/alc/ al/ck/ Alcohol thread
nobodu made othread so i wihave to anjyway what are you peps up to tdy? im wathcing movie but you??
/alc/ al/ck/ Alcohol
It's the beginning of my weekend. Boss asked if I could come in today, but I made up an excuse about having Father's Day obligations. Been drinking vodka since I woke up, alone. Making some rice, which I'm going to top with Spam and eggs.
Then planning on running to the liquor store for beer and more vodka, maybe pick up some Vietnamese on the way back.
Have an alcohol related ultrasound appointment at 9 tomorrow morning, and need to do a 12 hour fast. Not sure if I'll be able to get any sleep if I stop drinking at 9pm.
Alcohol is unhealthy. Drink water.
>When you're cleaning out shit and find an unopened bottle when you thought you were completely out
Fuck me
Wtf I'm sober now
>it's another "user gets drunk, makes an ass of himself, sleeps until 6PM and is too scared to turn on his phone to assess the social damage" episode
Fucking alcohol laws and curfews
Haven't had that in a while. Can't wait to have another one of those
I dont get those sad fucks.
I drink 4-5 bottles of wine and up to 8 beers a day.Been daily drinking since im 17 ,im 27 now.
Yeah I lost all my gfs to alk but I got to bang a really nice russian girl now.Work is fine too.
Sometimes I think without alkohol I woulndt even bother and kill myself ,so why be sad ?
Just ordered a 15 pack of beer to be delivered like pizza!
I've had 6 feeling quite relaxed. But I'm nauseous. Fucking I can't drink cheap beer anymore without wanting to vomit. Something about getting older... I used to be able to chug 40s. Now I can barley cough down cans.
It's all in the sewer now. Oh well. I guess it's time to quit drinking. I can't believe why I can't fucking drink anymore. THere's something wrong with me.
A new thread was already created, it has like 140 posts
had the brilliant idea to suck down a box of wine and a pint of evan williams saturday night, stayed up till 9am sunday morning drinking, conked out and woke up at 1pm, and finished off the box at abot midnight sunday night. Didn't have much of a hangover today at work though, just sweaty and anxious and clammy and paranoid with the fear stalking me all day. and had to crap like 6 times and my pee was dark yellow despite chugging water all day. oh well at least that shit is over. my usual policy is to not drink on sunday or work nights like a normie. but i feel ok now. gonna take a shower and go catch up on my snoozin. time for another break i suppose. take it easy guys.
>was unable to sleep and as such didn't sleep for close to 30 hours
>fell asleep at 10pm and woke up just now at 2am
>mild kidney pain, thirsty as fuck, eyes hurting
>last drink were two ciders on Sunday
Really activates my almonds
Yeah I'll barf up the first couple even if I'm not the slightest bit hungover.
It's like your body flips a switch at 30
How much do you need to drink to keep the withdrawal at bay or delay it for like 6 hours
If any of you guys wanna shoot the shit, I'm gonna be around a while. Sober but not judging anybody, just offering a shoulder.
>tfw haven't had an alcoholic drink in a week
fuck is sobriety always this terrible and boring?
why would anybody choose to live like this
I know how you feel. Going on my 8th day without drinking. Didnt really have a choice, in broke until Friday. All the negative sides are gone(shakes, sweats). But I am bored. Looking to get a 4 lokes gold on Friday if I have the spare change
Hey guys on vice theyre doing a documentary on a girl addicted to alcohol right now. Started it off with her saying she got raped.
Naltrexone can help eliminate the cravings. It did for me.
One beer per hour roughly
Had one of these on Sunday. Opened up the phone to find no damage at all. Got drunk as shit to celebrate and ended up making one of my /pol/ related anti Jew calls to my mom while blacked out.
Fucking kek, that always happens to me, I get drunk and just start ranting about jews, nigs and fags and immigration policies, it's like clockwork
Takes weeks even months for your brain to normalize. Normal people enjoy everyday shit because their brains are healthier.
It can take literally years, which is why it's so fucking shit to quit, you might not even have cravings but just feel bored and end up having a drink because of it
Yep. The booze turns my filter off as well. My favorite topics lately are Jews and trannies. It's really funny and sad to see people's reaction to my power level. Especially family members.
Fuck booze! I have shit to do in the morning, but I still choose to drink after being sober for weeks. Who here fucks there shit up with alcohol
Every alcoholic ever.
