What are some foods that only gays eat?
Fag Food
I dunno, ask your father. It's father's day after all.
Crossiantwich. Also penis.
You can eat whatever you like, OP. You don't have to stick to fag foods anymore. It's not the 1950s.
Which one?
Are appletinis and other assorted mixed drinks gay? I don't know much about the alcohol culture and those mixed drinks usually look like they taste good.
There really aren't any.
idk, but gay bars generally serve stronger drinks, especially at the hidden bar.
West coasters are queer.
stronger than what? I occasionally frequent a couple of different gay bars with my gay friend who for some reason won't go to straight bars, as far as I can tell "gay bar" is synonymous with "shitty generic bar" if we're talking about gay men. basically imagine flyover: the bar, but with nothing but dudes, playing terrible music. I didn't even get hit on, 0/10 would not go again.
I have also been to two lesbian bars (essentially by accident) and in both cases I was floored by the genial atmosphere, the good decor, and the high quality drinks. I didn't even get the sense that I was "intruding" which I have occasionally gotten the sense of at gay men bars.
if I get to choose reincarnation I want to be a lesbo in my next life.
Appletinis are a stereotypically gay man/straight woman drink, but not all mixed drinks are perceived as such. Typically, the sweeter the mixed drink they more gay it seems. Margaritas are an exception to this rule though, they're for everyone because they're just that good. Whiskey sours are a good strsight guy's mixed drink in muly opinion. Good balance of sweet, sour, and tang. Not overly fruity, just a nice citrus flavor. Kicks pretty good too since it's half whiskey.
>"I didn't even get hit on"
Are you a closet gay or just insecure?
I wish we had Nando's in the US.
whatevers in your kitchen, fucking faggot
Anything that gays eat, women also eat.
is there something wrong with wanting to have my attractiveness validated?
I did a gay diagnostic hookup once but it was basically about as arousing as being in an overcrowded bus. also fairly awkward, roughly as bad as the time I hooked up with a fat chick because I wanted to see if the whole "high test" thing was a joke (if you haven't tried this, don't)
Maybe you're just not attractive.
I think it's more that I'm not quite right in the head and intelligent people can tell as soon as I exchange more than a few words with them. gay guys have hit on me on the street but I don't say anything to them. I've had women look at me like they're attracted, they'll be open and receptive until I start talking to them and then they clam up and it's obvious things are going to go nowhere
I am most successful with women who are emotionally immature and preferably of average to slightly below average intelligence. it's easier to be fake with them, and they don't seem to mind
>see a gay guy order a steak
>get nervous at the restaurant
>ask the waiter to take my steak back and bring me literally anything else
that was close
Spotted the jealous user
>gay diagnostic hookup
I've never heard of this. What is it?
>I'm not quite right in the head and intelligent people can tell as soon as I exchange more than a few words with them
Apparently it works over the internet too
it's where you convince yourself that your extensive issues with women are because you're a closeted user and you just can't admit it to yourself. it turns out it wasn't that.
I don't doubt this at all
These kind of elaborate hipster milkshakes in NYC
You're gay now. So's this entire board.
>people who have never spoken to a gay person
First off, any self respecting gay person would never eat that much pointless calories. Sure gay people might wear super bright shit, but the only person eating that rainbow doughnut is his beard.
>self respecting
Look at that subtle off-red coloring. The tasteful thickness of the lettering. Oh my God; It even has a subtle striped pattern.
Margaritas are gay as fuck.
Shit, I didn't know that was a .gif.
See you all in a few days. :(
What happened?
I posted an image of a clown about to shoot himself but the whole thing was a gif which included Jackson Pollack brain splatter.
its incredibly weird to go to gay bars as a straight male and not get constantly hit on. Gay men's ultimate fantasy is a straight male.
underrated post
this is news to me. I was under the impression that the kind of gay people who go to gay bars resent "tourists"
>Black cock
Heh clever
My fucking dad of all people made me go to a gay baf
I'm not gay and neither is he but his business partner is a lesbian who is loaded and apparently everyone in the gay community loves her because he blows money in stupid shit so they let her and her friends get anywhere in the VIP areas for free
There was a fat old tranny making a comedy show Wich was really bad, a woman who could sing really well and some dancers
And then I left when the waiters got naked and walked around with their dicks out because it was a strip club and I honestly couldn't handle it
Dad got quite mas and never invited me to anything again
When I had a 6 hour layover on a bus trip in Salt Lake City I wandered a couple blocks to the nearest bar to kill time and found one with $4.00 pitchers of beer during happy hour. I sat down at the bar and ordered my pitcher and suddenly there were 2 guys who sat down on both sides of me. I just nodded a greeting and started looking around and noticed there were no women in the place and then saw a magazine rack on the counter displaying gay porn. Then one of the bartenders grabbed the other bartenders crotch while pressing into his ass.
