>on business in Seattle
>need a pick me up and go into some overpriced coffee place
>order an expresso
>tattooed min age slave says "you mean an espresso?"
>say "no an expresso because you need to hurry the fuck up"
On business in Seattle
Enjoy your spit.
>cancerous frogposter
>stupid fucking thread
Every time.
Just because it happened in your imagination doesn't mean it happened in IRL, user
dumb frogposter
The funny thing is that the tatted hipster probably has a Doctorates in Liberal Arts but yet works selling grande lattes still.
t. construction worker with arthritis and back problems
So are we supposed to be ripping on the frogposter still or the imaginary barista?
>order expresso
>Barista hands me drink
>Here's your ESPRESSO
>Y-you too
>Go home and write angry fanfiction on Veeky Forums about the ordeal
My mind just aurocorrects "expresso" to "espresso." I had to read OP's post thrice before I got it.
>doesn't realize min wage in WA is 11.00/hr
>servers get tips on top of that
>even shit servers are bringing home $20+/hr doing unskilled labor
Stay jellymad non-WAfags
Nope, /STEM/ undergrad master race here. Humanities and blue collar workers are both scum.
>blue collar workers are scum
We're also the backbone of your infrastructure you miserable twat. But you'll figure that out when you can't find a job in your field and have to go into labor
Have fun dropping out after Calculus II gets too hard
Doubt it. With a MechEng degree I could just join the military if I somehow can't find a job in the private sector. They will suck your cock if you have a STEM degree especially engineering with a 3.5 and above GPA.
what coffee shops do you go to where the espresso machine and the person using it are out of the view of the customers?
>but yet
How embarrassing for you.
I wanna see it try. I am just finishin my summer 1 class in pre-calc and have not got a single grade below a 96%. GPA is 4.0 still. I finished off all my non-STEM classes like economics
1 and 2 and arts shit.
>stem undergad
>4.0 in precalc and electives like its impressive
Holy shit bud, why dont they just speed things up and give you a doctorate already
>he started college without a pre-calc credit
Bless you.
>le ebin Reddit frog
Calc 2 is a world away from pre-calc, i hope it slaps that smug mentality right out of your head. A 4.0 in college while taking high school level math and some electives isnt anything to brag about. Thats like bragging that you have a 100 in a class after doing the first two homework assignments.
Come talk to me when you've received A's in your 2 semesters of Analysis where you start with the 4 postulates and prove all the theorems in mathematics through calculus and number theory.
The training wheels haven't even come off yet kiddo
Lol enjoy statics, and fluid dynamics. If you get there. Calc 2 is known as a weeder course for would be STEM majors.
>Bragging about pre-calc
What the fuck.
This is hilarious
absolutely ebic OP, simply epic!
>le frog
Holy shit. If you're not taking calc III as a freshman you may be retarded
I bet he can punctuate properly though.
protip: you're going to forget all that useless shit once you get out in the real world
dude I took precalc in junior year of HS then took BC calc (calc 1+2 uni equivalent) in senior year and got double 5s on the AP exams. you are WAY behind and if calc3 isn't the stopping point, diffEQ will be.
I'd offer you a glass of milk to go with the slice of humble pie you're about to eat this coming academic year, but you probably can't even tell me whether it's half-empty or half-full, so I'll just wish you the best of luck.
>Not entering to college with those bullshit credits already
>Not scoring directly into Calc I
You have a long road ahead buddy boy
>Doesn't use difEq while cooking.
How does to be a pleb?
this nigga is going to eat crow soon
fucking kek
>ITT: autists chimp out over some guy doing good freshman year
What's so hard about calculus? Other than the one exam I was sick for, I got 100% on everything the entire semester when I took multivariate. It's not like this shit is difficult, you just apply the methods to the problems and wa-la.
>They will suck your cock
Oh, dear child. Uncle Sam doesn't suck YOUR cock. Quite the contrary.
>Blue-collar workers are scum
>I'll join the military when my college fails me!
We love your brand of stupid. The confident ones always cry first.
Friend he's talking about Army Corps of Engineers and such. I go to a semi big engineering school and we are somewhat of a military feeder school for places like Lockheed, Northrup Grumman, LLNL, and more.
shooped (I'm an expert.)