Shit. That is the fucking worst.
Thank god I don't have social media anymore and I rarely text people. It's only a problem when I'm out somewhere and I get SUPER PLASTERED.
I keep calling ex gfs and family members. It's fucking awful.
At least I'm not getting arrested all the time. Last year I blacked out so hard that 3 times in one week, I woke up locked in a cell with no idea why, I had to wait 17-24 hours all 3 times to find out wtf I'd done.
Bought this little guy today, gonna chug it onstage before playing some godly solos
Luckly I have no ex-gfs.
Also I have 0 reason to call my family members.
What did you do to get locked up?
Have you tried some strong but not too expensive craft beer? It's way less revolting because they actually manufacture it to *gasp* have some actual taste (I know it's hard to believe).
Getting drunk, shitposting and watching sitcoms.
When I get drunk and hungry enough I'll make cheeseburgers.
I chased my GF of 4 years away due to drinking and being a complete retard, now she fucks another man, while we still lease the flat together, i have no way to get her out of the apartment, prolly they are fucking there when im at Work
dont drink anons it only fucks your life up
Yeah man I've been stalking my ex she had to change her number two times and I keep making fake Facebook accounts to get her to talk to me.
I'll go weeks with her ignoring me and then we'll talk and maybe hook up and go months without talking again because I will instantly push her away with my heavy drinking and benzo use
Whenever she called the cops on me she always told them that she just doesn't want to talk tonight or doesn't want me over now but never wanted to press anything against me like harassment which definitely could
I'm a sad fuck
As someone who plays live in a band, the last thing anybody wants to hear is some drunk faggot 'wailin' on the guitar...especially if they've paid to see you...
Sounds familiar. But she got married very recently. Oh wow did that not help my drinking and lorazepam use.
That sounds unbearable.
Smear shit everywhere until they're gone.
We were together starting since middle school and on off in high school and part of college. She's still childless and unmarried.
Ill probably end myself when that happens though.
Wow you should kill them both
Gave me a hearty kek there my friend
yeahh. Well it kinda helps with guitar playing when you've been doing for 11 years and teach it tooo... sooo yehhhhhhh
yes im literally dying every day in the inside, went 7 days without booze, but i just cried like a fagit every day , so went back to spending my time in work-winery place with book - come home die in bed from being drunk. i downed like 4 litters of red wine alone in last 3 days.
help anons
So, a little over a month sober and found a place that gives Vivitrol injections.
If you can afford the stuff I recommend it, the shot looks intimidating as hell but a tetanus shot hurts more.
Only lame part is you need a medical ID badge so the nurse doesn't kill you with pain killer.
3 days
Oh poor little thing!
It gets better once PAWS pass.
>Having sex when blacked out counts as rape
>I've been raped
Welp, at least I only remember two seconds of the event, the ones where I'm the one fucking the dude.
Tell her that this situation is literally killing you. Find an arrangement at least while you get sober.
Write something about pressing charges for manslaughter/encouragement to suicide in your will.
Not him but alcoholism affects people differently. All of us will find someone that can drink us under the table in these threads unless you're Vodkabro. We're not 15. There's no pride in being able to drink more than someone else.
You absolute madman!
I can't imagine being actually alcoholic and giving a shit about how much other people drink, it's literally turbonormie shit to think that way.
Just cracked a beer and it's not even 7 am here.
Kek. This is a lie. I'm sober 99% of the time and I still hate life and everything in it. In fact, it's those rare weekends where I decide to have a drink or two that I'm most productive. When I'm buzzed, "everyday shit" becomes so much more tolerable. Stuff like doing laundry, cleaning and other mundane tasks are actually enjoyable and feel productive instead of pointless.
>unless you're Vodkabro
I don't know of this Vodkabro. I'm new here. Tell me the legends.
Hello al/ck/ies!
I was just released from jail after doing 7 days for drinking while on probation. Its good to be back.
Switching to beer near the end of a taper is great desu. If you only have beer around you can stave off the jitters but you can't really abuse it as much.
I mean real old fashioned piss water, no more than 5% alcohol.
You're not an alkie, you don't suffer from PAWS induced anhedonia.
Looks like a former Beatles member, drinks 3-4 bottles of Smirnoff daily. Went to rehab, was 34 days sober if I recall correctly, the longest in decades. Fell of the wagon.
Posted last thread he was about to die.