>oops, I done fucked up.
I actually stayed and had a pleasant evening of cheap drinking watching the antics and laughingly refuting the advances.
i'm gay and today i had a grilled burger
>butthurt were the economic powerhouse of the country and so we have better living conditions
in-n-out isn't even that good, don't understand why people love it.
fast food plus children equals strong, stupid opinions about shit that doesn't matter. add the internet and you have endless bickering over whether my mediocre cheap garbage is better than your mediocre cheap garbage
I used to get annoyed with the fast food threads until I came to understand that they were like little containment zones for the underage who shit up every board. if those threads weren't allowed, there'd be more underage activity in all the other threads
Segregation flag donuts surely ain't on the list. Probably avocado.
Nope, that's Texas. Don't be butthurt because your shit state doesn't have HEB, Whataburger, good Tex-Mex, good barbecue, and Fiesta Marts.
Going by my own diet, chocolate and pizza.
>economic powerhouse of the country
Learn how GDP works, it's an accounting trick.
>so we have better living conditions
Have you seen rent prices in socal? Are you fucking retarded/
Go eat a cup of sprinkles. Stop eating our food.
Actually, North Dakota. But Texas is still a close second.
>red states' budgets kept solvent solely by NY and CA federal tax dollars.
>mfw the MS state budget is 46% federal money
LMAO, keep voting against your own interests dumbasses.
t. Never been to D.C. or Chicago
Where was this? Try-Angles?
Interesting that you post this. Tab soda, for me, always brings to mind HIV and I have no idea why.
>living conditions == rent and != access to clean water, healthcare, transportation, economic prosperity, etc etc
who's this bumfuck
go back to high school
You can tell they're self-respecting because they aren't dating you.
>things adorably stupid children say
The southern and southwest states are on course to becoming economic and social liabilities due to immigration. Our govt and media do not talk about this, but it is very real. In California, over the past decade, almost 100 hospitals have had to close due primarily to illegals skipping out on their bills. Texas spends somewhere between 8 and 12 billion dollars every years accommodating both legal and illegal, mostly Mexicans, who provide practically nothing of value to society. You don't feel it now, but you will in 10-20 years. Everyone in California will. If CA were to split from the US, I hope the US confiscates everything. Almost your entire way of life is provided by Not CA. Why do you not realize by now that your mentality is a big part of why recent events played out the way they did?
lol not at all... gay men here openly talk about how much they hate flamers/bears... The issue is straight men don't want to suck their dicks or get aids in the ass. So they settle for other gay men. The holy grail is still normal acting men though, with straight men being their ideal. Go figure.
haha you were lucky they didn't date rape you, very common here
Fuck you.
t. Doesn't know how fucking big the U.S. is.
>clean water,
Anywhere that isnt a swamp
Anywhere that isnt a swamp
I'd rather be able to drive because traffic isnt a fucking nightmare than be able to ride a smelly bus
>economic prosperity
Again, your GDP is an accounting trick. Most of NY's and CA's population works low-paying journalism, service industry, and cashiering jobs.
Gay diet coke
>Anything at Starbucks
>Greek yogurt
>Soy milk
what am I missing?
Not sure. It was literally a couple blocks from the downtown bus station. I was carrying a dufflebag because I was too cheap to rent a locker, lol. I'm sure I looked like a target except I'm fairly good sized so no ones going to be getting out of hand without having some damage.
>date rape you
Nah, everybody seemed decent to me once they realized I wasn't a fag. Just a normal happy hour and they went on with the same kind of games men and women play with each other, only with other men. Never felt threatened in the slightest bit.
Nothing gay about any of these, user.
Your dad's ass at the bathhouse
I'm a tranny and today I had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and I got a pizza for dinner
How much effort does it require to qualify gay enough to get that. Because I feel a feel most hot at that picture. Maybe i can circumvent the gay by tasting it from the lips of the aflicted, I would be in it for the shake. Nuh, no homo.
you got blown the fuck out closeted beta bitch
Implying that was me
The biggest gay bar here serves the most flyover cancer fuel.
Apparently the fanny bandits in my city are rather uppity and snooty because every gay bar's menu I'm seeing online has some real non-flyover shit, and one even hosts a drag brunch
I'm a butch dyke and I can confirm that the manlier the lesbian, the worse our diet. I haven't touched a vegetable in at least four days and the only fruit I get is on waffles. If you want to lure a dyke somewhere, try a classic steak and eggs, disco fries, loaded nachos, or chicken wings.
I've never seen anyone who wasn't flaming order a fucking Cosmo