Why aren't your growing your own food, Veeky Forums?

Why aren't your growing your own food, Veeky Forums?

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I am. You should know that image method only works with indeterminate potato varieties and not with determinate potato varieties. Now get your ass over to the containment thread:

First laugh of the night, thanks.

This seems like more effort than its worth. Just grow potatoes in the ground like a normal person. Or better yet, go to the store and buy a huge fucking bag for $2. They are literally the cheapest food in existence.

I do. I harvested this garlic a couple days ago. I don't agree with the other user about containing gardening on /out/. Food, whether bought from a grocery or grown is fair game on Veeky Forums.

*Also, like the other user said grow your potatoes in the ground (pic related) and don't try to be some kind of hipster faggot with an "omfg this potatoe growing method is better than 10,000 years of history."

its way more convenient to buy it at the market

Wow so oppressive of proven methods that you're bitter about it. Just kill yourself.

It's too hot here and I'm not able to water during the day, everything burns up before it gets a chance to grow


Gardening used to be on Veeky Forums but everyone moved to /out/. Garden food recipes and such are posted on Veeky Forums.

condo HOA doesn't allow "unsightly" bucket gardens and there's scary paper wasps out their because some old wood was neglected too long.

I get stuff from my dad's garden.

What the fuck am I going to do with half my body weight in potatoes?

Make the world's biggest pot of fully loaded mashed potatoes you coward

I live in an apartment.

What about growing potatoes in tires?

How do you stop the upper layers from collapsing as you remove potatoes and wood from the lower levels?

yeah except Veeky Forums is a board of nothing but baiting and vitriolic shitposting from hundreds of holier than thou dumbasses operating on varying levels of irony

just like you're no joke better just googling literally any question about food preparation you'll get nothing but shit if you try to talk about growing anything here

I usually avoid white potatoes meme doctor said they're not good and then gave non-answers whenever asked about it again.

They're not really that bad, they just don't have much in the way of adding any nutrition.

Good for stretching out a meal though, which is why the Irish liked them so much.

A potato is essentially Irish white rice.

Potatoes are nutritious enough that peasants could live on potatoes and little else.

Any whole food is similarly nutritious.

Today's average american has seven nutrient deficiencies because so many of their calories are from isolated macronutrients.

>scary paper wasps

Holy shit! Those collect plant eating caterpillars to feed their young! You're probably the kind of faggot that climbs up on a chair if they see a common house spider and immediately dials the exterminator. You don't deserve homegrown produce and if I were your dad, I'd tell you to fuck off.

Potatoes are so cute. Marge Simpson was right when she declared potatoes were, indeed, neat.

I usually just ignore spiders. Wasps and biting flies are the only bugs I fear.

I ask this every time I see this image and never get an answer. I don't understand how this shit would work. when you remove the lower boards why wouldn't the soil fall out as you remove the potatoes?

will this work with sweet potatoes? I wanna start growing my own

Growing Sweet Potato in a Box

Because I live in a twenty-five square metre flat in an extremely urban area and an asian greengrocer is several doors down on the ground floor.

i do, i ripped up 1/3 of the lawn out the front to turn into a veg garden, and i use 1/2 the total area of the from for gardening and have 5 fruit trees out the front. out the back i have 6 fruit trees and 2 patches for gardening.

I don't own enough land.

I grow chillies, tons of herbs, mornings trees and limes. Thus is all my backyard can produce without being a complete waste.

I want to plant fruit trees as well but they don't produce particularly well in my area. Maybe a fig tree will give me enough fruit.

Reading anything in that picture makes me want to vomit.

>100 pounds of potatoes
>4 square feet
>2 inch board
>12 feet long boards
>2half inch wood screws

Fucking barbaric imperial system.