He said normal people, not people suffering from depression to begin with.
fuck. I drank a 24 yesterday and I went back for more this morning. look like shit, haven't showered in 3 days
the gay dude at the counter I asked how hes doing said ''delicious''
I think hes gonna fug me
Naltrexone pills are much cheaper. Problem is you could choose to not take them
Btw, have you noticed the anhedonia yet?
I'm on the wagon right now because I had afib for the first time a week ago. It's a bummer but may be the reason I was looking for to kick the booze.
let him fug you pls
Second day sober, must because im moving my ass to another place, cant stay in this shithole anymore. Found these fucking bugs everywhere
>better person when drunk but stopped because health reasons
>i dont even know how to interact with people sober
iktf. it's either drunk or hermit.
Been there, tried that. Fuck that shit. The only thing worse than going cold turkey is taking something that makes you not get your fix from drinking; just made me drink more until I passed out.
Royal Salute 21 cowboy with half a clonazepam and now sucking on these (high quality unrefined Panela, a brazilian sweet)
Feels good, probably won't feel very good in my gastrites latter today.
>Found these fucking bugs everywhere
Hallucinations or bed bugs?
no ones fugginn me. got another 24. lost my car, insurance, licence, just got enough for some sweet, sweet booze
over and out.
>friend gets me a job interview for night desk clerk at hotel chain
>physically addicted to alcohol but could regulate drinking pretty well during work hours and not get caught
>friend suggests I take Valium before interview instead of drinking, just in case
>score Valium
>pop them a couple hours before interview
>drink anyway
>world goes black
>regain consciousness next day
>think I missed interview
>gearing up to call friend to apologize
>my roommate: "Homie, I took you to it... I thought you were fine..."
>call friend
>she mad
>begins reading interviewer's notes off to me
>"Came to interview clearly intoxicated..."
>"Claimed he had applied for GM position..."
>"Announced he had worked in the hotel business for 'over 40 years...'"
>was 23 at this time
>"When confronted about being intoxicated, announced we 'couldn't afford his services anyway...'"
>"Damaged office door when attempting to leave...'"
>friend didn't speak to me for months
the squrrels are back, trying to break in. I hate this place. I hate life. I hate work, I hate booze. gotta chug at least shots of vodka to feel anything
least I may have a Spanish slut to bang tonioght
Usually I'm cleaning out shit and find a bunch of empties I hid from my family while I was drunk
>Btw, have you noticed the anhedonia yet?
Yes, and it SUCKS.
Thread theme right here faggots: youtube.com
no song is more relatable
I guess i'll keep buying cheap vodka until the weekend, my payment will be on friday and i'm broke asf
Btw is vodka bro ok? i hope you're better my friend
my nuts stink and I gotta take a shit
What do you mean by mall drinker?
>second day sober
>accidentally have five beers
at least it's just beer right lads?
I-i just want to have five more and text my ex lad
A fucking curse desu
five beers is like someone tainted water a bit. cmon. I can smell acetone in my urine.
correction, it's probably ethyl acetate. It smells like cardboard.
>the squrrels are back
Wait, you're not gnomebro, are you? What about your gf?
no bully i used to have the demons at night
i'm proud to drink beer now
I dunno. I'm an unapologetic alcoholic. Being sober no matter what is fucking boring.
I cant have a good time anymore if im not tipsy at least
12 days sober. Bored as shit but no cravings which is a positive I guess.
Guys I have to ask is rum temperature every temperature?
Why do some people drink water while drinking alcohol? I've seen some pussies at a party today doing this. FFS if you don' want a hangover don't fucking drink.
The retards drink 2 cups of water for every shot of vodka and wonder why they're not drunk
Day 4. Shakes and puking have stopped. Fear dissipating. Still sleep like one hour a night, woken frequently by insane nightmares, but no cravings.
Thing is, I'm scared of soon feeling better. I feel like hell atm, but I know that as soon as I feel remotely good, the cravings are gonna savage me. I so desperately want to avoid relapsing, I'm covered in rashes and blisters, seemingly all internal organs are painful and I'm in so much financial shit that I can't afford another fucking 6 months in hell. Not sure I can do this shit alone. al/ck/ is all I've got ;_;
Unless you want kidney disease later in life, this is a fucking incredibly intelligent thing to do. You'll get foot cramps in your late 30s and wonder why, and you'll die in your 50s from kidney failure because you were the asshole you sound like you are.
have a drink to calm your nerves dude