades.

The egg and larva stages can last for over 100 days tho...

You could try one of those bug bomb cans. Dunno if they work on moths, but the gasses are supposed to kill most insects & eggs. Obviously you don't want your food around for that though.

I have an ant problem at the moment, they get in the dishwasher and I have to keep the kitchen bench spotless or they crawl everywhere.

put a line of food safe diatomaceous earth on the border of your cabinets

Fly strips catch buttload of gnats but never seem to get all of them

Know what works great? Take a standard drink cup -- McD's, Wendy's, whatever. Put a chunk of ripe banana inside. Put the plastic lid on top. Make sure the hole for the straw is bent a little so that the fruit flies can get in.

Then, they all go inside for their banana, and all you have to do is stick your finger over the hole and take it all outside and open it. They all fly out because they're terrified of movements. Then you can take the trap back in to catch the ones you missed on that pass.

Discard after a few days because they'll have laid eggs inside and you don't want a new batch hatching.

>hide all food elsewhere
>mix sugar with some sort of poison into some liquid, borax worked for me
>place mixture where you've seen the ants around
>laugh as they all swarm to it and die

Had an ant problem last week, and after doing this i've seen zero. There will be a ton of ants the night you set it out though

I reported your post.:)

Anything that you suspect may potentially have moths, put it in the freezer for a week.

Them glass or metal containers for the grains.

Moths are the fucking worst. My shitlord old roommates let them get out of control. the larvae got everywhere. I got out of there after I saw this in the cat water.

cockroaches are the worst

dupont gel bait works wonders though

Cockroaches, I had them once despite keeping an immaculate kitchen just because they happened to be infesting the apartment complex I lived in. They get fucking everywhere, and the only way we managed to get rid of them was to wait for winter.

I accidentally left a half-empty glass of wine overnight. The next morning there was an even layer of fruit flies which had drowned in the wine. I set up the cup so it looked like OP's video and my fruit fly problem disappeared.

Here's my pest story:

>Poorfag student, renting my first house
>Buy fridge from dodgy second hand store
>It's a really good brand and really cheap. Smells odd, previous owner was probably an unclean person
>Next week, I start noticing cockroaches in my kitchen
>I figure it's just because I moved into a humid inner-city suburb and do nothing about it
>Cockroaches gradually multiply, it's getting weird
>I start wearing shoes in the kitchen because I hate the feeling of roaches crawling over my bare feet
>Start finding them in my bed at night, sometimes they get into my food
>The big ones are hard to kill
>Fridge stops working one day
>Find a massive cockroach nest under the fridge while trying to fix the problem
>Buy cockroach poison from store, place under fridge
>The next four hours is absolute hell
>Cockroaches react instantly to the poison, they rush out from their nest and spread across the kitchen floor
>Some of them are big mommy roaches with long fat bodies
>The poison makes them behave like zombies, running in circles and waving their heads like mad
>I'm frantically spraying them with insect killer and sweeping up the bodies as fast as they come out
>Two days later I find no more cockroaches
>Fridge still doesn't work properly, I call up a repairman
>He inspects the electronics and finds fried cockroach bodies and egg casing in the wiring, heating elements, and computer boards
>He gives up on removing the crispy insect bodies and replaces the entire electronics system
>So that's why the fridge smelled weird

Hi, everyone. Lurkfag here. To rid of the flying beasts have a beer or two but make sure to leave some alcohol leftover! Like 4 - 6oz at least, leave it out over night and it should attract and kill the flying pests. Any alcohol will do, it's like a venus fly trap to them but once they get too close they are fuuucked.

As for other pests, idk. You have to be pretty filthy or have no protection to which I am neither. Gnats, flies will always try to invade, it does not matter how clean you are, especially if you have pets, it's a constant battle.


It's like using Ice Beam on a Flying type.

> using scorched earth tactics to stop the moth vermintide

I would have done the same, I fucking hate bugs in the kitchen.

Cadeu to you sir. Also, nice pantry

oh my god

where the fuck do you live?

I keep all my grain products & pasta in 1-gallon sized glass jars (pickle jars) to keep Indian meal moths away. The larva can chew into plastic bags and paper bags easily. They also attack some of my spices. So, those go into smaller glass jars. I've never seen a grain weevil in person in my house.

>What is the worst kitchen pest?

>The larva can chew into plastic bags and paper bags easily.

And through the bottom of these containers. This container was never opened when I opened it, I found this. Everything goes in glass jars now.

I do the same thing with dry pet food due to carpet beetles.

Mine came from a 25 pound bread flour bag. Or came from elsewhere and then exploded in population there. I stopped buying those after that because they don't fit in my freezer. And then I stopped eating white flour because I give a fuck.

Children of a proper parent are never a pest.

Does that oven discolor if used? My dad had a cheap one like that for a while and kept whining at my brother when he baked bread and it turned brown around the top of the door.

I live on the 30th floor in a high rise so I rarely get bugs of any kind, but when I do get the occasional gnat I just use red wine as a trap, works great

Auckland, New Zealand

>30th floor
Why not use Grenfell brand cockroach eliminator?

Just pour some of that anti-ant powder/poison somewhere along their trail, preferably just in front of your doors, and watch them dissapear the next day.

My gfs small cousin turned over the entire fucking oven with a boiling pot of meat sauce on one of the heaters on himself. Apparently he opened the oven doors and sat on them.

He came out of the situation with a few bruises, a small burn on his arm, a destroyed lunch and an wobbly owen door so it wasnt that bad in the end.

Pantry moths and their goddamn larvae eating through the bags

anything that wants to invade your large stores of grain.

they're why i only buy small quantities of grain, and quickly use them up. anything stored longer for a week gets infested.

>anything stored longer for a week gets infested.

That's not normal. Do a thorough cleaning and call an exterminator.

My kitchen has lots of false widows

Hard to maneuver and cook while avoiding them.

ITT: people wasting protein

China, go be China somewhere else, please.

Keep lurking kid, you're not ready to talk to people yet.

>What is the worst kitchen pest?
The that you have. In my case it's ants.

>What are your methods to get rid of that pest?
Put fresh mint leafs. Keep your kitchen clean and be carefull with sweet things.

Cockroaches are nightmares to deal with because the fuckers breed FAST and spread EVERYWHERE. One is enough to start a chronic infestation anywhere it settles, nigh ineradicable save for the most drastic measures.

I learned that harsh lesson when two cockroaches stowed away in deliveries infiltrated my company office. 'Mini-Vietnam' barely describes the subsequent month of perpetual, escalating, and losing guerilla-war every employee up to my CEO was embroiled with the little fuckers. Fingers hovered over resignations. It was a dark, desperate time.

Thankfully, we contacted an exterminator before they cut our communications (we found half a dozen entrenched within one of the office phones), who proceeded to conclude the crisis by carpet-bombing every nest he found.

TL;DR Si vis pacem, para bellum.

>What is the worst kitchen pest?
Americans. They complain things are 'bland' and 'memes'.
>What are your methods to get rid of that pest?
Turn them into next week's dinner, of course.