>knowing meat causes cancer/health problems
>knowing dairy causes cancer/health problems
>knowing sugar causes cancer/health problems
>and STILL choosing to cook this shit
what's your explanation Veeky Forums?
>knowing meat causes cancer/health problems
>knowing dairy causes cancer/health problems
>knowing sugar causes cancer/health problems
>and STILL choosing to cook this shit
what's your explanation Veeky Forums?
>posting something from a guy who LITERALLY defends cuckoldry
That is quite literally all speculation. We don't even "know" cigarettes cause cancer; the incidence rate of lung cancer among smokers just happens to be higher than among non-smokers, although most people never check into the environmental backgrounds of the people upon which the studies are based.
In short, you're an idiot and your stupidity actively harms the progress of scientific discovery.
Not everyone who's suicidal ends it by the noose. Some just wait for fate.
>We don't even "know" cigarettes cause cancer
>In short, you're an idiot
top fucking laff mate
i can't take anything you say seriously when you're spouting stupid shit like this
you will die 3 times as fast
this is the most stupid fucking thing i've ever read
>we don't even "know" water rehydrates human beings
>the incidence rate of hydration among humans just happens to be higher than non-drinkers
My maternal grandparents smoked cigs into their 60s, drank alcohol, ate meat, dairy, regularly ate desert, and lived into their 90s.
Key is exercise,nutrition, and social activity.
It's almost like we don't really know much about what even really causes cancer, isn't it?
But retards like this who eat up every word of "The Truth" obviously know better.
>implying I don't want to die
I'm no expert on cancer, but its safe to say that all food requirements are not created equal.
>My maternal grandparents smoked cigs into their 60s, drank alcohol, ate meat, dairy, regularly ate desert, and lived into their 90s.
great, your grandparents didn't die early from their bad habits
this doesn't change the fact that the majority in similar places die off far earlier because of it
Don't you have better things to do, Mr. Vice President?
My explanation is that even though i'll die earlier, at least i'm not a preachy cunt.
I'm going to die no matter what I do. At least if I support the meat industry I'm contributing to global warming and in some small way helping to take everyone else with me.
I never fail to get amazed by comments like these. How stupid do you actually have to be to write something like that? Definitely an IQ of less than 80.
I'd rather live to 70 and eat food i like instead of living to 90 and eating shitty food
It tastes good
you can find studies that prove literally everything is cancerogenic and several studies that contradict them
if you want to be healthy just eat a balanced, moderated diet, exercise and try to avoid extremely unhealthy shit. my grandpa lived to 98 in great health, and it's not because he went on some meme pop-diet that requires you to stop eating everything you like
>eat anything, increased risk of cancer or heart problems, but no guarantees
>don't eat certain tasty foods, lower risk of cancer or heart problems, but no guarantees
>with age, heart, brain and kidneys at risk of failing over time, and are not fun ways to go out
Fuck it. I'll just keep eating whatever I think tastes good (in moderation) and end up going whenever it's my time to keel over.
>Sugar and dairy
>Causing cancer
>literally everything
Peak intelligence right here.
traditions will keep me eating what i eat, even should they kill me as much as i was born to live i was also born to die just the same
enjoying lifes many pleasures is what i live for, imagine living till 150years old having never had a drink of vodka, bourbon,mezcal or a blue steak, fresh oysters, sweet pussy, some great weed, incredible cocaine, a fine cigar ... you get my point FUCK LIVING WHEN IT LACKS WORTH LIVING
variety is the spice of life, which i expect to continue to enjoy while its a choice i have
once they have radiation/who _cares_what on the market and its delicious ill have some of it too as long as it doesnt kill me in a short while and its economical
>still posting debunked shit-tier vegan propaganda
My dad's side grandpa smoked and was a heavy alcoholic since his 18's, he's now 90 and has no fucking problems, whereas my mom's side grandpa is weak as fuck at 70 and can't even fucking hear people talk, it's all about genetics really
>typing out a life experience is retarded please post more funny stories that l can post on r/Veeky Forums for some upvotes
Literally any food can give you cancer, just because doctors tell you that meat is bad and gives you cancer while hiding the rest of the stats doesnt make the other stats false. Oh and this was scientifically proven a decade ago, go out more grandpa.
Wow you're fucking retarded.
You can eat all of those and never get cancer. Exercise and moderation are the key. You don't win life by simply eating grass and living to 80.
Merely existing causes cancer & health problems, so what's your excuse for not being dead, OP?
And you can get brain parasites from eating uncooked vegetables. What's your point?
We may not know everything about cancer, but we know some compounds present in some foods and cigarettes that can damage a cell and induce cancer. Even if you don't accept that, then we at least know foods that can raise the chance of cancer so it is only reasonable to avoid them or substantially reduce their intake.
>side grandpa
>side grandma
I'm just imagining them with a grandma and grandpa hidden away like a side chick/mistress.
Tiny amounts of meat are okay. The other 2 can fuck right off.
I-is this true?
Because eating is one of life's pleasures, who gives a shit about a pretty corpse? And if I get unlucky, catch diseases and end up suffering, euthanasia is legal in my country so I can just off myself.
Just have some moderation(mostly vegetarian dishes, easy on the salt/oil/dairy and avoiding sugar most of the time) and exercice and you avoid most of the risk, why present some false dichotomy of either vegan or die? Fuck your virtue signalling.
i use little meat/dairy/sugar in my meals but i still eat at least meat/sugar in every one
>Jew York Times Bestseller
stopped reading there
A couple things:
Diet and overall lifestyle affect quality of life much more than quantity.
If you change what you eat, what you like will eventually change, so you can eat healthier and be just as satisfied.
This whole fucking thread is like shitting contest interrupted by army of retards
holy fucking shit you cannot have ONE normal disscusion going on
everyone just calls eachother a retard and uses anectode as argument
Why is everyone acting like an idiot is this raid from tumblr or what the fuck?
What do you expect when OP is such obvious bait?
he's right though. it's unethical to give humans cancer via cigarette smoking in a lab setting, so there is literally no recorded, objective indication that cigarette smoking causes cancer. there is a high correlation, though.
I expected any worthwhile disscusion on this topic but instead we got this fucking thing
Fuck off to /reddit/ with your faggtory, StehpON.
>what's your explanation Veeky Forums?
Simple. If you apply that level of scrutiny, ANYTHING causes harm. Can't breathe the air because of smog. Can't use electronic devices because of the EM fields (not to mention the horrible enviornmental impact of the semiconductor industry). And so on.
The fact is that none of those "risks" mentioned in OP are significant enough to be worth worrying about.
I eat a healthy balanced diet. I don't eat processed foods. I don't eat junk food. I eat all sorts of other things in moderation. I'm not worried if that means my risk of getting cancer changes from .0001% to .00013%.
>You don't win life by simply eating grass and living to 80.
this. not to mention the fact that the scientific community knows basically fuck all about how to actually reverse the effects of aging, especially through dieting. it's no secret that being obese predisposes you to diabetes, heart failure, etc. but there isn't a single magical food or diet that will fix your heart.
the fact that people are reading dieting books instead of exercising is beyond me. you can actually halt and reverse the progression of type 2 diabetes with exercise. you can literally train your cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. cutting eggs out of your diet will not fix you.
t. physical therapist
> Greger
you mean the hack that cherrypicks studies that suit his herbivorous, B12-deficiency-addled agenda?
fuck outta here
He never said anything about humans being hebivores though.